William Burgess

William Burgess

Рождение : 1867-08-19, Newcomerstown, Ohio, USA

Смерть : 1948-10-30


William Burgess


Никогда не отчаивайся
Man with Dog
Миллионер ипохондрик Джон Кидли приезжает лечиться в небольшое альпийское местечко. Но и тут его находит охотница за миллионами миссис Марко и вынуждает дать обещание жениться на ней. Доктор, по ошибке, выносит ему смертельный диагноз – Джону осталось жить всего месяц, вообщем хуже некуда. Все меняется, когда он встречает очаровательную Микки Хоукинс...
Hot Water
Clerk (uncredited)
The Jones family is in an uproar when Dad's campaign for mayor appears sabotaged by an anonymous newspaper article.
Wild Money
Spreckett (as William Burress)
A tightwad accountant for a newspaper becomes friends with a reporter. The bookkeeper goes on vacation, and while there he learns of a kidnapping conspiracy. He quickly phones the paper and they order him to follow up on the story and stay off the phone so the reporter (whom he secretly has a crush on) can use it.
Давайте потанцуем
Justice of the Peace (uncredited)
Танцовщик Пит Питере — гениальный мастер своего жанра. Его импресарио и продюсер Джеффри, чтобы заинтриговать публику, выдает его за русского по фамилии Петров. Однако «Петрова» все время тянет танцевать что-то «несерьезное», в основном степ. К тому же он неравнодушен к танцовщице и актрисе Линде Кин, которая успешно выступает с танцевальными номерами. И он решает, что девушка должна танцевать только с ним. Чтобы познакомиться и завоевать сердце красавицы, танцор идет на различные ухищрения, порой очень комичные…
Racketeers in Exile
In this gangster movie, a criminal king-pin and his gang hide out in his hometown where they witness a religious revival that inspires the man to begin billing himself as a "born-again" evangelist so he can cash in on the guilty consciences of local businessmen.
We Who Are About to Die
Charlie Gaunt (uncredited)
John Thompson is kidnapped by mobsters after quitting his job. Then he is arrested, tried, and sentenced to death for murders they committed. A suspicious detective thinks he is innocent and works to save his life.
Dr. Socrates
George S. Harris - Grocery Proprietor
Dr. Socrates gave up his brilliant career as surgeon in a prominent hospital because his betrothed died under his knife. He is now a struggling doctor in a small town that has a gangster's hideout.
Life Begins at Forty
Abercrombie's Friend
A small-town newspaper publisher finds himself in opposition to the local banker on the return to town of a lad jailed possibly wrongly for a theft from the bank.
The Little Colonel
Dr. Scott
After Southern belle Elizabeth Lloyd runs off to marry Yankee Jack Sherman, her father, a former Confederate colonel during the Civil War, vows to never speak to her again. Several years pass and Elizabeth returns to her home town with her husband and young daughter. The little girl charms her crusty grandfather and tries to patch things up between him and her mother.
Grand Old Girl
An elderly schoolteacher is determined to rid her town of the local gambling den.
Opened by Mistake
Banker, Patsy's Boss
Patsy tries to stay with Thelma at the hospital where she works, but Thelma is forced to pretend that Patsy is a patient.
Jane Eyre
Jane Eyre is an orphan who was raised by her aunt until she came to Thornfield Hall as governess to the young ward of Edward Rochester. But Jane is attracted by the intelligent and energetic Sir Rochester, a man of almost twice her age. But just when Sir Rochester seems to pay attention to her, he invites the beautiful and wealthy Blanche Ingram to stay at his house.
One Night of Love
Mr. Barrett - Mary's Father
Mary Barrett is an aspiring opera singer who is taken under the wings of a famous operatic maestro, Guilio Monterverdi. After spending endless working hours together and arguing, their relationship develops into love. But, jealousy and misunderstandings prevent Mary and Guilio from acknowledging their true feelings.
Oscar Bernstein - Music Critic
Bob Brown uses his bedside manner to charm his patients while his partner makes the actual diagnoses.
Convention City
Customer (as William Burress)
Extra-marital fun and games at a convention of the Honeywell Rubber Company in Atlantic City.
Broadway Thru a Keyhole
Thomas Barnum
Racketeer Frank Rocci is smitten with Joan Whelan, a dancer at Texas Guinan's famous Broadway night spot. He uses his influence to help her get a starring role in the show, hoping that it will also get Joan to fall in love with him. After scoring a hit, Joan accepts Frank's marriage proposal, more out of gratitude than love. The situation gets even stickier when she falls for a handsome band leader during a trip to Florida. Can she tell Frank she's in love with someone else?
Lost in Limehouse
Hop Tup
A slapstick burlesque of 19th Century Victorian melodrama featuring a parody of Holmes and Watson who rescue a heroine held by a mustache-twirling villain in a den of caricatured Chinese gangsters.
You Said a Mouthful
Roger Colby (uncredited)
Two men bear the name Joe Holt. One is a shipping clerk, the other a champion Canadian swimmer. When a socialite gets them confused, thinking the clerk is the inventor of an unsinkable swim suit, she enters him in a 20 mile swim race.
The Famous Ferguson Case
Dad Sipes
A foreword warns against the peril of yellow journalism, and the story illustrates it by following events in the upstate New York town of Cornwall after prominant financier George Ferguson is killed. Two types of New York City journalists descend on Cornwall, one interested in facts, the other in getting sensational "news". Mrs. Ferguson is known to have been friendly with a local banker. The Fergusons quarrel the evening he is killed (by "burglers", his wife tells the police later), and she is arrested, spurred on by the "bad" journalists, who also manage to badger the banker's wife into the hospital. Meanwhile, young Bruce Foster runs the Cornwall Courier, and shows the big city reporters how to dig out real news while they attempt to subvert justice for their own ends.
Local Boy Makes Good
Colonel Small
John is a timid student who works at the University Book Store. He is studying to be a botanist and has a secret crush on the lovely Julia. One day, one of his letters gets accidentally mailed and Julia receives it. When the letter says that he is a fraternity man and a big track star, Julia rushes right over to see him. But John is neither and Spike, Julia's boyfriend, is a track star at a nearby College. John does not want to enter the track meet so Julia tries to use psychology on him. That and a good wrestling hold makes John timidly agree to enter the race, but Spike still scares him.
Безумная блондинка
Colonel Bellock
Ничто никогда не могло смутить или сбить с пути Берти Харриса, нахала и плута, коридорного самого большого отеля в маленьком городке на Среднем Западе. Весь отель был ему должен после игр в кости и других мелких и не совсем законных трюков. И только перед одним человеком Берти терял свою врождённую наглость и становился ягнёнком — перед красоткой Энн Робертс, новенькой горничной, получившей в отеле место благодаря тому же Берти. Однако все ухаживания Энн отвергла, так как была девушкой с принципами, верила только в любовь и мечтала видеть рядом с собой мужчину порядочного и честного. Берти давно перерос амплуа коридорного и хотел начать работать по-крупному. И для его планов красотка Энн в роли приманки богатеньких дуралеев была как нельзя кстати. И не случившаяся любовь переросла в партнёрство. Впереди заманчиво маячила богатая Америка, так и ждущая, что бы её облапошили…
Fluttering Hearts
Defying her father's wishes, a young woman runs off to a sale at store. She's pursued by a policeman, but wins him over with the help of a friendly millionaire. In the mean time, her father tries to retrieve a compromising letter.
The Girl Who Ran Wild
Johnny Cake
M'liss, raised in the mountains as an unruly tomboy, is orphaned and is offered "protection" by Calaveras John and Johnny Cake, friends of her father's murderer. She shows no interest in anything until the new schoolmaster persuades her to tidy herself and get some education. Believing the schoolmaster to be in love with some other girl, M'liss decides to run off with another man.
The Great Impersonation
Dr. Hugo Schmidt
When the man calling himself Everard Dominey returns home, his loved ones recognize that something about him is different. But with Europe racing toward war and England infiltrated by saboteurs, will the truth emerge before it is too late?
Paid in Advance
Regan (as William Burress)
In the northwestern wilderness of Alaska, an innocent young girl falls into the clutches of a band of evil men of the gold fields.
Lord and Lady Algy
Brabazon Tudway
Lord and Lady Algy separate amicably after he breaks his promise not to gamble again on the horses. When the wife of soap magnate Brabazon Tudway, is courted by Algy's philandering elder brother, Algy tries to help his brother escape Tudway's wrath by hiding Mrs. Tudway in his apartments. Tudway discovers her there ....
The Rainbow Trail
Following in his dad's footsteps, Shefford devotes himself to freeing his community from the grip of a particularly despotic Mormon sect. In so doing, he rescues his foster sister Fay Larkin, who is coveted by lecherous Mormon elder Wagoner. As was the case in Riders of the Purple Sage, the Mormons are villains simply because they are Mormons.
The Talk of the Town
Her strict upbringing is driving Genevra French (Dorothy Phillips) crazy, so when she gets her hand on a book called "How to Attract the Opposite Sex," she takes its advice to heart. She uses her newly found wiles on Lawrence Tabor (William Stowell) and gets him to marry her. Only after the wedding does she tell him she married him just to get away from her family, and that she intends to do exactly as she pleases.
The Kaiser
Just prior to World War I, the Kaiser sends Baron von Zeller to inform Emperor Franz Josef of Austria that he is ready to declare war on France. Sensing the impending crisis, the French War Office dispatches secret agent René de Bornay to investigate the situation, and upon his arrival, he cultivates the friendship of Franz Josef's mistress, the Countess Griselda von Arenburg.
A Soul for Sale
Hale Faxon (as William Burress)
After Neila Pendleton's father dies, leaving his wife and daughter penniless, the avaricious Mrs. Pendleton decides to marry Neila to the highest bidder. At the cost of her daughter's reputation, Mrs. Pendleton accepts money from elderly broker Wilbur Simons, and later tries to force Neila into a marriage with a dissolute old millionaire named Hale Faxon.
The Spy
Freiheer Von Wittzchaeft
An American is sent to Germany to unearth the identities of German agents operating in the U. S. He infiltrates the German secret service in an attempt to abscond with a list of undercover German operatives.
Fires of Conscience
Randolf Sneed
George Baxter presents his new wife, Margery. Paul Sneed, Baxter's neighbor, knew Margery before the marriage. When Baxter returns home unexpectedly one night, he finds Sneed and his wife together. As Sneed runs away, Baxter shoots and kills him. Both Margery and Sneed's father, Judge Randolph Sneed, witness the shooting.
The School for Scandal
The School for Scandal is a 1914 silent comedy.