Jesper Klevenås


A close-knit drama about the shopping-addicted young mother Linda and her daughter, Mira.
A close-knit drama about the shopping-addicted young mother Linda and her daughter, Mira.
A Silent Child
A child never cries nor screams when it gets injured. All the terrible consequences involved.
A Silent Child
A child never cries nor screams when it gets injured. All the terrible consequences involved.
Homo Sapiens
No action, no scenario, except for the man in silence. Bob Hansson reads his poem to music by Flesh Quartet and pictures by Jesper Klevenås.
Homo Sapiens
No action, no scenario, except for the man in silence. Bob Hansson reads his poem to music by Flesh Quartet and pictures by Jesper Klevenås.
Just a  Kid
What started out as a pleasant school trip has now turned to tragedy. Twelve-year-old Maria is standing on a bridge threatening to throw herself onto the railway tracks below. Her schoolmates are cheering her on, insulting her and daring her to jump, while her teacher is reasoning with her to get her to climb down.
Just a  Kid
What started out as a pleasant school trip has now turned to tragedy. Twelve-year-old Maria is standing on a bridge threatening to throw herself onto the railway tracks below. Her schoolmates are cheering her on, insulting her and daring her to jump, while her teacher is reasoning with her to get her to climb down.
Песни со второго этажа
Director of Photography
Однажды вечером в Стокгольме начинает происходить ряд невероятно странных, не связанных друг с другом событий. Немолодой клерк сходит с ума после безжалостного увольнения с работы… На улице жестоко избивают заблудившегося эмигранта… Фокусник совершает роковую ошибку прямо во время своего представления, по-настоящему распилив несчастного добровольца из публики… Растерянного человека, в отчаянии спалившего дотла свой мебельный магазин, преследует призрак удавленника… Огромная толпа важных и мрачных взрослых людей приносит в жертву невинную девочку… В городе немыслимые пробки; по улицам чинно ходят хорошо одетые чиновники, хлещущие себя плетьми… Похоже, пришел тот час, которого все так давно боялись…