Ivan Radović


Our Problems
Our Problems is a short animated film about the importance of everyday pleasures, difficulties and issues from the protagonist's point of view, and their relative immateriality compared to the WHOLE UNIVERSE. The greatest problem in the world is the greatest only in this world and no matter how big and important we think it is, the rest of the universe is oblivious of it.
Our Problems
Our Problems is a short animated film about the importance of everyday pleasures, difficulties and issues from the protagonist's point of view, and their relative immateriality compared to the WHOLE UNIVERSE. The greatest problem in the world is the greatest only in this world and no matter how big and important we think it is, the rest of the universe is oblivious of it.
Boom Town
Farmers and their families, engineers, technicians, criminals and prostitutes were acquired on the construction of industrial facilities in Zenica. Siba tries to help them, working with dedication and love that goes beyond his duty. It is difficult to satisfy everyone and achieve more in this scorching city and Siba makes mistakes, carried by desire to achieve the impossible. With great effort, the builders manage to overcome the maelstrom after the dam burst, and while the first iron runs from the new furnace, Siba, dismissed because of errors committed, leaves a boom town of Zenica.
Поезд вне расписания
Этот поезд шел без расписания и подолгу простаивал на станциях. Пользуясь этим, пассажиры выходили и знакомились между собой; все они ехали в одно место — на север страны, на черноземные, плодородные земли. Поезд вез их из родных деревень, где жили еще отцы и деды, но где вместо земли был холодный, твердый камень, на котором ничего не родилось. О судьбах этих переселенцев-крестьян, по зову своего правительства отправившихся строить новую жизнь, и рассказывает фильм.