Sami Sänpäkkilä

Рождение : 1975-01-01, Ulvila, Finland


The Saboteur
Former saboteur gets back on saddle. Every trick will be exposed.
Eleanoora Rosenholm: Moskova metro
Ninni Luhtasaari: A Day in the Mouth episode 11
Ninni Luhtasaari is a primitive entertainer in music and visual arts. Luhtasaari is known from bands such as Ninni Forever Band, Maria ja Marsialaiset, Risto and Jari Raaste.
Amuri: Masa
Litku Klemetti: Keijukaisvalssi
Litku Klemetti: Keijukaisvalssi
Litku Klemetti: Keijukaisvalssi
Litku Klemetti: Keijukaisvalssi
The Eternal Sleep of the Man
The Eternal Sleep of the Man is a collaborative film by Sami Sänpäkkilä and Anna-Mari Nousiainen. The film depicts magical realism and seeks solace in our urban environment. In the passage titled #suomineito (Finnish maiden) a woman in blue clothes and blue hair hangs upside down from a rope in a tree. In the passage Kultasuu (Goldmouth) Nousiainen cuts her hair in the middle of a golden glitter rain and in another passage a man reads a burning book and sings of hope. The work is available as a nine minute short film with surround sound or as a 15 channel installation with two stereo audio channels.
The Goodiepal Equation
The Goodiepal Equation is the first feature documentary directed by Sami Sänpäkkilä and produced by Moderni Kanuuna. It follows the life of the hacker, renaissance man, futurist, hustler, philanthropist, Rudolph Steiner dropout, programmer and art collector Goodiepal. Meet the man for the new millennium!
M: Tehtaantyttö
Music video for the song Tehtaantyttö by M.
M: Tehtaantyttö
Music video for the song Tehtaantyttö by M.
Maria ja Marsialaiset: Tällä tiellä haamut liftaa
Seremonia: Pahuuden äänet
Samurai Rauni
Villagers are afraid of Samurai Rauni Reposaarelainen, who keeps them on their toes every day. When someone places a bounty on Rauni's head, he goes after this mysterious person.
Samurai Rauni
Villagers are afraid of Samurai Rauni Reposaarelainen, who keeps them on their toes every day. When someone places a bounty on Rauni's head, he goes after this mysterious person.
Samurai Rauni
Villagers are afraid of Samurai Rauni Reposaarelainen, who keeps them on their toes every day. When someone places a bounty on Rauni's head, he goes after this mysterious person.
Pekko Käppi & K.H.H.L.: Laihan koiran haukku ei kuulu taivaaseen
White People
Original Music Composer
The story follows a group of people who are kidnapped from the street and held hostage in an underground prison to await deportation. Will they escape? What will be the cost of freedom?
Lau Nau: A Day in the Mouth episode 7
The seventh episode in my mini documentary series called A Day in the Mouth features Lau Nau, the musical alias of Laura Naukkarinen – a singer-songwriter, composer, producer.
Psychedelic Alphabet for the Newborn
Life is full of beauty, violence, hope, danger and lipstick.
Death Hawks: Black Acid
Lau Nau: Valolle
Lau Nau: Kuoleman tappajan kuolema
Kuoleman tappajan kuolema was relatively ambitious project taken into account I had very little budget for it. First idea that came to my head months ago was to bury Laura in the ground. I began the project by writing the script based on that simple idea.
Risto: Turvaluola
Ninni Forever Band: Konfetti
Räjäyttäjät: Aamupalalle pommiin
The Big Crunch
The Big Crunch is a video installation that presents images to the viewer that communicate the presence of humans on earth, evolution and human intelligence. All images are carefully composited according to the divine proportions. We see images poetically and metaphorically representing the beginning of mathematical innovations to the projected end of the world, the big crunch. Our observations and our learning shape the universe into being, time is a creation of our minds, laws are generated by our thoughts and conclusions.
The Big Crunch
The Big Crunch is a video installation that presents images to the viewer that communicate the presence of humans on earth, evolution and human intelligence. All images are carefully composited according to the divine proportions. We see images poetically and metaphorically representing the beginning of mathematical innovations to the projected end of the world, the big crunch. Our observations and our learning shape the universe into being, time is a creation of our minds, laws are generated by our thoughts and conclusions.
The Big Crunch
The Big Crunch is a video installation that presents images to the viewer that communicate the presence of humans on earth, evolution and human intelligence. All images are carefully composited according to the divine proportions. We see images poetically and metaphorically representing the beginning of mathematical innovations to the projected end of the world, the big crunch. Our observations and our learning shape the universe into being, time is a creation of our minds, laws are generated by our thoughts and conclusions.
Seremonia: Rock'n'Rollin Maailma
This is probably the most fun I’ve had on a shoot ever! Everyone had a hard time keeping their poker at all times of the day. So what you see is the footage between the smirks and the laughter we managed… We wrote the script with Ville in just a few hours. Let’s face it, it’s a pretty easy subject to write about! The shoot took us about nine hours, the edit one and a half days. So it was about a two day project in total.
The Big Crunch
The Big Crunch is a video installation that presents images to the viewer that communicate the presence of humans on earth, evolution and human intelligence. All images are carefully composited according to the divine proportions. We see images poetically and metaphorically representing the beginning of mathematical innovations to the projected end of the world, the big crunch. Our observations and our learning shape the universe into being, time is a creation of our minds, laws are generated by our thoughts and conclusions.
Ville Pirinen: A Day in the Mouth episode 6
Ville Pirinen is a hard rocking visual arts freelancer and a musician living in Tampere, Finland. He plays in a multitude of bands including Black Audio, Seremonia, Steel Mammoth and draws and writes comics such as “Ornette Birks Makkonen” and “Yhesti yhes paikas”.
Tuusanuuskat: Kukkien Guantanamo Bay
Shot on iPhone 8mm app.
Barry Andrewsin Disko: Talitintti
We had a very small crew for this video. Here’s a good hint, if you’re shooting in front of suburbian drug store with masked men, realistic looking guns and wads of cash you should definitely call the emergency services and let them know about it. They’ll be very pleased and actually it is common practice.
Ignatz: When The Fall Is All That Is Left
Eleanoora Rosenholm: Valo kaasumeren hämärässä
Когда Эмма встретила Кассандру, то между ними начались отношения, полные физических и психологических проблем. Эмма готова пойти на все ради того, чтобы усвоить правила игры. Когда все границы пройдены, то ставки повышаются. Однако Эмме сложно противостоять опьяняющему чувству полного контроля.
Islaja: Pimeyttä kohti
Making this video was a special occasion and I felt really really excited cause I got an opportunity to shoot it with a Red One camera.
Disco Ensemble: Protector
Astrid Swan & Drunk Lovers: 2000–2010 (I'm Not Even 30)
Shogun Kunitoki: Riddarholmen
Paavoharju: Valo tihkuu kaiken läpi
Islaja: Rohkaisulaulu
The video is filmed on 16 mm film in Pyynikki in Tampere.
The Two Left Hands of the Surrealist
A girl with a golden star in front of her face runs in the forest.
Kubistisia vittu saatana
A girl smashes a car with a sledge hammer.