Tou Chung-Hua

Tou Chung-Hua

Рождение : 1962-10-10, Taipei, Taiwan


Tou Chung-Hua


Marry My Dead Body
Mao Zheng Guo
After finding an odd envelope, Policeman Ming-han's life takes a spooky turn: He's now wed to a ghost husband, and they must solve a crime together.
A Place Called Silence
Three students from Jing Mu Girls’ Middle School go missing and turn up dead. Xiao Tong, a special education student with speech impairment, feels like someone is watching her. During the rehearsal for the school’s foundation day event, a corpse falls from the ceiling of the auditorium, and Xiao Tong disappears in the midst of confusion. Her mother, Li Han, who has been working at the school to be close to Xiao Tong, begins her pursuit.
Day by day
Вали отсюда
Ying-Ying’s Father
Когда правительство получает предложение от уважаемого зарубежного партнера разместить у себя на территории побережья химический завод, коррумпированные депутаты тут же начинают лоббировать этот проект, несмотря на то, что отходы этих химических заводов являются источником вируса атипичного бешенства, превращающего людей в кровожадных и агрессивных дебилов. И только депутатка Сюн Ин-Ин, в совершенстве владеющая приемами рестлинга, грудью первого размера заслоняет свою родину от постройки зловредного завода.
49 Days
Chief Criminal Officer
We Are Champions
Chiang Wen-Hsiung
Bonded by blood but divided by basketball, two brothers become rivals on the court. This exciting sports film balances drama on and off the court.
Моцзинь: Долина червя
Chen Yukou
Legendary tomb explorer Hu Bayi is on a dangerous mission as he seeks out the Tomb of Emperor Xian, located on an island of monstrous creatures in this mystical action-adventure.
The Rope Curse
Hoping to make a viral video by streaming a mysterious rope ritual, a couple falls into a deadly curse instead that turns their lives upside down.
The Outsiders
Pei Yu Yen has her whole life ahead of her. Raised in a sheltered environment by her father who is a professor, she is prim and proper and typical good student. However, her life is akin to a canary bird in a cage until the day she met Yu Hao. He is boy caught in a brawl with gangsters on the street. He is the boy who rushed into the classroom to thank her. He is the boy who stopped the bus to give her a love letter. They may be further apart than any two people in the world, but he cannot resist the urge to reach out to her to see her smile again.
Fourth of September
Chang Ming Chieh
Счастливого пути
Brother Tou
Мелкий жулик На Доу, промышляющий угоном скутеров, решив завязать и найти стабильную работу, случайно становится наркокурьером. Отправляясь на очередную доставку, он садится в машину хитрого пожилого таксиста Сюя, не подозревая, что за безумная поездка ждёт его впереди.
Yes, Sir! 7
The Sweet Place
When a single-father mechanic bumps into a pungent massage girl, a buzzard encountering becomes a marginal romance.
First of May
Chang Kai-Liang
Weaving two stories set 30 years apart, First of May is about a middle-aged man looking back at his teenage years, dreaming of his first and possibly only love. At the center of the drama is Bai, a 17-year-old student living with her single mother Wong Lei, and her grandmother. Bai gradually falls for her admirer/stalker Yeh, who is always walking behind her and her best friend Wen Wen wherever they go.
Dream Flight
Chung-Hua Tou
The movie tells the real-life love story of Lt. Col. Lee Cheng-liang, a high profile Indigenous Defense Fighter (IDF) jet pilot, and his visually impaired wife, who are played by Taiwanese actor Bryant Chang and actress Tiffany Hsu, respectively.
Bear It
May's Father
The disappearance of three teddy bears brings eight lonely hearts together. Tiring of serving people, Peter, a tour guide, brings Teddy Bears that are considered as families or pets to their owners to travel abroad. On his way to pick up a Teddy Bear, a car accident happens. All 3 Bears are missing. To stall for time and money, Peter needs to figure out how to continue this unusual trip right away...
Happy Paradise Rock Records 30th Anniversary Live In Taipei
To celebrate the 30th anniversary of Rock Records in Taiwan, the music label put together an unprecedented concert in the history of Taiwan music, supported by more than 60 performing units. The show toured through Asia and many cities in the Mainland, and finally drew its curtains in Taipei Arena in November 2011. The massive lineup posed an array of challenges in terms of scheduling, lightning, sound and stage design for the crew, but in the end everything came together and resulted in a grand five-hour spectacle. Some of the artists who appeared in the finale include Wu Bai and China Blue, Mayday, Emil Chau, Alex To, Karen Mok, Fish Leong, A-Yue Chang, Rene Liu, Winnie Hsin and Richie Jen who brought to fans classic ballads like "Moment of Awakening," "Don't Leave Me If You Love Me," "Soft-Hearted," "A Tearful Decision," "Happy Paradise" and more.
Воин и Волк
Zhang Anliang
Древний Китай. В высокогорной приграничной области императорские войска воюют с кочующими племенами. Новобранец армии с отрядом оказываются в снежном плену в высокогорной деревушке одного из племён. Там он находит местную девушку и вскоре влюбляется в неё, не зная, что на представителях этого племени лежит проклятье, которое коснётся его самым непосредственным образом.
On Mother's Day in Taipei, Chen Mo makes a date for dinner with his wife, hoping to bring their estranged relationship back together. While buying a cake on his way home, a car unexpectedly double parks next to his car, preventing his exit.
Old Wu
Шанхай. Вторая мировая война. Влиятельный политический деятель Мистер И безумно влюбляется в подругу своей молодой жены. Отношения их настолько нежны и трепетны, что обычно осторожный И даже не подозревает, что Ван — вовсе не та, за кого себя выдает! С каждым днем порочная связь заходит все дальше, а страсть становится все сильнее, и теперь уже невозможно остановиться…
Do Over
Zong De
Do Over follows five characters over twenty four hours on the last day of the year. As the interrelated stories proceed, the connections between the lives of the five characters begin to reveal themselves and their stories unravel. By depicting five different characters at emotional crossroads, Do Over examines the struggle of overcoming our greatest fears; the unknown of what lies ahead in the future, the fading value of our existence in the present, and most of all, irreversible mistakes made in the past that may catch up to us.
Одинокий цветок любви
Фильм снят по одноимённой новелле Бай Сяньюна, вошедшей в его сборник Taipei People.
Июльская рапсодия
Sheng Sai-nin
Приближающийся к сорокалетнему юбилею Лам работает учителем. У него есть жена и двое сыновей — один вот-вот закончит университет, а второй пока учится в школе. Кризис среднего возраста подкрадывается к Ламу незаметно: ученики как один идиоты, жена утомляет, работа достала. Проблеск надежды он видит в своей ученице У — самоуверенной девице, у которой есть талант, но нет желания его развивать. Девушка очевидно заинтересована им, поэтому Лам нерешительно, но все же делает ответный шаг.
Wolves Cry Under the Moon
Episodic drama from Taiwan. Was nominated for nine awards at the Golden Horse Film Festival.
Lover's Tears
When architect Kam Ming-sang is accidentally shot in the head as a result of bad judgement by his police officer friend Lam Long, he survives but lapses into a deep coma.
Yes, Sir! IV
The Christ of Nanjing
Ryuichi Okagawa, a Japanese writer who worked as a reporter in China has been sick ever since his return home. While in China, Okagawa had met a devoutly religious girl named Jin-hua. Okagawa was born with a predisposition to agonizing recurrent migraines, but found happiness with Jin-hua and married her. Unfortunately, he already had a wife in Japan, and this revelation crushed Jin-hua. When Okagawa returned home, leaving Jin-hua behind, she was forced to work as a prostitute, catching both a severe case of the flu and a rather less socially acceptable condition. Meanwhile, Okagawa's guilt has torn him apart enough for him to return to China in an attempt to bring Jin-hua home with him to get medical attention, but the girl is already too far gone for his help.
Siao Yu
Giang Wei
Siao Yu needs a Green Card. Mario Moretti needs his debts paid. Getting married could solve their problems, or multiply them.
Люблю тебя
Инспектор Лау все дни напролёт пропадает на работе. Он во всём следует инструкциям и беспощаден не только к преступникам, но и к своим собственным сотрудникам. Не выдержав постоянного отсутствия Лау, его жена решается на связь на стороне.Однажды один из преступников возвращается, чтобы отомстить инспектору, и в итоге последний получает пулю в голову. Лау не умирает, но оказывается прикованным к постели. Это событие даёт герою шанс переосмыслить свою жизнь, а также наладить отношения с женой, которая ждёт ребенка от другого мужчины.
T Day
1941 Hong Kong on Fire
Sam Fong
A family suffers at the hands of the Japanese during the occupation of Hong Kong.
No Sir
Tu Chien-Hsun
Hilarious sequel to the movies 'Yes Sir' and 'Yes Sir 2,' about the Nationalist soldiers of the Taiwan Army. This is equivalent in the US as M*A*S*H 3.
The Day the Sun Turned Cold
Guan Jian
Guan Jian wants to report the murder of his father who died 10 years ago. The alleged murderer whom Guan Jian accuses of the crime is his own mother.
The Magic Sword
WO Chinese warlords are fighting each other. Then there is a blacksmith who finds out how to make steel and the tragedy begins. He is forced to make steel, but to make the amount of steel for an army it is very difficult and lot of people must die. This big budget swords play-fantasy new wave martial arts movie was well made and is not only a movie for martial arts movie fans.
A multi-lingual tour guide who owns multiple passports one day drives his wife and daughter to a desolate seashore town and checks in a secluded, spacious, ruins-like hotel. From that moment on, he throws himself into gambling, tossing the dice with local residents all day. Sometimes he wins big, but sometimes he loses all. Feeling neglected and uncomfortable, his wife and daughter soon leave him and return home. He stays and wanders in this fishing village and gradually immerses himself in the surroundings—a place rife with immoral vagabonds, outlaws and weirdoes.
Бабочка и меч
Lui Heung-Chuen
Фильм повествует о трех героях, друзьях детства, которых наняли для того чтобы раскрыть заговор против Императора…
King Swindler
King Swindler is a Taiwan Comedy starring Sammo Hung
End of the Road
Ke Bao-Den
A young Taiwanese man after being released from prison starts his life as a gangster. He goes to Hong Kong to do some business with the Triads.
Zodiac Killers
Chang Chih
Hong Kong student Ben Lee becomes friends with his mainland Chinese classmate Chang Chih while studying abroad in Japan. Ben is unmotivated to study and only cares about money and on the other hand, whenever Chih encounters a Chinese person, he would ask whereabouts of his childhood sweetheart. Ming is also from Hong Kong and in order to elevate his social status, he becomes involved with a bar hostess and owner Yuriko, hoping to become Yakuza leader Yamada Ishikawa's brother in-law.
The War Dogs
4th installment to the Naughty Cadets series.
Winter Ritual
A Taiwanese girl falls in love with a Han Chinese man, leading to a tragic end.
A Home Too Far
Ke-Pao Deng
In 1950s, Chinese Civil War ends with the defeat of Republic of China and the establishment of Communist China. The 93rd Division's soldiers take their families with them, exit southwestern China and enter northern Burma (Myanmar). The hike through forest is full of disasters and short of supplies, but the survivors reach and settle within border of Burma. They build a village, and ally with local armed gang to resist Burmese government's attacks. Later, the relocated government of Republic of China offers to take the soldiers and dependents to Taiwan, but some are disappointed with the government and decide to stay.
Остров Огня
Chu / Charlie
Полицейский Вонг Вэй, приехав издалека, обнаруживает своего дядю, старшего полицейского офицера, убитым при загадочных обстоятельствах. Поскольку найденные улики не только не помогли делу, но ещё больше его запутали, Вонг решает сесть в тюрьму, чтобы, завоевав доверие заключенных, найти убийцу. Однако дело принимает неожиданный оборот и Вонг оказывается замешанным в убийстве одного из тюремщиков, за что его приговаривают к смерти. Однако когда приговор вот-вот должен был быть приведён в исполнение, некто Вардер Тьен предлагает ему присоединиться к своему движению, несущему порядок и справедливость людям…
Seven Foxes
Chen Hau
Yes, Sir! 2
People Between Two China
Sir, Tell Me Why?
The story of how a high school teacher overcomes all the problems and difficulties with problem students as well as other unfavorable circumstances in his teaching.
Neverending Memory
Yeh's directorial debut film pays tribute to the golden years of Taiwanese-dialect films in the 1960s.
Osmanthus Alley
Ti Hung's parents die when she is twelve. When she is sixteen, she determines to change her fate, swearing to rise from her poverty. She becomes famous for her embroidery and eventually marries into a rich family, but tragedy ensues.
Taste of Mercy
The Boys from Fengkuei
Huang Jinhe
Ah-Ching and his friends have just finished school in their island fishing village, and now spend most of their time drinking and fighting. Three of them decide to go to the port city of Kaohsiung to look for work. They find an apartment through relatives, and Ah-Ching is attracted to the girlfriend of a neighbor. There they face the harsh realities of the big city.
Ah Fei
The startling contrast between old and new Taiwan is the subject of Wan Jen's epic of traditional identities coming into conflict with an urban life, emphasizing the situation of women.
Growing Up
Adult Shiao Pi
The story follows a young man as he changes from an intelligently aware youth, to a teenager with much less confidence than he once had, and finally, to a stable adult.
Ghost Under the Cold Moonlight
Taiwanese horror film.
The Life God
Tells the story of "Bao sheng da di"--A marvelous man who wanted to become a doctor so that he could save his mother's life.
News Hen
An early romantic comedy starring Brigitte Lin.
Ghost of the Mirror
A scholar falls in love with a beautiful girl, who may or may not be a ghost.
School Girl