Wong Chi-Ming

Wong Chi-Ming


Wong Chi-Ming


Озеро диких гусей
Чжоу Цзэнун — лидер небольшой банды, которая занимается кражей мотоциклов. Во время одной из разборок он случайно убивает полицейского и становится целью номер один для полиции и властей. В бегах Чжоу встретит проститутку Лю Айай — оба загнаны в тупик и ищут выход.
No Problem 2
Kimura wins a trip to Hong Kong, but once he arrives, he is mistaken as a hitman and is assigned to kill Yumiko, the female successor to the Ota Group conglomerate. When Kimura falls for his target instead, he must learn kung-fu from a local (Yuen) to fight off the yakuza assassin "Invincible" assigned to finish the job.
No Problem 2
Kimura wins a trip to Hong Kong, but once he arrives, he is mistaken as a hitman and is assigned to kill Yumiko, the female successor to the Ota Group conglomerate. When Kimura falls for his target instead, he must learn kung-fu from a local (Yuen) to fight off the yakuza assassin "Invincible" assigned to finish the job.
Счастливы вместе
Лай Ю-Фай и Хо По-Винг были влюблены, когда приехали в Аргентину из Гонконга. Но когда они отправились на юг в поисках приключений, что-то между ними сломалось…
All's Well, Ends Well '97
Smartie's Thug
Old Mr. Lo has three sons and the youngest one Lo Kung is his favorite. However, Kung does nothing but fool around all day long. Old Mr. Lo is very annoyed about this. The relationship between father and son is thus affected. So on Kung's birthday, his two brothers decide to play a joke on him. They trick him into believing he has won the lottery. Kung is so happy that he spends a tremendous amount of money. When he realizes he is in huge debt, he pretends to go insane and the whole family believes him.
Всё для победителя 2
Lighting Technician
После того как дядя Тат остался без преемника, он возвращается в родную деревню, где надеется найти нового протеже — того, кто обладает уникальными сверхъестественными способностями. Его выбор падает на паренька по имени Благослови Тебя Господь, у которого есть аж два дара — увеличивать любой предмет в десять раз (правда, ненадолго) и читать мысли людей, но только при непосредственном прикосновении. За неимением лучшего Тат решает остановиться на нем и сделать из него нового Святого Азартных Игроков.
Sting of the Scorpion
A group of police friends are investigating a suspicious fellow officer who might be involved in drugs and prostitution.
Герой в колготках
Two policemen must pretend to be a gay couple in order to investigate the murders of homosexuals in Hong Kong.
Fatal Passion
Master Keung
Tim Wong's marriage is pretty shitty. His career-driven wife, Diana, is more interested in her TV script writing job than her husband. Tim suddenly finds himself involved in a torrid affair with an old girlfriend, sexy Siu-Man. Unfortunately for Tim, she has a very jealous boyfriend who is secretly a hit-man for the triad.
Пока не высохнут слезы
Гангстеру средней руки приходится делать выбор между любовью к женщине и верностью идеалам мужской дружбы. В первом случае долгое счастье в семейном союзе во втором — смерть в качестве расплаты за доблесть.
One Husband Too Many
Villager at theatre
After the box office success of Happy Bigamist in 1987, Anthony Chan follows up with more 80s rom-com shenanigans in One Husband Too Many. Theater enthusiast Sun (Anthony Chan) is so passionate about drama he sells his home to stage Romeo and Juliet. The plays turns out to be a complete failure, however, and the last straw in the hat for his wife (Anita Mui) who silently leaves him. Marriage isn't working out too well for his friend Wa (Kenny Bee) either. Fed up with a husband who he spends too much time at work and not enough time at home, Wa's wife (Pat Ha) suddenly ups and leaves. Things finally look up for Sun when he produces a popular play starring rich girl Hung (Cherie Chung), and the two begin dating. But it turns out Wa also has his eyes on Hung...
Portrait in Crystal
Action Director
Several mysterious killings take place in the underworld. A war fighter trying to find the culprit behind these murders. He finds that the victims are killed by a crystal statue. The statue is made of an ordinary man who is good at sculpting, but is controlled by an evil demon and warrior knows that he must stop the demon before several statues will. While traveling man who created the statue out to find his statue to prove his innocence.
Portrait in Crystal
Several mysterious killings take place in the underworld. A war fighter trying to find the culprit behind these murders. He finds that the victims are killed by a crystal statue. The statue is made of an ordinary man who is good at sculpting, but is controlled by an evil demon and warrior knows that he must stop the demon before several statues will. While traveling man who created the statue out to find his statue to prove his innocence.
Roving Swordsman
Traveling swordsman Shen Sheng-yi (Ti Lung) and his lady friend match wits and swords with the last surviving member of the once great Murung family who is determined to rule the martial world by stealing plans to crafting firearms.
The Enchantress
Max Mok is the dashing young swordsman Feng Xiwu who arrives at a beautiful, but deadly location known as Moonlit Sky to investigate rumors of deaths and disappearances there.
Human Lanterns
A psychotic craftsman pits two rival Kung-Fu masters against each other while designing special lanterns from a disturbing source.
Ambitious Kung Fu Girl
Action Director
Spoiled Yuen Si Si, the naive daughter of an affluent merchant, lives her cosseted life dreaming of meeting her idol, the heroic Qin Ge. When her father decides to marry her off, she runs away in search of Qin Ge, with her fiancee in pursuit. What she doesn't realise though is that her kung-fu skills are not what she thinks they are and that the outside world is far less chivalrous that she expected.
Башня смерти
Street Hitman
Наркомафия убивает мастера боевых искусств, и его младший брат начинает мстить преступникам…
Return of the Sentimental Swordsman
Martial artist
Li Xunhuan comes back to his home after three years of wandering. He had decided to have a normal life, but a group of skilled martial arts fighters and leaders are bent on killing him, so they can be ranked top by Bai Xiaosheng in his renowned list of the best warriors in the martial arts world. Li Xunhuan battles them as he searches for his estranged friend A'fei, who is now married and living in seclusion. Li asks A'fei to join forces and fight against a new threat that wants to rule the world: the Money Clan.
The Duel of the Century
This mystery-tinged 'Martial Arts World' epic was one of director Chu Yuan and novelist Ku Lung's last together for the Shaw Studios, but it's another action-filled winner. Liu Yung and Sun Chien team to investigate the martial arts murders of a supposedly mortally wounded swordsman, only to find deception, death, double-dealings, imposters, and one deadly duel after another. No less than three choreographers are on hand to handle the multitude of magnificent martial arts.
Super Power
Master Chao Ming
A dying Manchu kung fu fighter sends his three sons on a mission of revenge against the five Southern champs who defeated and humiliated him a generation ago. The three Manchus enter the town where the old champs live and begin challenging and fighting an unprepared group of once-powerful martial artists and their sons. After his counterparts in the other families take some serious beatings, Billy is forced to take a crash course from a noted teacher in North and South Eagle styles as well as Horsehead Fist. Only then is he able to confront each of the three Manchu fighters.
Последний салют рыцарству
Party guest / Constable
Свадьба Као Пана нарушена вторжением заклятого врага его семьи — Пак Чунг-Тонгом . Као удается спастись из завязавшейся битвы. Теперь он жадет мести. Но Пан понимает, сразиться с Тонгом и победить его ему не по силам. И для осуществления своей мести неудавшийся молодожен решает использовать лучшего бойца в округе — Чанга-Величественый Меч . Као Пан знакомится с Чангом и втирается к нему в доверие — сначала помогает ему достать лекарства для его больной матушки, а потом, когда та все же умирает, помогает Величественному Мечу организовать похороны. Чанг движимый честью и чувством долга перед новоиспеченным другом, решает ему помочь, и отправляется к Пак Чунг-Тонгу. Вместе с Величественным Мечом идет его недавний приятель — Цинг И. Чанг рад, что будет, кому прикрыть ему спину и не подозревает, что Цинг нанят Као Паном с целью его убийства...
Аббат Шаолиня
Молодой послушник храма уходит в путешествие до отшельника, который обещал чертежи оружия для монахов, однако во время его отсутствия монастырь сжигают и вернувшись на останки, он решает построить новый храм, как говорится, лучше прежнего. Для этого он отправляется в Кантон, где начинает собирать деньги на строительство, однако жить ему спокойно не дадут. В частности, весьма хочет его смерти лама Пай Мей, обладающий почти полной неуязвимостью.
The Last Judgement
Beijing robber
Most of the Liang family are murdered by Ling Guixing and the surviving son Liang Tianlai (Ng Wai-Kwok) wows to bring him to justice. Fighting against corruption in several courts, his only main witness is beggar Afeng but as Ling has people around him willing to bribe and murder, soon Liang is left alone. All up until he meets what seems like the last upstanding official...
The Lama Avenger
Thug at opera
When two acrobats are fired for fighting with punks in the audience, they go to live with an aunt who's being pressured to sell her house for a real estate development. The developer's nasty son, Lee Fu, decides to muscle the sale, and soon he's at war with the acrobats, plus their unlikely ally, an American named John who used to be Lee Fu's friend. The acrobats open a kung fu school, the scene of several battles with Lee Fu's thugs. A fight to the death, jail time, auntie's surprise decision, a budding acting career, a possessive girlfriend, a debilitating injury, a friendship that needs recalibrating, and Lee Fu's avenger are all in the mix before the end.
The Dragon, the Hero
Dragon Lee fights foreign devils who are stealing antiquities from China.
Пьяный мастер
Buck-Toothed Waiter
Молодой Вонг Фей-Хун, будущий народный герой Китая, защитник обездоленных и обиженных, в молодости был весьма строптив и дерзок. Настолько, что отец отослал неуправляемого сына к дяде, известному мастеру кунг-фу и большому эксперту в двух вещах: распитии крепких спиртных напитков и выбивании дури из самонадеянных юнцов. Неудивительно, что герой сбегает от дяди-садиста при первой же возможности. Увы, тут же побитый и униженный бандитом-профи, он возвращается назад к Пьяному Мастеру. Придется ему, скрипя зубами, терпеть иезуитские методы воспитания дяди, дабы потом, постигнув все тонкости боевых искусств, отомстить своему обидчику, который, к тому же, собирается убить его отца…
Clan of Amazons
Chongwei's soldier
The Embroidery Bandit is stealing treasures while blinding his victims. The hero Liu Xiaofeng is called in to solve the mystery. The evidence points to the all-woman Clan of the Red Shoes - but appearances can be deceptive.
The Sentimental Swordsman
5 Poisons Kid's man
Due to his own extreme ideals, famed swordsman Li has lost everyone dear to him. After his life is saved by a rival swordsman, Li's overwhelming pride means he forsakes the woman he loves and lets her marry his saviour. Li's only comfort is alcohol and the simple life he has now accepted. On one such journey, the lonely swordsman befriends the exceptionally skilled, yet secretive Fei who has his own pressures to contend with. The person behind Li's troubles proves to be elusive, though all the clues seem to point to the legendary 'Plum Blossom Bandit', a disguised figure whose identity has long proved elusive to the martial world.
Монах с железным кулаком
После того, как на глазах у Хаскера манчжуры убивают его босса, тот отправляется в храм Шаолинь изучать боевые искусства в надежде отомстить за свои унижения. Проходит некоторое время, и наш герой, решив, что теперь он достаточно силен, чтобы дать отпор обидчикам, покидает монастырь. По пути он забредает в город, который терроризирует банда манчжуров, и с помощью старшего монаха и обычного горожанина, начинает организовывать анти-правительственные действия…
A righteous husband-and-wife swordfighting duo struggle to protect China from the machinations of Japanese pirates and corrupt officials.
The Young Dragons
Kin's man
The powerful mobster Leung, who is protected by the dangerous and wicked Huan Fai, sells two hundred Japanese weapons and ammunition to a Chinese gang. He uses the smuggler Luy Fu to bring the weapons but the smalltime thief Kim and his gang heist the shipment on the road and dump the cargo into the sea. However, he lures Luy Fu and asks a large amount to return the weapons with the intention of traveling abroad with his brother. Meanwhile Kim befriends Fan Ming, an undercover police office from Shanghai that is investigating the illegal activities of Leung. When the mobster finds that Fan Ming is a policeman, Leung ambushes him and Huan Fai and his men stab the officer that falls from a cliff into the sea. Kim brings Fan Ming's fiancée Ipi Feng to the house of his lover, the prostitute Hung, and tells Ipi Feng that her fiancé was murdered by Leung. She decides to revenge the death of her beloved Fan Ming with tragic consequences.
The Tattooed Dragon
Written and directed by Lo Wei for Golden Harvest, this feature stars Wang Yu as a guy known only as The Dragon – he’s got super sharp hearing! He’s also kind of a mysterious tough guy who wanders into a small town where the fine upstanding populace has a recurring problem with some gangsters who have decided to setup a casino in the area. Once the townsfolk start losing all of their money, and then all of their other belongings, and then even their homes it becomes obvious that there’s a scam going on here.
Жизнь и легенда Брюса Ли
This documentary tells the story of Bruce Lee and his unsuccessful efforts to start a acting career in the U.S., he returned to Hong Kong where he became an international star, and his death at age 32.
Duel of the Dragons
Rebels try use the smuggling route to get the gold and map past the corrupt officials. Everybody was kung fu fighting.
Кровавые пальцы
Чен Ву Шенг и его брат Сяо Чэн находятся в поисках своего дяди. Они встречают сослуживца босса мафии Кинга Чана. Он приводит их к своему боссу, который обещает Чен Ву Шенгу помочь найти дядю. Кинг Чан, который тут же заметил, что Чен Ву Шенг хороший боец, предлагает ему работу, в то время, как сам Чен хочет продолжать поиски. На самом деле Кинг Чан совершенно не такой, каким он кажется на первый взгляд...
Intimate Confessions of a Chinese Courtesan
Wu's thug
18-year-old Ainu is kidnapped and sold to a brothel. Her good looks and wild personality make her very popular with the lustful clients, but also draw the lesbian attentions of brothel madam Chun Yi. Chun Yi teaches Ai nu the ways of lust and the ways of kung fu, and Ai nu becomes more and more similar to her captor. But rage at her treatment is still burning inside her.
Vengeance of a Snowgirl
Birthday guest/Palace guard
Sworn-brothers expert martial artists are the targets of a mysterious killer, which seems to bear a grudge against them for what happened several years ago.
The Shadow Whip
This top ten box office hit reunites the star duo from Come Drink With Me in another classic action adventure. Cheng Pei-pei radiates her trademark charm while wielding the deadly title weapon, which is implicated in multiple murders and a major heist. Whether single-handedly fighting sixteen bandits or avenging her father's brutal death, she demonstrates why she was Hong Kong's number one swordswoman and no slouch with the whip either!