Hugo Villavicenzio

Рождение : , Lima, Peru


Хорошие манеры
Богатая и одинокая женщина Ана нанимает помощницу по хозяйству и потенциальную няню для будущего ребёнка. Между женщинами возникает крепкая дружба, и даже больше, но ещё нерожденный младенец оказывает сильное влияние на состояние Аны.
Necropolis Symphony
In the city of São Paulo, the routine of gravedigger apprentice Deodato changes when a new working girl arrives at the cemetery. Together, they must re-register the abandoned tombs, but strange events make the apprentice wonder about the consequences of messing with the dead.
Во сколько она вернётся?
Фильм повествует о домработнице Вал, которая, проработав многие годы в Сан-Паулу вдали от своей дочери Жессики, оставленной в штате Пернамбуку, наконец, имеет стабильную работу, но ее мучает совесть из-за расставания с семьей. В то же время она фактически стала второй матерью сыну своих работодателей, которого помогала растить как няня.
A Ópera do Cemitério
Hard Labor
With her husband having lost his job, Helena opens her own grocery store, but is soon plagued by strange occurrences.
The Impassive Muse
Seu Jair
In "The Impassive Muse", Adrine is of Armenian descent and has OCD (Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder). Edivaldo is from Pernambuco and suffers from immobilizing absence seizures which make him stand as still as a statue. Adrine is married to Adilson, a brutalized man who do not bear to be touched by the woman. Edivaldo wants to marry Gladis, unlikely aspirant to the fashion world. Adrine don't want to be noticed. Edivaldo need to 'be somedbody' to win back his bride. One morning, the lives of Edivaldo and Adrine cross because of ripe orange. Among historical monuments, sculptures, people of different backgrounds and dreams, Edivaldo and Adrine share a journey of recognition and acceptance without imagining that what they live, in fact is the oldest and necessary of the stories: a love story.
Homem do Gramofone
A pawn shop proprietor buys used goods from desperate locals – as much to play perverse power games as for his own livelihood, but when the perfect rump and a backed-up toilet enter his life, he loses all control.