Война окончена, но семья Бодог голодает. Сосед Варга берёт Михая Бодога с собой на реставрационные работы. За эту работу им хорошо заплатили и Михай может наконец порадовать свою жену Эржи и их маленького сына. Когда впоследствии нанимают рабочих на строительство моста, Бодог, специалист-мостостроитель не может противостоять вызову и нанимается. Но на сей раз рабочим задерживают выплату зарплаты, поэтому их семья вновь в нужде. Эржи вынуждена искать работу…
The painter, Ákos, upon returning to his villa unexpectedly, is tied up by burglars ransacking it. The beautiful Apache girl, Bözsi sets the man free, who in turn calls the police instantly.
Modern and exciting short from a series of Hungarian noir films. Rácz Vali, playing the protagonist, was famous and beloved for her propensity to sing sad songs and recite lyrical poetry. She also played in movies, but only before 1945, as the cultural and social climate she represented didn't fit in the program of the post-war regime.
Two girls run away from a small village. Gyöngyi comes from an aristocratic family and her father throws her out of the house when he discovers she has gotten pregnant out of wedlock. She finds herself wandering the streets of Budapest and earns money playing the violin in a restaurant. Vica is an orphaned peasant; she is afraid of her stepfather and moves to the city where she gets a job on a construction site. Gyöngyi and Vica meet on the streets of Budapest, move in together and turn their lives around.
Set in Paris (which looks more like Budapest), the story concerns a murder investigation conducted by one Judge Henri Tessier. The audience is led to believe that Robert Petrovich, estranged husband of Tessier's sweetheart Marion, is responsible for the murder.