Clàudia Pons


I Never Left You Alone
Claudia revisits the house where she spent summers.
Кровавый стрим
Группа молодых людей подверглась нападению трёх человек. Жестокие игры и пытки будут транслироваться в прямом эфире.
Элой де Пальма — пастор-экзорцист, который посещает вместе со своей внучкой Альбой самые темные уголки страны. Их миссия заключается в оказании помощи людям, одержимым злыми духами…
TV Movie, nominated for the Gaudí, which adapts the eponymous play written by the playwright Pere Riera. Tense battle in front and behind the cameras between a journalist and a politician. This is not a work on politics. Nor is it a story about journalists. It is not a reflection on the always convulsive relations between the media power and the administration. "Desclassificats" shows us the meeting of three characters with very opposite points of view on ethics, professional integrity and dignity of the individual.
Psychiatrist Dr. Helena Jarra conducts a series of psychological experiments on several patients afflicted with schizophrenia in order to prove that schizophrenia is connected with paranormal phenomena. Jarra takes a handful of schizophrenics to a secluded house that's rumored to be haunted. Parapsychologist Matias Kram documents the events on videotape for posterity.