Blonde Lady
In the midst of Stalinist tyranny, six-year-old Leelo's mother is sent to a prison camp. Haunted by her mother's last words telling her to be a good kid, Leelo vows to be on her best behaviour in the confusing grown-up world in the hope that it will bring her mother back.
Dr. Alttoa
Mattias has a dream to become a photography student of the Berlin Arts Academy. On the journey of following his calling, his dream is constantly put to a test after Mattias falls in love with a beautiful free spirit Hanna. Trying to win her heart, Mattias feels the need to prove Hanna, that he can be just as adventurous and unpredictable as she is. Breaking the law together with Hanna, Mattias risks everything dear to him, not knowing yet, that Hanna's bold acts are only the symptoms of bipolar disorder. In the moment of jelousy Mattias accidentally commits a crime that could put him behind bars for years. The only escape he sees is to get himself declared irresponsible. In order to achieve that Mattias decides to start faking the illness her gilfriend really has - bipolarity.
History Teacher
Three middle aged men are going to their high school reunion after 25 years and the troubles that come with it.
30-year old Kertu has lived under her father's power her whole life. Because of her gentle nature, she is thought by locals to be a little simple-minded. The young woman makes her first timid attempt to change something in her life - she send a postcard to Villu, a handsome but degenerate village drunk.
When Joko, Ants and Reeda, all in their own good reasons, first enter a casino, they can't possibly be aware of the very existence of the demons inside them. Soon enough, they will know. But then it is already too late and their lives are suddenly caught in a fatal vortex.
Keiser, the lead singer of a former rock group won't put up with approaching old age and decides to call his old band members together. Keiser's ambition is to return to the big stage with his buddies. Despite the initial resistance of other fellows, Keiser will be successful, at least partly so. It is a fast-paced comedy full of humor and consolation, telling the story about people who despite all obstacles strive for their goal.
Agnes (uncredited)
В основе фильма - биография известного и любимого в Эстонии автора лирических песен Раймонда Валгре, охватывающая период с 1939 по день его смерти в канун Нового 1960 года. В одной из главных ролей - Лиз Таппо, мисс Эстония-1991.
Тридцатилетняя Регина, получив в наследство дом в деревне, безболезненно покидает город и начинает новую жизнь. Для начала героиня выходит замуж и, убедившись в том, что мужа от алкоголизма не вылечить, ради здоровья будущих детей начинает поиски подходящих кандидатур...
Astrid Olsen
Действие происходит накануне первой мировой войны в провинциальном приморском городке. Главный герой — доктор Стокман, способный врач — вместо ядовитой, хотя и сладкой лжи, предлагает согражданам горькую правду. В результате он становится объектом всеобщего порицания и теряет свою работу.
The protagonist of this satirical short is a photographer whose camera captures photos of people's true nature. We often have to ask ourselves whether we see the truth around us. But do we want to see it?
Дочь короля Элиза отправляется на поиски своих одиннадцати братьев. Злая мачеха-ведьма превратила их в диких лебедей и заставила скитаться по свету. Добрые люди, скалы и ветер показывали девушке дорогу. Чтобы снять злые чары, Элиза должна сплести 11 рубашек из крапивы и набросить их на лебедей…
Helena's Friend
Две супружеские пары и их общая знакомая отправляются к известному экстрасенсу в надежде на то, что он поможет разобраться каждому в назревших проблемах...