Jûzô Tanaka


Sarayashiki: The Ghost Residence in Banshu
Director of Photography
Retelling of the classic Japanese ghost story.
Chushingura: The Truth
Director of Photography
Lord Asano Takumi-no-Kami Naganori was charged with receiving a group of envoys from the Imperial Court in Kyoto. He was young and slightly inexperienced, so Lord Kira Kozuke-no suke Yoshinako was given the task of instructing Lord Asano in the customs of the ceremony. On the day of the reception, something went terrible wrong, and Lord Asano attempted to kill Lord Kira. For this, Lord Asano was order to commit seppuku. However, in violation of existing law, Lord Kira was not punished. The ruling Shogun Tokugawa Tsunayoshi eventually confiscated Lord Asano's land and dismissed the samurai that had served him so faithfully, effectively making them all ronin. Two years later, Oishi Kuranosuke Yoshi led a group of samurai loyal to Lord Asano in an attack on Kira's compound. Their aim was to capture and kill him.
Солнечный диск
Director of Photography
В основу повествования положен рассказ Риити Ёкомицу о доисторической и жестокой Японии, о любви-ненависти принцессы Химико. В настоящее время кинолента считается утерянной.
Разбойник из Эдо, Кагэбоси
Director of Photography
Середина эпохи Эдо (1601-1868). В столице Японии, городе Эдо, появляется веселый и проказливый разбойник по прозвищу Кагэбоси. Хотя он и совершает противозаконные действия, в то же время в его поступках есть доля особой иронии и шаловливости. Кагэбоси – отважный защитник слабых и униженных от притеснения властей.