Leung Hak-Shun

Leung Hak-Shun

Рождение : 1948-01-01, China


Leung Hak-Shun


Heaven Can't Wait
Mr. Chu
Foreign - Tony is a wily, pessimistic scam artist who uses an ancient superstition to build a hilariously enterprising business. Lam is his sometime business cohort and Chan is the kind-hearted boy next door who falls victim to Tony's tricks.
Из Китая с любовью
Lai Yau Wai
Герой Стивена Чоу — бывший суперагент, ныне работающий мясником в небольшой деревеньке. Но дела зовут, и контора вызывает его обратно в свои ряды в связи с похищением раритетного черепа какого-то ископаемого. Он приезжает на место, но выясняется, что он — только подставное лицо, и продажный начальник поручил его связной убить его по прибытии. Но тут, естественно, любовь-морковь, так что начальнику-подлецу придется обломаться…
Who's My Father?
A tale of a single mother trying make ends meet.
Rock n' Roll Cop
A Hong Kong cop is sent to mainland China to find a group of killers. Meanwhile, a cop discovers that his former love is aiding the gang of crooks.
Кэт уже несколько лет находится под прикрытием – ради правдоподобной «легенды» он даже отсидел в тюрьме, а теперь крутится вокруг мелкого бандита Сапа, утверждающего, что в ближайшие дни его босс пойдет на дело. В конце концов Кэта посвящают в план и берут с собой – его ждет ограбление крупного ювелирного магазина, во время которого Кэт должен стоять на стреме. Хотя наш герой успевает предупредить своего начальника, гладкого ареста не получается, и банда разбегается кто куда. На месте преступления остается куча трупов, и начальство в полиции решает найти козла отпущения снаружи, свалив вину за провал на Кэта.
Заказные убийства
Chen Tung
Following the tragic events of Sting of the Scorpion, Maggie finds herself stripped of her rank and committed to an insane asylum. The crooked cop who put her there offers to procure her release and reinstatement - if she'll go undercover as a bar hostess to spy on the triads. The whole thing's a setup, of course, and soon Maggie is on the run from the law, as well as nursing a bad heroin addiction. She finds refuge in the criminal underworld, where she accepts a job as an undercover assassin. But when her identity is exposed, Maggie has both sides of the law gunning for her life.
The Girls from China
The story is about Ying, a girl from Beijing who comes to Hong Kong to find work and stay with her wealthy uncle. She is played by the stunningly beautiful Isabella Chow, whose charms easily carry this picture
Мафиози Кен Тсанг сбежал из Гонконга в Таиланд, когда полицейские прижали его к ногтю, и вернулся только через семь лет — под видом легального бизнесмена Савады. Однако он не оставил свой прошлый бизнес и по-прежнему торгует наркотиками. А попутно решает старые дела — пытается вернуть себе девушку, с которой жил семь лет назад (несмотря на то, что та замужем за полицейским). Правда, по его следам уже идет инспекторша Айда, вознамерившаяся закончить то, что не смогла завершить семь лет назад.
Ladies Killer
Lok is a famous photographer. He always has sexual relationships with his models. Lok's wife loved him so much, she did not say a word. One day, a model Chi was found died in the studio. Police believe the murderer is Lok. However, he was helped by the lawyer...
Mainland Dundee
Fung is sent to Hong Kong to handle an antique smuggling case.
Vampire's Breakfast
Inspector Chen's Superior
Story about a newspaper reporter who stumbles upon a nest of vampires living in contemporary hong kong.
A Friend from Inner Space
This is a film about a young boy, that is helped by a ghost, to reunite with his separated parents.
Profile in Anger
Leung Cheng-Yee is a successful architect who is mistakenly involved in a complex and vicious murder plot. After his wife is murdered and his life turned completely upside down, Leung decides to seek a bloody vengeance himself.
Family Light Affair
Fresh from his smashing directorial debut comedy, "Let's Make Laugh", Alfred Cheung Kin-Ting returns to the screen with this seriocomic look at the clash of cultures which result when a Mainland Chinese peasant brings his family to Hong Kong. "Family Light Affair", whose Chinese title literally translates as "City Lights", is the director/writer's warm-hearted memoir of street life in the early 1980s, featuring an eclectic cast of pop music and kung fu stars who shine in their poignant roles.
The Body Is Willing
VIP at Opening Ceremony
A wealthy playboy sets out to sleep with Japan's foremost recording artist, Mari Yamasaki, despite her wishes to the contrary. Will he succeed in adding her to his list of famous conquests?
The Boxer's Omen
After suffering an injury in the ring, embattled boxer Zhen Wei enlists the aid of his brother, Zhen Xiong, to avenge him and find the key to an omen which may release their family from an ancient curse. Black wizards, Taoist monks, rampaging monsters, spooky apparitions, beastly crocodile skeletons, flying human heads, a sexy female zombie with long talons, and demonic bats lie in store for our hero.
Men from the Gutter
A hot-head cop, a by-the-books cop, and a hitman all vie to take down a drug boss. Meanwhile, a gang of criminals plan to rob an armored truck.
Home at Hong Kong
Alan Wong is a Hong Kong youth who is bent to climb up the social ladder. With the help of a foreign businessman's mistress and mixed ethnicity woman Erica, he joins a real estate company and he knows how to grasp on to opportunities and gets into high position. Later he meets Cheung Ting Ting, a Mainland Chinese girl who illegally came to Hong Kong and sees her pities her and also falls in love in her.
Победители и грешники
Chiu's Party Guest
Пять преступников со смешными прозвищами, выйдя из тюрьмы, решают начать честную жизнь и открывают фирму по уборке квартир. Одним из их клиентов оказывается подпольный фальшивомонетчик. В тот самый момент, когда шеф полиции собирался взять фальшивомонетчика с поличным, друзья занимались уборкой в его доме и случайно прихватили чемоданчик с деньгами…
Hong Kong Playboys
Disco emcee
Fu Sheng plays Sheng, a playboy who has all the latest cars and technology along with all the tricks for courting the ladies. Sheng’s mom (Lee Heung Kam) along with her personal nurse, Mei (Cherie Chung), arrive in Hong Kong with the intentions of getting Sheng to marry a woman of her liking. While searching for Ms. Right, Sheng is challenged by a couple of lady killers, Lolento (Natalis Chan) and Valentine (Hsieh Hsien) in his quest to get girls. Eventually, little does Sheng know that the girl he happens to love is near him everyday at home.
Expensive Tastes
June's boss
The psychotic son of a rich man continues to get away with raping young women, with the help of an unscrupulous lawyer. A journalist working for a women's magazine becomes involved when her friend becomes a victim. Because of her campaigning efforts, the journalist herself becomes a target of the vicious brat's attentions.
Rolls, Rolls, I Love You
Cui's lawyer
A teenager and a tycoon gets into an early morning road altercation that eventually lead to a bet: if the teenager can steal his beloved Rolls Royce car from him, the youngster will get to keep it. However, if the teenager fails to do that in the alloted time given, he will need to pay the tycoon HK$40,000.
The Security
Ah Wei used to be a policeman but his many battle scars and bullet wounds have demoted him to the daily grind of a sercurity guard. His existence is anything but boring, however, as this Hong Kong film like all the others, thrives on shoot-outs, chases, and enough violence to keep an audience awake.
Money Is Lovely
Company clerk
A movie company secretly films the lives of two conmen.
Bank Busters
Hong Kong crime movie from 1978