Действие происходит во время празднеств в честь святого покровителя миштекской деревни Сан-Матео в мексиканском штате Охако. Мария хоронит мать, отец ее отвергает, от горя и отчаяния она предлагает Пьедад, которую любит с детства, уйти вместе с ней. После трехлетнего отсутствия возвращается Эстебан и узнает, что его жена Чабела живет с другим мужчиной. В ярости он требует, чтобы жители деревни осудили ее на общем сходе. Тона вспоминает свои обиды, пытаясь защитить дочь от жестокого обращения в семье. Три истории сплетаются в один узел в деревне, где соблюдают местные обычаи и традиции.
Среди гор и маковых полей Мексики три подруги помогают друг другу восстановить искалеченные наркокартелем жизни.
Young twins, Imelda and Luis, live a neglected life with their drug dealing mom and jerk-off drug addict older brother. They only have each other to fulfill their desires: she wants to be a nun and he wants to be a girl, neither of which seems possible.
During the holidays, Amanda, trapped in adolescence, looks for a way to escape from the annoying family trip. While travelling, she realizes how her relationship with her family is progressively crumbling and her parents marriage is slowly falling apart. She sees it as a punishment, but does not suspect that with the imminent escalation of violence in Mexico this could be their last vacation together.
There is a blackout in Mexico City. In the darkness some people are abandoned by God (their conscience) and commit a transgression (murder and infidelity). When the lights come on, conscious of what they have done, they must atone for their sin.
An incestuous relationship between to siblings after their mother's death, leads one of the characters to feel haunted by guilt. They try to forget their blood ties but they only become more evident and hard to manage.
Mexico City. 2002, 2006, 2010. A cop. A hostage. A wife. Corruption, violence, vengeance. Three destinies, during 30 days, during three Soccer World Cups. Three ways to fight in order to survive.
To redeem himself from a great sin, a man dedicates himself to building a church.