Sammy Fan Chin-Hung


No Limit
Action Director
Wu Jixian is a cheerful and sunny boy who possesses great racing skills. One day, while delivering an important document for a V.I.P client, he bumps into and disrupts a performance by Xiao An and a group of roller skating youths led by Feng Xingzi. In a bid to show off, Feng Xingzi displays his car racing skills and offends Xiao An. In the midst of this, the baggage in his hands is snatched away by Feng Xingzi. The group of youths does not realise that the baggage contains a genetic sample meant to counter a deadly virus; and a mysterious parrot sent by a crime organization is currently hunting for the baggage. An thrilling adventure and chase thus ensues, as Wu Jixian and his new-found friends seek to recover the baggage and prevent the loss of lives.
China Strike Force
Bus Driver / Construction worker
A young Chinese Security Officer, Darren, is called for Team 808, which fights against the smuggling of drugs and corruption. Noriko, a Japanese Interpol officer, collaborates with Darren for the destruction of a large international drug cartel. At the same time, a senior government officer's daughter is suspected of corruption.
China Strike Force
A young Chinese Security Officer, Darren, is called for Team 808, which fights against the smuggling of drugs and corruption. Noriko, a Japanese Interpol officer, collaborates with Darren for the destruction of a large international drug cartel. At the same time, a senior government officer's daughter is suspected of corruption.
Bullets Over Summer
Plainclothes policemen Brian and Mike use an elderly woman's apartment for surveillance, hoping to catch a fugitive gangster. They develop a warm relationship with their hostess, whom they call "granny." Meanwhile, each man develops a romantic relationship: Brian with a strange wandering teenage girl, and Mike with a pregnant woman at the dry cleaning shop. When the gangster returns to his flat, Brian and Mike are forced into an explosive confrontation.
Gambling Baron
Chen Chun (Max Mok) and San (Roy Cheung) are two low-level mainland gangsters who open their own gambling outfit. When Chen Chun winds up killing the owner of a rival parlor, he flees to Hong Kong where he soon falls in with a heroin-addicted hooker named Fang (Lee Suet Man). They inevitably fall in love, but soon their bliss is shattered with the news that Chen's gambling venture has been taken over by a notorious gangster called Bolo Guy (Jimmy Lung Fong) and his mainland girlfriend Melia (Jacqueline Ng) who has been killed. Chen goes back over the border looking to set things right.
Ангелы терминаторы 2
Пуля (Юкари Ошима) выходит из тюрьмы, куда она села вместо своего босса, мелкого криминального авторитета. Пуля рассчитывает на помощь босса, но тот отказывает ей и девушка пытается найти себя в жизни. Читти (Мун Ли) ее лучшая подруга всячески помогает ей, до тюрьмы девушки вместе тренировались в одной школе боевых искусств. Мэй, подруга Пули и Читти подписывает контракт на главную роль в фильме, но на самом деле негодяи насилуют девушку и записывают видео, а после принуждают к проституции. Пуля и Читти мстят за подругу и избивают людей, которые записали видео. Вскоре девушки узнают, что это были мелкие сошки и что на них открыли охоту настоящие бандиты...
Saviour Of The Soul II
Ching-yan lives with his young protege Tim and an inventor referred to only as The Doctor. One day they decide to embark on a quest to the Snowy Mountain in hopes of finding a special block of ice that is said to contain the life essence of immortality. The evil Devil King also wants the ice, but Ching-yan thinks that it contains the secret to meeting a woman who appears in his dreams and attempts to keep it for himself.
With or Without You
A cop falls in love with a karaoke singer, while her violent, and psychotic gangster-boyfriend, known as Prince, is away on business.
Mountain Warriors
Waise Lee and his band of mercenaries go into the Vietnam jungles of an anti-american terrorist training camp.
Dreaming the Reality
Martial Arts Choreographer
An expert assassin - trained since childhood to be the perfect killer - loses her memory during a mission in Thailand, and ends up in the care of a wry ex-policewoman and her boxing cohort. The equally lethal sister of the assassin pursues her, uncertain of her intentions and whether to kill her.
Dreaming the Reality
An expert assassin - trained since childhood to be the perfect killer - loses her memory during a mission in Thailand, and ends up in the care of a wry ex-policewoman and her boxing cohort. The equally lethal sister of the assassin pursues her, uncertain of her intentions and whether to kill her.
The Holy Virgin Versus the Evil Dead
Martial Arts Choreographer
A teacher and his five female students are attacked by a monster with neon-green eyes.The teacher escapes but his students are completely dismembered.He soon discovers the monster is worshipped by a cult whose ambition is to rule the world and tear the clothes off young girls.
The Real Me
Martial Arts Choreographer
An undercover cop loses his memory after an accident. Since he doesn't remember a thing he must figure out who he really is and what side of the law he belongs to.
Лысый тигр, толстый дракон
Два друга-крепыша полицейских по прозвищу «Лысый Тигр» и «Толстый Дракон» вступили в непримиримую борьбу с наркомафией и ее боссом «Грязным Гарри». Драки, головокружительные трюки, погони, перестрелки… Им все нипочем, мафия не уйдет от возмездия, когда рядом кулак верного друга.
Бог игроков
Главного героя зовут просто Ко Чунь, но вот в мире азартных игр его уже много лет называют не иначе как «Бог азартных игроков». Он никогда не проигрывает, карты в его руках ведут себя словно живые, а игральные кости способны творить настоящие чудеса. Он знает, как выпадут кости даже просто слушая их стук в игральном кубке… Однажды Ко Чунь попадает в чужую ловушку и из-за полученных травм лишается памяти. Подобравший его на дороге мелкий шулер по кличке Нож обнаруживает у пострадавшего способности к азартным играм, которыми сразу же решает воспользоваться… Однако Ко Чунь, получивший травму, хоть и не лишается своих феноменальных способностей, во всем остальном начинает вести себя как маленький ребенок — плачет по пустякам, требует шоколадку…
Bloody Brotherhood
Wah is the only one in his family lucky enough to survive the deadly boat passage from China to Hong Kong. Once in Hong Kong, he searches for opportunities he heard so much about. After struggling for months, he discovers that this is all but a myth.
City Warriors
A soldier from Mainland China arrives at Hong Kong to look for his estranged sister and finds out that she has been forced into prostitution by a criminal organization.
Evil Cat
Security Guard
Every 50 years a cat demon has to be killed by a Cheung family member until the body-hopping feline demon's 9 lives are up. This time it falls on the shoulders of Master Cheung (Chia-Liang Liu). He is afraid of cancer killing him before he can stop the demonic force, so when Long (Mark Cheng) comes to him after his boss (Staurt Ong) gets possessed, he tries teaching him his family's Mao Shan magic hoping to pass it onto him since Cheung's bloodline stops with himself.
Сердце Дракона
Kim's Thug
Молодой полицейский Тед, поступивший в спецподразделение полиции, получает первое задание. Во время расследования Тед узнает, что его братец Денни, непутевый толстяк и недотепа, оказался замешанным в торговле краденым. Спасение единственного родного человека становится главным заданием Теда.
Мои счастливые звезды 2
Boss Lau's Man at Warehouse
Особый отдел полиции Гонконга ведет расследование деятельности мафиозного клана. Агенту отдела удается внедрить в мафию своего осведомителя. Но в Бангкоке мафия расправляется со «стукачом». Полицейский из Бангкока и специальный агент начинают совместную операцию по ликвидации мафиозного клана.