Lau Kar-Wing

Lau Kar-Wing

Рождение : 1944-01-01, Jiangmen, Guangdong, China


Lau Kar Wing ((simplified Chinese: 刘家荣; traditional Chinese: 劉家榮; pinyin: Liú Jiārong, Liu Jiayung; born 1944) is a Hong Kong martial arts film director, action choreographer and actor. Was a member of the Sammo Hung Stuntmen's Association.


Lau Kar-Wing


Master Liu
Having taken his father's advice, one man decides to return home in pursuit of a fresh start. While training at his father's martial arts school, he learns that his father has given consent to sell the school to a rival martial arts school.
Anna in Kungfu-land
Master Wisdom
Miriam Yeung plays a half-Chinese who represents her father (a Shaolin monk who defected to Japan after falling in love with a Japanese) at a martial arts tournament. What she really wants is to experience first love (with Ekin Cheng, a marketing executive) and become a movie star. Both which are fulfilled in her stay in Hong Kong.
Fist Power
Brian's father
Cheuk is a mainland security officer who's thrown into a race against the clock when he discovers a man is holding an entire school hostage in exchange for his adopted son, so it's up to Cheuk to use his formidable martial arts skills to retrieve the boy and bring him back before the man decides to kill everyone.
Американские приключения
Second Unit Director
Мастер Вонг, основатель школы восточных единоборств, вместе с учениками отправляется в Америку. На Диком Западе, где самым весомым аргументом является кольт и крепкий кулак, ему на практике приходится доказать свое непревзойденное мастерство владения боевыми искусствами.
Wong Fei Hung Series : The Suspicious Temple
Shaolin Temple, not only was the sacred place amongst the monks, but also regarded as the Chinese martial arts origin. Why did it become the battlefield of a fierce duel? After knowing that the head monk of Shaolin, Hung Chi was seriously ill, Wong Fei Hung together with his disciples Club Foot and Chu Yuk Wing went to Shaolin immediately. Out of his expectation, Chi refused to see him and the monks always embarrassed them during the visit. Even worse, Club Foot was imprisoned in the Labour Camp of the Temple without any reason. Facing all these strange things, ominous feeling bred from Hung's heart. In the meanwhile, Hung accidentally met Hung Wan, the one with a high social prestige in Shaolin. Wan then told him everything. The disclosure of the scandal inevitably angered the culprit who in turn sweared to eliminate Hung at all costs. On the blink of war, the buried page of Shaolin secret history was no longer be sealed.
Стальные телохранители
Martial Arts Choreographer
С целью свержения японского оккупационного режима в Китай направляется доктор Сан. Для его уничтожения японцы посылают банду наемников во главе с безжалостным "Монголом". Остановить убийц, мастерски владеющих приемами рукопашного боя, должны лучшие бойцы школы "Чинг By", возглавляемые Чен Юном.
Innocent Killer
Directed by Lau Kar-Wing
Innocent Killer
Directed by Lau Kar-Wing
No Regret, No Return
Inspector Lam
In a plot of pre-adolescent scope, investigative reporter Sylvia Cheng (Vivian Chow) jumps on the trail of a mysterious young hit-man hired by an evil politico. It's hard to imagine ultra-fem Vivian Chow painting her nails without wincing, much less tailing ruthless killers.
Полный контакт
Action Director
На улицах Бангкока каждый китаец сможет найти себе место. Например, крутой парень Джефф работал одно время вышибалой в баре, но продолжалось это совсем недолго. Вступившись однажды за своего приятеля Сэма, он быстро оказался среди личных врагов босса местной китайской мафии Чуна, которому Сэм был должен приличных денег…
Полный контакт
Martial Arts Choreographer
На улицах Бангкока каждый китаец сможет найти себе место. Например, крутой парень Джефф работал одно время вышибалой в баре, но продолжалось это совсем недолго. Вступившись однажды за своего приятеля Сэма, он быстро оказался среди личных врагов босса местной китайской мафии Чуна, которому Сэм был должен приличных денег…
Полный контакт
Stunt Coordinator
На улицах Бангкока каждый китаец сможет найти себе место. Например, крутой парень Джефф работал одно время вышибалой в баре, но продолжалось это совсем недолго. Вступившись однажды за своего приятеля Сэма, он быстро оказался среди личных врагов босса местной китайской мафии Чуна, которому Сэм был должен приличных денег…
Лысый тигр, толстый дракон
Action Director
Два друга-крепыша полицейских по прозвищу «Лысый Тигр» и «Толстый Дракон» вступили в непримиримую борьбу с наркомафией и ее боссом «Грязным Гарри». Драки, головокружительные трюки, погони, перестрелки… Им все нипочем, мафия не уйдет от возмездия, когда рядом кулак верного друга.
Лысый тигр, толстый дракон
Martial Arts Choreographer
Два друга-крепыша полицейских по прозвищу «Лысый Тигр» и «Толстый Дракон» вступили в непримиримую борьбу с наркомафией и ее боссом «Грязным Гарри». Драки, головокружительные трюки, погони, перестрелки… Им все нипочем, мафия не уйдет от возмездия, когда рядом кулак верного друга.
Лысый тигр, толстый дракон
Stunt Coordinator
Два друга-крепыша полицейских по прозвищу «Лысый Тигр» и «Толстый Дракон» вступили в непримиримую борьбу с наркомафией и ее боссом «Грязным Гарри». Драки, головокружительные трюки, погони, перестрелки… Им все нипочем, мафия не уйдет от возмездия, когда рядом кулак верного друга.
Лысый тигр, толстый дракон
Два друга-крепыша полицейских по прозвищу «Лысый Тигр» и «Толстый Дракон» вступили в непримиримую борьбу с наркомафией и ее боссом «Грязным Гарри». Драки, головокружительные трюки, погони, перестрелки… Им все нипочем, мафия не уйдет от возмездия, когда рядом кулак верного друга.
Лысый тигр, толстый дракон
Два друга-крепыша полицейских по прозвищу «Лысый Тигр» и «Толстый Дракон» вступили в непримиримую борьбу с наркомафией и ее боссом «Грязным Гарри». Драки, головокружительные трюки, погони, перестрелки… Им все нипочем, мафия не уйдет от возмездия, когда рядом кулак верного друга.
City Cops
Cindy is an American FBI agent who is currently in Hong Kong seeking arch-criminal Kent Tong. In order to bring down Tong and his criminal organization, she teams up with local HK cops David and Johnny.
Just Heroes
Martial Arts Choreographer
The assassination of a gang lord triggers a power struggle amongst his men. Who will win the game the righteous or the villain?
Just Heroes
The assassination of a gang lord triggers a power struggle amongst his men. Who will win the game the righteous or the villain?
Freddy Li's Guard (uncredited)
Братья Курт и Эрик Слоан отправляются в Таиланд, на родину кикбоксинга, чтобы доказать местным бойцам превосходство американской школы над тайской. Эрик, чемпион Америки по кикбоксингу, встречается в бою с Тонг По, чемпионом Таиланда.Тонг По оказывается сущим зверем. Он намеренно калечит уже обессилевшего Эрика Слоана, обрекая его на инвалидность. Курт поступает в обучение к мастеру тайской борьбы Зену, чтобы победить Тонг По и отомстить за парализованного брата.
Aces Go Places V: The Terracotta Hit
Martial Arts Choreographer
Two friends who own an investment firm turn to a policeman friend for help when they are framed for robbery by a gang of antiquities smugglers.
Aces Go Places V: The Terracotta Hit
Two friends who own an investment firm turn to a policeman friend for help when they are framed for robbery by a gang of antiquities smugglers.
Carry on Yakuza
Michael Chan plays Charlie Chan, a boxer who goes to Japan to take on a local hotshot in the ring. A gang of yakuzas pressure him to take a dive, but Charlie beats his opponent senseless instead, resulting in a life-or-death chase in which Charlie and his coach try to escape from the angry gangsters. They are spared by the yakuza boss Yakoda, and their eagerness to impress him leads them to pretend that they are the leaders of an influential triad organization known as the Marlboro Gang. That gang doesn't really exist, and their ruse only leads them to further endangerment after Yakoda is murdered by one of his employees. Yakoda's widow sends their daughter (who speaks Cantonese) to Hong Kong so that she won't be next on the hit list, and Charlie -- still pretending to be a powerful triad gangster -- agrees to protect her. He and his friends must save the girl from assassination attempts and kidnapping along the way, as well as coming to the rescue of Yakoda's widow.
The Dragon Family
Uncle Sik
Rival Triad gangs go to war...
The Dragon Family
Rival Triad gangs go to war...
Tiger on the Beat
Sour Puss
A seasoned cop and his rookie partner are a pair of mismatched partners in this Hong Kong action-comedy in the style of 'Lethal Weapon'. The wacky twosome are up in arms as they try to solve the murder of a heroin trafficker.
Mr. Possessed
Mr Lee
Riley (Kenny Bee) is being followed by the ghost of an evil warlock, who was killed in a duel with Riley's father many years ago. Now, he wants to seek revenge by causing misfortune in Riley's life. Therefore, Riley's mother (Pik-Wan Tang) will see to it that the demon is vanquished by using another human being as bait. She sees a ray of hope when she meets Riley's girlfriend (Carol 'Do Do' Cheng) - a woman she detests.
Драконы Навсегда
Thug on Ship
Секретный завод по производству наркотиков разрушает экологию маленького озера. Владелица озера, красавица Лао, возбуждает судебный процесс против наркомафии. Талантливый адвокат Джонни Лан, по приказу коррумпированных властей, должен отстаивать в суде интересы мафии. Адвокат с помощью друзей начинает тайное расследование деятельности мафии.
Prison on Fire
Action Director
Lo Ka Yiu, a young ad designer who is sentenced to jail for manslaughter, has gotten himself in trouble with the corrupted wardens and fellow inmates of Triad background. Chung Tin Ching, a veteran inmate and Yiu's mentor, is forced to confront his comrade's enemies time and again, leading up to the final showdown with the head of security.
Trouble Couples
Prince's godfather
Mui Da Hsien (Anita Mui), the eldest sister, is the only breadwinner in the family. She spends all her time in raising up and discipline her three sisters, Yee Hsien (Ann Bridgewater), Sarm Hsien (Charine Chan), and Sai Hsien (Fennie Yuen). They are aware of Da Hsien is becoming a spinster and they are not allowed to get married if Da Hsien remains single. So they decide to find her a husband. So all their boyfriends very anxious to give a helping hand. They find Tsang To Choy (Eric Tsang) who just has broken heart is the right man, but Tsang is scared away by Da Hsien's shrew temper...
Heartbeat 100
Action Director
A Fiction Writer and her sister travel to the country to work on a new novel. But, local thugs and a murder complicate matters.
Scared Stiff
Alan and Halley are partners in a pest control company. Handsome Alan gets the girls and puffy Halley gets nothing. One night the two are injured in a car crash. Halley suffers slight injuries but Alan is dead for all purposes except his brain wave which still works actively. But when Halley cries over his "corpse", Alan bursts into ecplosive life. So the doctor decide to study this phenomenon and Alan agrees to be the guinea pig as he fancies the beautiful Dr. Emily. Halley discovers by accident a murder and is chased by the murderer who happens to be a police inspector...
Movie Director
Действие завязывается в 30-х годах 20-го века, когда начинается любовная история между высококлассной проституткой Флер и богатым сынком уважаемых родителей Чаном Чен Пангом. Они вроде бы любят друг друга, но обстоятельства вокруг них настолько против этого, что вместе они могут быть только в лучшем из миров, куда они и намереваются отправиться, заключая договор о том, что покончат с собой. Но в то время, как Флер делает это, Чан Чен Панг не решается, оставаясь жить дальше. И призрак Флер, обреченный на скитания в ожидании своего любимого, вновь появляется в мире живых в 80-х годах, где знакомится с молодой парой, которые решают помочь ей разыскать до сих пор живущего Чан Чен Панга.
Экспресс миллионеров
Mountain Bandit
Конец 30-х годов. Авантюрист Чин после увлекательных приключений в России возвращается в родную деревню на китайской границе. За время его отсутствия дома многое изменилось. Местный начальник полиции со своими подчиненными ограбил банк и сбежал. Его место занял бывший начальник пожарной охраны Тсао. В окрестностях городка появляется конная банда, в рядах которой два американских ковбоя, собирающиеся напасть на экспресс из Шанхая с целью завладеть картой древних сокровищ.
Why Me?
Lion dancer [cameo]
The tragic story of Fat Cat, a mentally retarded man who endures the mistreatment of the local villagers, and Koko, the idealistic social worker who tries to give him a better life. Koko's battle against ignorance and apathy on Fat Cat's behalf takes its toll on them both.
Мои счастливые звезды 2
Boss Lau's Man at Warehouse
Особый отдел полиции Гонконга ведет расследование деятельности мафиозного клана. Агенту отдела удается внедрить в мафию своего осведомителя. Но в Бангкоке мафия расправляется со «стукачом». Полицейский из Бангкока и специальный агент начинают совместную операцию по ликвидации мафиозного клана.
Мои счастливые души
Chiu Chi-Lung and Ng Kuai-Tak are two movie stunt actors in Hong Kong and are suspicious of Lung's father Chiu's mysterious behavior. Unbeknownst to them, Chiu was commissioned as a "messenger" by the Spirit World to take newly-departed souls to the other side. When Tak suffers a major accident on the movie set, Chiu keeps Tak's soul from being taken away, thereby, reviving him.
Мои счастливые души
Guy practising Kung Fu
Chiu Chi-Lung and Ng Kuai-Tak are two movie stunt actors in Hong Kong and are suspicious of Lung's father Chiu's mysterious behavior. Unbeknownst to them, Chiu was commissioned as a "messenger" by the Spirit World to take newly-departed souls to the other side. When Tak suffers a major accident on the movie set, Chiu keeps Tak's soul from being taken away, thereby, reviving him.
Мои счастливые звезды
Chief's Sidekick
Пара полицейских из Гонконга Рикки и Масклз (что означает `мускулы») попадают в поисках беглого преступника в Токио. Здесь приятелей ждет крупная неудача — Рикки похищен японскими бандитами. Но Масклзу на помощь из Гонконга спешит подкрепление в лице… мелких мошенников, которые умудряются попадать в самые жуткие и смешные передряги. Правда среди них есть и профессионал — красотка — полицейская Мисс Ву, чья схватка с японкой стала хрестоматийной для жанра боевых искусств.
Double Trouble
To help his sister with her debts, John goes to a pawnshop when robbers rush in. John draws suspicion from the police and only escapes from them with the help of Bunny, who is a kid running out from an orphanage. John and Bunny, therefore, become good friends.
Пом Пом возвращается
Неразлучные Чоу и Бетховен все-таки разлучаются — Чоу женится на героине Дини Йип и Бетховену приходится от них съехать. Но это еще далеко не все беды друзей — их переводят под начало злобного инспектора Тина, который не будет либеральничать с ними так же, как инспектор Чан. В довершение всего инспектора Чана подставляют и выкрадывают у него 200 тысяч, которые Чан должен был доставить в суд. Сделать это мог лишь давний враг Чана, бывший вор по прозвищу Летающий Паук, которого Чан в свое время оставил калекой. Но надо же такому случиться, что Бетховен влюбится в дочь Летающего Паука!
Wits of the Brats
Martial Arts Choreographer
Tou Kuan, a spoiled affluent kid, travels with pal Mai Song to Beijing to challenge 3 Masters to improve Kuan's status. Along the way, they contend with inept assassins hired by Kuan's uncle, who wants the family business and fortune.
Wits of the Brats
Tou Kuan, a spoiled affluent kid, travels with pal Mai Song to Beijing to challenge 3 Masters to improve Kuan's status. Along the way, they contend with inept assassins hired by Kuan's uncle, who wants the family business and fortune.
Боец с шестом
Yang 2nd brother
Шестеро братьев Янг и их отец — уважаемые генералы, но их подставляет мстительный генерал Пан Мей и в суровой битве погибают все мужчины семьи, кроме двоих. Один из них возвращается домой и сходит с ума, второй обривается в монахи, однако не оставляет надежды когда-нибудь отомстить за погибших братьев и отца.
Play Catch
Billionaire Law and his accomplices are conspiring the murder of a judge. The conspiracy is overheard by a inspector from ICAC who records the meeting on a cassette tape. Billionaire Law is determined to pin him down. Before he dies, he hides the tape in a reporter Mel's car. A young man, Law Kim Long, smuggles into Hong Kong to look for his father. The Snake-head is mistaken him to be Billionaire Law's son, so he makes him groomed.
Till Death Do We Scare
Irene has had lots of bad luck with her husbands. Her first husband, B-actor Walter Fink was run over by a construction truck. Her second husband, mob boss Butcher Man, was killed at her wedding by a flying bird flying into his mouth. Her third husband, the priest presiding at her 2nd wedding Steward Pig was killed after their wedding when he saw the ghosts of the first two husbands. Together, the three ghosts conspire to set her up with a radio personality, Alan. - Yellow Hammer.
Cat vs. Rat
Master Si Da Fu
Pai 'The Rat' always gets into trouble with Chan 'The Cat'. They always try to outsmart each other even when it threatens the lives of other people.
The Fake Ghost Catchers
This delightful action comedy came out a full two years before Ghostbusters premiered. Coincidence? You be the judge. Whatever the inspiration, nothing can compare to this amazing showcase of wushu and wizardry as one of the best all-star fighting casts take on spectres, spirits, and phantoms as well as each other.
It Takes Two
It Takes Two is a 1982 Hong Kong comedy film directed by Karl Maka and starring Dean Shek and Richard Ng.
Legendary Weapons of China
Lei Ying
Legendary Weapons of China is a martial arts fantasy film taking place during the late Qing Dynasty when Empress Dowager Cixi dispatches her agents to various factions of the Boxer Rebellion in order find supernatural martial artists that are invulnerable to western bullets. When one of the leaders of these groups disbands his forces, assassins from the remaining factions are sent out to kill him.
Охотники за сокровищами
Действие происходит в средневековом Китае во времена Шаолиня и бродячих мастеров кунг-фу. Два авантюриста-проходимца пытаются найти некие таинственные сокровища, которые пропали в свое время, через мастера кунг-фу, одного из самых легендарных монахов Шаолиня. Однако всем им пытается помешать коварный Мо со своей помощницей, который постоянно подставляет монаха и всячески сбивает со следа предприимчивых героев.
Охотники за сокровищами
Действие происходит в средневековом Китае во времена Шаолиня и бродячих мастеров кунг-фу. Два авантюриста-проходимца пытаются найти некие таинственные сокровища, которые пропали в свое время, через мастера кунг-фу, одного из самых легендарных монахов Шаолиня. Однако всем им пытается помешать коварный Мо со своей помощницей, который постоянно подставляет монаха и всячески сбивает со следа предприимчивых героев.
The Crazy Chase
Shih Yien Te
Lau Kar-Wing plays a private detective whose business is failing, so he is forced to accept a job as a temporary actor. But he quickly becomes unintentionally entangled in an insurance swindle being perpetrated by the studio boss' wife and lover!
Carry on Wise Guy
Action Director
Gordon Liu as the Master Killer has taken a vow not to use his superior fighting abilities, but he is put to the test when he must transport a valuable map across dangerous territory. Features amazing fight scenes choreographed by the Lau Brothers.
Carry on Wise Guy
Gordon Liu as the Master Killer has taken a vow not to use his superior fighting abilities, but he is put to the test when he must transport a valuable map across dangerous territory. Features amazing fight scenes choreographed by the Lau Brothers.
Carry on Wise Guy
Gordon Liu as the Master Killer has taken a vow not to use his superior fighting abilities, but he is put to the test when he must transport a valuable map across dangerous territory. Features amazing fight scenes choreographed by the Lau Brothers.
Кулаки и мужество
В маленький провинциальный городок приезжает странник — он блестяще владеет Кун-Фу и ищет некоего Мастера Перевоплощения, у которого находится нечто, очень важное для него. Помочь чужаку берутся двое местных проходимцев, которые надеются, что в логове Мастера Перевоплощения найдётся, чем поживиться и им.
Кулаки и мужество
В маленький провинциальный городок приезжает странник — он блестяще владеет Кун-Фу и ищет некоего Мастера Перевоплощения, у которого находится нечто, очень важное для него. Помочь чужаку берутся двое местных проходимцев, которые надеются, что в логове Мастера Перевоплощения найдётся, чем поживиться и им.
His Name is Nobody
The Nobody Kid
Lau Kar-Wing plays "Nobody", an orphan who grows up stealing food to survive, learning some meagre skills as a con artist. When he meets a true master con artist, he begs to become a pupil and learn some tricky kung fu. The pair are later separated, and Nobody finds another master to learn more deadly skills.
Вечная вражда
Martial Arts Choreographer
Hailed as possibly the greatest classical weapons movie ever made and starring world-renowned martial arts master, director and action-choreographer, Sammo Hung. This film showcases some of the most spectacular and intricate weapons duels ever committed to film. Sammo Hung and Lau Kar Wing play dual roles as both masters and students of the sword and spear styles of kung fu. Comic mayhem ensues when the students get kidnapped and the masters must rescue them.
Вечная вражда
King of Spears/Stubborn Wing
Hailed as possibly the greatest classical weapons movie ever made and starring world-renowned martial arts master, director and action-choreographer, Sammo Hung. This film showcases some of the most spectacular and intricate weapons duels ever committed to film. Sammo Hung and Lau Kar Wing play dual roles as both masters and students of the sword and spear styles of kung fu. Comic mayhem ensues when the students get kidnapped and the masters must rescue them.
Вечная вражда
Hailed as possibly the greatest classical weapons movie ever made and starring world-renowned martial arts master, director and action-choreographer, Sammo Hung. This film showcases some of the most spectacular and intricate weapons duels ever committed to film. Sammo Hung and Lau Kar Wing play dual roles as both masters and students of the sword and spear styles of kung fu. Comic mayhem ensues when the students get kidnapped and the masters must rescue them.
Old Fox / Chia Wu Dao
After being cheated out of some money, two small time crooks convince a martial arts expert to take them on as students.
Iron Fists
Su Ting Cheng
Chen Kuan-Tai and Mang Fei team up to bring justice to a ruthless gang of martial arts experts.
Теневой бокс
Master Chen Wu
В древние времена, когда транспортные системы между городами еще не были налажены, а надо было доставить тело умершего в другой город, многие прибегали к услугам «Сопроводителей» — экспертов, владеющих черной магией, оживляющей мертвецов. Мастер Чен Ву — один из таких экспертов и в этом бизнесе он уже двадцать лет. Но очередное путешествие для Чен Ву и его ученика Сяоюаня будет сложнее, чем предыдущее — один из мертвецов не желает слушаться приказов, а на дорогах сплошные заставы — власти ловят беглого каторжника.
Воины вдвоём
Town Chief's Bodyguard
In an attempt to save his village from being taken over by brutes, Wah is beaten to a pulp and his mother brutally murdered. Determined to take revenge, Wah learns the art of Wing Chun and enters into a showdown with the nasty villains.
Dirty Kung Fu
Dirty Kung Fu is about a young bounty hunter who uses his kung fu skills or lack thereof to capture criminals.
Грязный тигр, сумасшедшая лягушка
Приключения Сумасшедшей лягушки и грязного тигра. Главные герои пытаются вернуть уникальную серебрянную неуязвимую броню, которую похитил Белобровый монах.
Грязный тигр, сумасшедшая лягушка
Приключения Сумасшедшей лягушки и грязного тигра. Главные герои пытаются вернуть уникальную серебрянную неуязвимую броню, которую похитил Белобровый монах.
Shaolin Mantis
Master Tien / Gi-Gi's Grandfather
When scholar Wei Fung is forcibly hired by the Manchu Emperor to infiltrate a clan of rebellious Ming Loyalists, his mission goes adrift when he falls in love with the clan's leader's granddaughter. Wei Fung must choose between his new love and his family, who will be put to death if he doesn't return to the palace successfully.
Игра смерти
Преступный синдикат зловещего доктора Лэнда контролирует гонконгский шоу-бизнес: все артисты обязаны отчислять мафии немалые суммы со всех своих доходов. Молодой актер Билли Ло вступает в борьбу с преступным синдикатом.
36 ступеней Шаолиня
General Yin
В Кантоне вспыхивает восстание против манчжурской династии Цин. Школьник по имени Сан Те помогает повстанцам. Манчжуры жестоко подавляют восстание, и Сан Те вынужден бежать в храм Шаолинь, где он начинает обучение боевым искусствам, мечтая о мести…
Kung Fu Means Fists, Strikes and Sword
Crazy Sword, Blind Fist and Queer Strikes are three kung fu fanatics who team up with Mung, the debonair master in white. Together the four real friends smash a massive kung fu gang led by Moose Face, Tsai Hung. Once smashed the girls are freed from vice and valuables returned to their rightful owners. A kung fu rare classic from Goldig Films.
He Has Nothing But Kung Fu
He's lost his memory, but not his skill: After a fierce battle with a local tong, Hoi is thrown over an embankment and left for dead. He survives the ordeal but has lost all of his memory, but not his kung-fu. His fateful meeting with a beggar leads to their teaming up for cleaning up that tong.
He Has Nothing But Kung Fu
He's lost his memory, but not his skill: After a fierce battle with a local tong, Hoi is thrown over an embankment and left for dead. He survives the ordeal but has lost all of his memory, but not his kung-fu. His fateful meeting with a beggar leads to their teaming up for cleaning up that tong.
Secret of the Shaolin Poles
Fong Ting
Legendary Chinese rebel Fong Sai Yuk (Fei Meng) takes on the Manchu dynasty in this high-octane martial arts actioner. After killing one of the governor's thugs, Fong must not only elude authorities, but also face a deadly assassin. Discovering the governor has murdered his two kung fu brothers, Fong vows to take on the corrupt leader. The film includes a slew of awe-inspiring battles using lethal Shaolin poles.
One Arm Chivalry Fights Against One Arm Chivalry
The story centers on a secret society that plots to overthrow the Qing Dynasty and resume the Ming monarchy. The organization gains the support of numerous righteous martial clans, but the Qing government has its own plans of squashing the rebellion. The scheming prince of Qing poisons the rebels' central figure, Chi Zi Qiang (Jimmy Wang), and uses the antidote to force him to surrender. Being the hero that he is, Chi would rather cut off one of his own arms to save his life than submit to the prince. He then, single-armedly, defeats all the Manchurian minions...
The Good, the Bad and the Loser
Stunt Coordinator
The Good, the Bad and the Loser is a Hong Kong Martial Arts-Comedy starring Richard Ng.
The Good, the Bad and the Loser
The Good
The Good, the Bad and the Loser is a Hong Kong Martial Arts-Comedy starring Richard Ng.
Challenge of the Masters
Officer Yuan Ching
The Wong family kung fu school gets smacked around by a rival school. Wong Fei-hong gets fed up with the abuse and goes to learn from his fathers master. After one of the rival schools members kills some of the towns people Wong Fei-hong becomes enraged trains even more comes back and gets his revenge.
Повелитель летающей гильотины
Fighter with 3-section staff
Однорукий Боксер отошел от боев и теперь держит школу кунг-фу, в которой учит своих студентов буквально преодолевать законы гравитации. Однако когда местный правитель устраивает турнир по боевым искусствам, Боксер не может пропустить такое событие и отправляется туда, пусть всего лишь в качестве вольного зрителя. Туда же прибывает и слепой мастер кунгфу, таскающий с собой шляпу с острыми ножами внутри и раскидывающийся ей при любом намеке на слово «однорукий» — Боксер в первой части убил двух его учеников. Наведя шорох на турнире, Слепой полностью срывает его, однако проблемы Боксера на этом не заканчиваются — прослышав о том, что он приехал, все как один участники решают померяться с ним силами, не давая ему быстро сделать ноги оттуда.
Tiger & Crane Fists
Liu Kang
Two masters from rival Kung Fu schools must combine their skills to defeat an evil Japanese lord.
The Monk
Assistant Director
A monk is expelled from a monastery because he was found with a dirty magazine under his pillow. He falls in with a gang of villains, who hire him because of his martial arts skills. He later returns to the monastery where (for reasons unexplained), he fights his former buddy-monk.
The Monk
Martial Arts Choreographer
A monk is expelled from a monastery because he was found with a dirty magazine under his pillow. He falls in with a gang of villains, who hire him because of his martial arts skills. He later returns to the monastery where (for reasons unexplained), he fights his former buddy-monk.
The Monk
A monk is expelled from a monastery because he was found with a dirty magazine under his pillow. He falls in with a gang of villains, who hire him because of his martial arts skills. He later returns to the monastery where (for reasons unexplained), he fights his former buddy-monk.
Духовный боксёр
Chien's disciple
Wang Yu plays Hsiao Chien, a con artist vagabond who uses his kung fu skills and parlor tricks to convince superstitious villagers that he can use his body as a vessel for angry gods. However, when the villagers are threatened by a hostile force, Chien must learn to use his skills to protect the innocent.
All Men Are Brothers
Martial Arts Choreographer
Based on one of China's enduring epic novels, written in the 14th century, "All Men Are Brothers" continues the patriotic story of righteous warriors battling despotic leaders, featuring mythic characters familiar to every Chinese, and with a cast that has achieved an equally celebrated status among Shaw Brothers devotees.
The Young Rebel
Long's henchman [extra]
When Ti Lung and David Chiang left Shaw Brothers, they returned a year later after learning directing and defied their former studio heroics making films with social leanings. Directed by Ti, The Young Rebel is one such film. Fatherless as a child, Hsiang (Chiang) supports his mother. When gangsters kill his mother, he kills in revenge. Unlike his swordplay heroes, Hsiang admits guilt, expresses sorrow and is imprisoned
Пять мастеров Шаолиня
Patriot Liu
После сожжения храма Шаолинь пятеро выживших старших послушников сбегают от маньчжуров и, разойдясь в разные стороны, договариваются пройти по стране в поисках патриотов, готовых сражаться с режимом. Однако старые враги шаолиньцев и предавший их Ма Фу Йи начали разыскивать их с удвоенной силой…
Пять мастеров Шаолиня
Martial Arts Choreographer
После сожжения храма Шаолинь пятеро выживших старших послушников сбегают от маньчжуров и, разойдясь в разные стороны, договариваются пройти по стране в поисках патриотов, готовых сражаться с режимом. Однако старые враги шаолиньцев и предавший их Ма Фу Йи начали разыскивать их с удвоенной силой…
A Mad World of Fools
A whacky 1974 comedy starring David Chiang who was also the director, that's one to see. Well it certainly is whacky, and the film is actually a number of short pieces, varying in length from a couple of minutes to the last story that is 30 minutes or so.
Two Graves To Kung Fu
Serving time for a crime he has been framed for, a young martial arts student finds out that the men who set him up have also killed his instructor. To avenge this crime, he must make a break from the pen...
Shaolin Martial Arts
Brother Law
After the destruction of the Shaolin Temple, the Chings are in control and send their best students to wipe out all of the remaining Shaolin practioners. They almost succeed, but two students escape. They learn various Kung Fu styles from different teachers to combat the Ching's two kung fu fighters.
Легенда о семи золотых вампирах
Hsi Kwei (Archer)
Граф Дракула прибывает в китайскую деревеньку, чтоб оказать поддержку шести вампирам, потерявшим седьмого члена своей секты. Тем временем неподалёку проездом оказался профессор Ван Хельсинг, к которому и обратились за помощью местные жители.
Kung Fu on the Bosphorus
Erol is a successful cop, who lives with his sister Yasemin. Wang, the most troublesome gang leader of Hong Kong comes to Istanbul. The Security Department of Istanbul, appoint Erol to catch Wang. The Hong Kong Security Department sends their spy Wang Ti to Istanbul. Wang threatens a Chinese girl called Helen. With Helen's help, Erol starts a fight with Wang, nobody knows how it will end.
Heroes Two
Tibetan Fighter in Red
A band of fighting Ming Dynasty loyalists branded as enemies of the state are driven underground following the burning of the Shaolin Temple by Qing Dynasty officials. Due to a misunderstanding, Shaolin kung fu prodigy Fong Sai-yuk is duped into helping Qing agents to capture leading Shaolin rebel Hung Hei-gun. Upon discovering his mistake, Sai-yuk teams up with the remaining rebels to free Hei-gun before his planned execution. Plotting to stop them is General Che Kang, a formidable Tibetan kung fu master who commands an army of fighters including four deadly Tibetan llamas.
Незнакомец и стрелок
Martial Arts Choreographer
Мастер восточных единоборств и ковбой с Запада ищут потерянное сокровище. Задача осложняется тем, что отдельные части карты, вытатуированы на… ягодицах разных красавиц…
The Thunder Kick
One man takes on a cartel headed by three brothers, who are responsible for the savage beating of his mother and the murder of his brother.
Hans Leber's bodyguard
Shatter, an international contract killer, has been assigned to assassinate the President of a small African country and collect his fee from a bank in the Far East. On arrival in Hong Kong his life is threatened and when the bank denies all knowledge of payment arrangements, he realises he has been drawn into a dangerous game where there are no rules. Amongst the players are the Mafia and several foreign intelligence services and the stakes being played for are deadly.
The Young Tiger
A spoilt rich kid turns up at a fu school to show off, but he gets clobbered by the boastful Little Tiger, who is later framed for the kid's murder when a gang of blackmailers make an example of him. The police allow Tiger to escape, in order to find the real culprits. Tiger hides at his girlfriend's place, but a model she works with does some whoring on the side for the blackmailer, and so the crooks are onto his trail...
Adventure in Denmark
Stunt Coordinator
Two Chinese men go to Copenhagen for some reason. While one of them philanders around with various Danish and Asian women, the other falls in love with his Chinese tour guide, but takes time to have various drawn-out kung fu battles with a seemingly endless amount of thugs sent by his partner's overweight and very jealous girlfriend back home.
The Mandarin
A detective and wanderer called Man Tshu comes to town and challenges the crime family that owns it, burning their opium and taking away one of their prostitute wives as his love interest.
Invincible Boxer
Action Director
Devil and Angel
Four Riders
Hawke's Man
Four Korean War veterans pool their talents to take on a venal drug smuggling gang.
The Delightful Forest
Ximen Xing
Legendary fighter Wu Song is sent to prison in Mengzhou province after murdering his sister-in-law and her lover. There he meets with the prison officer Shih En, who saves Wu from the baton punishment required for new prisoners. Wu learns that Shih's restaurant, "The Delightful Forest" has been occupied by Chiang Chung. Wu returns to the restaurant-- A place he's dined in previously.
Young People
Martial Arts Choreographer
The longstanding rivalry between a music club and a sports club is compounded by their leaders' mutual interest in a girl.
Пять пальцев смерти
Martial Arts Choreographer
Талантливый ученик из школы боевых искусств Чао Чи Хао отправляется на турнир в другой город, покинув любимую и наставника. Чао Чи Хао останавливается в местной школе кун-фу. Там он узнает, что представители конкурирующей школы готовы на все, чтобы устранить своих соперников еще до старта приближающегося соревнования.
Пять пальцев смерти
Master Meng's pupil
Талантливый ученик из школы боевых искусств Чао Чи Хао отправляется на турнир в другой город, покинув любимую и наставника. Чао Чи Хао останавливается в местной школе кун-фу. Там он узнает, что представители конкурирующей школы готовы на все, чтобы устранить своих соперников еще до старта приближающегося соревнования.
Боксер из Шантунга
Martial Arts Choreographer
Начало века, в Шанхай приезжает деревенский бедняк Ма Йонгжен. Ма уверен, что с его уникальными бойцовскими качествами он найдет, как заработать, и знакомство с местным мафиози, мастером Таном, только укрепляет его уверенность в этом. А вскоре представляется и шанс «подняться» — он встает на пути головорезов из банды Четырех Чемпионов и, победив их в неравном бою, получает под свой контроль первую «территорию».
The Deadly Duo
The plot involves patriots during the Sung Dynasty and their attempts to rescue a kidnapped prince from Ching troops who have invaded the north of China. The patriots are led by Ti Lung who recruits a mysterious but seemingly superhuman fighter played by David Chiang to find a way to cross a perilous bridge to enter an impregnable fortress to locate and rescue the imprisoned prince.
The Swift Knight
Martial Arts Choreographer
In a rare reversal of typecasting, Shaw Brothers' perennial bad guy Lo Lieh breaks tradition to play the honorable and noble swordsman in The Swift Knight. It's a tale of brave knights, chivalry and fair maidens where the Swift Knight (Lo Lieh) finds himself involved in romance, court intrigue and deadly jousts while trying to protect the lives of a pair of siblings as the fate of the throne depends on them.
The Swift Knight
Black Killer
In a rare reversal of typecasting, Shaw Brothers' perennial bad guy Lo Lieh breaks tradition to play the honorable and noble swordsman in The Swift Knight. It's a tale of brave knights, chivalry and fair maidens where the Swift Knight (Lo Lieh) finds himself involved in romance, court intrigue and deadly jousts while trying to protect the lives of a pair of siblings as the fate of the throne depends on them.
Flyer & Magic Sword
Yi Wei
Flyer & Magic Sword is a Hong Kong Martial Arts movie starring Stanley Fung.
The Duel
Kan's man
Tan Jen-chieh's life spins out of control when he’s forced into exile to clear his name following the murder of his adopted father. He's hunted in the streets. His lover, Butterfly, turns to prostitution. And his father's likely killer – a smooth operator known as the Rambler – is always lingering nearby. But before Tan and the Rambler can slit each other's throats, they learn they've been double-crossed and go two against everyone in a rage of double-edged vengeance.
The New One-Armed Swordsman
Lei Li lost his right-arm in a sword duel with the master of a martial arts school, long ago. Now, he is able to defend himself well with just his left arm, and kung fu techniques. That he proves with just the help of his friend Chung-Chieng, when he crosses his path with a beautiful girl in need, Pao Chiao. Even against impossible odds, he will prove a great warrior.
The Heroic Ones
Martial Arts Choreographer
A Mogul king decides to take stealthy action to help overpower his greatest rivals. He chooses nine out thirteen of his loyal generals to embark on the mission. However, jealously amongst them sparks a treacherous family feud that could lead to catastrophic consequences for all involved.
The Heroic Ones
10th General Li Tsun Shou
A Mogul king decides to take stealthy action to help overpower his greatest rivals. He chooses nine out thirteen of his loyal generals to embark on the mission. However, jealously amongst them sparks a treacherous family feud that could lead to catastrophic consequences for all involved.
I'll Get You One Day
I'll Get You One Day is a Hong Kong Action movie starring Stanley Fung.
The Rattling Whip
Kai's thug
An undercover marshal wants to arrest famous bandit Kao Pao Tien, and he wants his daughter to help him find the castle where the bandit lives. He mistakes a young lady for Kao Pao Tien's daughter and saves her life while she is in an inn where she met her father's friend, who was Kao Pao Tien's man. She discovers that Kao Pao Tien was her mother's brother-in-law and that he tried to rape her once when he was drunk. He fought with the young lady's father and hurt her mother with a poisoned dart. During the 18 following years, the lady's father trained her to fight in order that she takes revenge for her mother's death.
The Flying Dagger
Five Ghouls member
The Yu family earn the ire of the Green Dragon clan when the daughter kills the clan chief's son. The Green Dragon chief wounds family head Yu Yuan with his flying daggers, and kills many others who try to protect the noble family. Wandering swordsman Ying Qing saves the family in a fight, using his own flying dagger skills, but his allegiances and motives are unclear.
Return of the One-Armed Swordsman
Hell's Buddha King Shi Fu
Eight demon swordsmen and their gang have spread menace across many sword teaching schools. The students seek the help of Fang who alone can combat them. Will Fang take up the challenge.
The Sword of Swords
Shang's thug [extra]
A noble swordsman fights to recover the magical blade that has protected his country for centuries after being blinded and betrayed by a ruthless villain. A cunning killer has blinded the brave warrior chosen to defend his country with an enchanted sword, and murdered his family. After recovering, the sightless defender sets out to recover the weapon, and seek revenge against his murderous nemesis.
Golden Swallow
Golden Dragon Five Heroes (in black)
Golden Swallow revolves around the further adventures of its title character. This time around, she is forced into violence when a figure from her mysterious past goes on a killing rampage while leaving evidence that holds her responsible. Golden Swallow also makes room for a love triangle involving a mad, but righteous, swordsman named Silver Roc and a gentle warrior named Golden Whip. The three team up to conquer the evil forces of the martial world, but their joint venture only lasts so long, due to the two men's egos. Ultimately, a duel to the death is planned between them, leaving Golden Swallow caught between two men, both of whom she admires.
The Golden Cat
A Hong Kong Jane Bond film starring Josephine Siao.
Однорукий меченосец
Feng's Disciple (extra)
Ванг Ю здесь играет младшего ученика школы Золотого меча, которого совершенно не воспринимают всерьез его собратья по школе. Он решает уйти из школы, но ревнивая дочь его учителя в порыве ярости отрубает ему правую руку. Его подбирает девушка-отшельница и, поставив на ноги, доверяет ему книгу своего отца, в которой подробно описан стиль однорукого фехтования. Но он уже не хочет сражаться, и лишь долг и признательность учителю вынуждает его вернуться в школу, когда в городе появляется таинственный мастер-убийца, вознамерившийся полностью уничтожить всех последователей школы Золотого меча.
The Sweetest Moment
This is a Cantonese musical from director Wong Yiu
The Black Killer
Gang Member
A 1967 Cantonese language action film directed by Cheung Wai-Gwong, starring Connie Chan, Adam Cheng and Liu Chia-Liang. Ming-Wai & Ming-Sing, a brother and sister (dual roles played by Connie Chan) who must go undercover in a gang to rescue their uncle.
The Trail of the Broken Blade
Qiu's fighter with hooked blade
Chivalrous swordsman Jun-zhao goes in search of a fugitive named Li Yueh in order to reunite him with his love, Liu Xian. Though the two men meet and become loyal brothers, Li does not reveal his true identity until Jun-zhao's life is endangered by swordsmen from Flying Fish Island who are looking for revenge.
Twin Sisters
Banker Fung Yan-tsang is a seasoned criminal in fraudulent activities. The righteous cat burglar Ham Siu-fo has issued a deadline for Fung to return the scammed money. Despite the obstacles put up by Fung's allies Chow Wai-pak and his stepwife Julie, Ham still manages to reclaim the money which is accordingly returned to the customers. In the process, Ham is reunited with her long-lost twin sister Katherine, Chow's daughter. Since losing her mother whose health took a turn for the worse after Chow's marriage to Julie, Ham has undertaken a chivalrous course in the footsteps of her aunt. She thwarts the scam marriage set up by Fung for Katherine and his idle son, using the servant Chu Yat-keung as bait, and exposes Fung's illicit affair with Julie. Crossing boundaries of class and wealth, the servant Chu and Katherine become man and wife. A happy Ham leaves, continuing to devote her life to the causes of social justice.
The Woman in Black and the Black Dragon
BDG thug [extra]
Celebrity Sadora is seriously wounded in an air crash. Police commissioner Suen and subordinate Ko Cheung find out Sadora was under duress from the Black Dragon Gang to collude with the criminals who had held his daughter hostage. When Ko, assuming Sadora's identity to safeguard his life, is abducted by the gang, Suen turns to 'Black Musketeer' Muk Lan-fa. By blatantly refusing to cooperate with the authorities, Muk escapes the surveillance of both the police and the gang. Acting alone, she scouts the location of the lair but ends up being imprisoned in the same cell with Ko. The captives use every trick in the book to escape. An undaunted Muk returns to infiltrate the den, while her sister Sau-chen, Suen and Ko are lying in wait. The hostages are released and the gang wiped out in a battle fiercely fought. (Synopsis based on visual audiomaterials)
The Golden Buddha
Paul (Zhang Chong) is a businessman who gets caught up in an international espionage plot when he accidentally switches briefcases with a friend aboard a Singapore-bound plane. The friend turns up dead, and Paul discovers a small Golden Buddha inside the briefcase that contains a set of instructions. The instructions are only one of three parts, the other two being held in similar Golden Buddhas by Lo Wei (doing double duty as actor and director) and Lin Cui. When combined, the three Buddhas will lead the bearers to a buried treasure. But the nefarious Skeleton Gang is after the Buddhas, along with a buxom femme fatale (Fannie Fan) who isn't above showing a little skin to get her way. Luckily, Paul knows kung-fu, so the bad guys had better watch out!
The Black Musketeer 'F'
First film in the series, based on Ni Kuang's spy pulp novels. Police Commissioner Fong enlists the chivalrous female bandit Muk Lan-fa to retrieve the latest gadget that emits deadly laser beam and its protocol, which allegedly have been transferred away by Ho Tin-hung. Sensing his life in danger, Ho recruits the agent Ko Cheung as his aide, but no sooner has Ko set foot in his house than Ho is murdered. The opportunistic Detective Chan coerces Ko into the hunt by implicating him in the crime. Masking their own agenda, Muk and Ko enter into a duel of wits which leaves the beaten Ko with a counterfeit. Having abducted Muk's mother, Chan presses Muk and her cousin Sau-chen to surrender the genuine article, but Ko unmasks Chan, the spy, by baiting him with the weapon. The police squad led by Fong and Commissioner Suen swarm onto the scene, arresting Chan while he is attempting to flee holding Muk's mother hostage. Chan dies amidst a shower of bullets fired by his own daughter Sau-chen.
The Twin Swords
Red Lotus bandit
Gui Wu happens upon a kidnapping with his wife Gan Lian-zhu at the Red Lotus Temple. Lian-zhu sends Wu to go for reinforcements while she stays to fight the kidnappers. Fortunately, the mysterious Scarlet Maid is surreptitiously helping her.