Denis Murić

Denis Murić


Denis Murić


Indigo Crystal
Vuk, a 38-year-old ex-convict haunted by his best friend's suicide, is trying to save his younger brother.
Golden Boy
Denis Marković
This is a story about Denis Marković, a young talented football player with a problematic temperament, who from an early age, due to his talent, became a target of various interests.
Brick Head
Loš momak
In an Eastern town, a young gang leader is terrorizing his neighbourhood. He forces everyone to carry a brick as a sign of submission. One day, an adoles-cent humiliated by the "tyrant" decides to fight back.
Biopic about Serbian folk singer Toma Zdravković, the man who is remembered not only for his songs and unique way he was singing them, but also as a bohemian, both in his behavior and his soul.
In this TV drama, seventeen-year-old Maja helps her older brother Bokan to solve a debt that he cannot pay because he is in prison. Wanting to prove herself, Maja insists on doing the job on her own without nobody's help. This decision will take her into a world of violence for which she is not ready.
The Mould
Under the pressure of the international community, the Serbian Government establishes a Mixed Commission, and conferred to it the examination of facts in the affair "missing babies" that has lasted for several decades.
In the Closet
Stefan spends summer in the countryside with his sister helping their grandmother with seasonal work in the field. There, he meets a local boy Marko, who brings him a new discovery about himself.
Many Happy Returns
A thief beginner, his dangerous accomplice and one poorly chosen victim - this will be a wonderful day for everyone.
Don't Bet on the English
In the focus of Djurdjevic's only seemingly "simple" plot are three urban 30-year-olds, stuck somewhere on the first life curves - either because of an inferiority to an employed wife, or because of their inability to prove themselves through superficial sexual adventures, or the overwhelming urge to humiliate his friends behind the "mask" of innocent jokes. However, the equally important protagonist of the play "Don't Bet on the English" - the protagonist who is both inside and outside them - is one of the essential demons of human nature: a passion for gambling, more precisely betting. An emerging form of this obsessive passion is, for Djurdjevic's heroes, betting on the results of matches of various national football leagues.
Miran is an unconventional priest who prepares children for the ceremony of confirmation. One of them is Goran, an orphaned teenage boy who enjoys Miran's attention. One day, a new boy moves into the neighborhood, and immediately becomes Miran's new pet student. Goran gets jealous and admits being in a sexual relationship with the priest, which sets in motion a series of unfortunate events.
Американский спутник терпит крушение и падает где то в районе Сербии. По его поиску организуют группу специальных сербских и американских агентов. Добравшись до места предполагаемого падения , отряд обнаруживает что по указанным координатам никакого спутника нет. Но вскоре , они понимают что вместе со спутником, на землю упало что-то ещё.
Оставшиеся в Косово сербы живут в небольших изолированных общинах — анклавах. Вынужденные ютиться в тесноте, сербы ведут существование в крайне тяжёлых условиях. А что происходит, когда в анклаве умирает человек, а кладбище находится на вражеской территории? 80-летнего старика всё-таки похоронили, но лишь благодаря его десятилетнему внуку, который отважился совершить нечто немыслимое как для сербов, так и для албанцев — он продемонстрировал свою любовь и подружился с чужаками.
Ничей ребенок
Весной 1988 года в горах Боснии был обнаружен ребенок, живущий среди волков. Его назвали Харис и отправили в белградский детский дом на попечение Илке. Там мальчик подружился с другим воспитанником, Жикой, и постепенно прогресс в его развитии стал казаться очевидным. К 1992 году он настолько социализировался, что местные власти решили отправить его обратно в разоренную войной Боснию.