Yoo Teo

Yoo Teo

Рождение : 1981-04-11, Cologne, Germany


Yoo Teo is a Korean actor and director. He began acting when studying at the Lee Strasberg Theater and Film Institute, NY at the age of 20. He later continued his studies in an intensive course at the Royal Academy of Dramatic Art, London. After having acted in various independent films and theater productions in New York and Berlin he moved to Seoul in 2009.


Yoo Teo
Yoo Teo


Прошлые жизни
Hae Sung
Ён-на и Хэ-сон были друзьями детства, но их связь прервалась, когда девушка переехала в Канаду с родителями. Спустя 12 лет они возобновляют общение — сначала в социальных сетях, а потом проводят вместе неделю в Нью-Йорке.
Решение уйти
Assistant Manager Lee
Детектив расследует смерть мужчины, упавшего со скалы. Вдова покойного сотрудничает со следствием, но чем дальше продвигается дело, тем больше детектив её подозревает и тем сильнее влюбляется.
Log in Belgium
“To me films are an imaginary world where emotion comes into play.” YOO Teo traveled to Belgium to make his movie but he ended up being locked down due to COVID-19. This film is about his 15-days of quarantine in Antwerp Hotel fighting for his movie and loneliness. He also depicted his most personal story. This is the debut film of YOO Teo both as the star and the director.
Log in Belgium
“To me films are an imaginary world where emotion comes into play.” YOO Teo traveled to Belgium to make his movie but he ended up being locked down due to COVID-19. This film is about his 15-days of quarantine in Antwerp Hotel fighting for his movie and loneliness. He also depicted his most personal story. This is the debut film of YOO Teo both as the star and the director.
Log in Belgium
“To me films are an imaginary world where emotion comes into play.” YOO Teo traveled to Belgium to make his movie but he ended up being locked down due to COVID-19. This film is about his 15-days of quarantine in Antwerp Hotel fighting for his movie and loneliness. He also depicted his most personal story. This is the debut film of YOO Teo both as the star and the director.
Log in Belgium
“To me films are an imaginary world where emotion comes into play.” YOO Teo traveled to Belgium to make his movie but he ended up being locked down due to COVID-19. This film is about his 15-days of quarantine in Antwerp Hotel fighting for his movie and loneliness. He also depicted his most personal story. This is the debut film of YOO Teo both as the star and the director.
Log in Belgium
“To me films are an imaginary world where emotion comes into play.” YOO Teo traveled to Belgium to make his movie but he ended up being locked down due to COVID-19. This film is about his 15-days of quarantine in Antwerp Hotel fighting for his movie and loneliness. He also depicted his most personal story. This is the debut film of YOO Teo both as the star and the director.
Log in Belgium
“To me films are an imaginary world where emotion comes into play.” YOO Teo traveled to Belgium to make his movie but he ended up being locked down due to COVID-19. This film is about his 15-days of quarantine in Antwerp Hotel fighting for his movie and loneliness. He also depicted his most personal story. This is the debut film of YOO Teo both as the star and the director.
Log in Belgium
“To me films are an imaginary world where emotion comes into play.” YOO Teo traveled to Belgium to make his movie but he ended up being locked down due to COVID-19. This film is about his 15-days of quarantine in Antwerp Hotel fighting for his movie and loneliness. He also depicted his most personal story. This is the debut film of YOO Teo both as the star and the director.
New Year Blues
Four different couples have a romantic week over New Year's Eve. Both coming out of failed marriages, Ji-ho and Hyo-young are not open to the possibility of new love, while Jin-ah heads to the other side of globe and encounters Jae-hun.
Инчхон, 1993 год. Грозный снаружи, но добрый внутри коллектор Ту-сок пытается взыскать долг с нелегальной иммигрантки и забирает в качестве залога её семилетнюю дочь Сын-и. Но женщина попадает в поле зрения миграционной службы и перед депортацией даёт Ту-соку телефон дяди, который выплатит её долг и заберёт девочку. Но пока Сын-и вынужденно живёт в квартире Ту-сока и его напарника, а те всё больше привязываются к ребёнку.
Black Money
Steve Jung
A prosecutor is falsely accused of sexual assault in a suicide note from a woman that he is convinced was actually murdered. As he investigates her death to clear his name, he realizes that the truth lies in a huge financial scandal.
Молодая дизайнерша Со-ён работает в высотном офисном здании на 42-м этаже и страдает от боязни высоты. Каждый рабочий день девушки заканчивается головной болью, и её единственная отдушина - тайные свидания с руководителем отдела Ли, кумиром всех коллег женского пола. Однажды Со-ён с изумлением наблюдает за промышленным альпинистом, моющим окна на такой головокружительной высоте, и после этого сама становится объектом его пристального внимания.
Viktor Tsoi
Фильм рассказывает о самом начале творческого пути Виктора Цоя и группы «Кино», о его взаимоотношениях с Майком Науменко, его женой Натальей и многими, кто был в авангарде рок-движения Ленинграда 1981 года. Это история о Ленинграде 80-х, о любви, поисках и больших надеждах — о настроении, которое останется с нами навсегда.
Kim and Karn.
Mr. Kim
Included in the 2017 Thai anthology film, The Moment.
The Moment
The Moment tells the story of three couples in the romantic city of the New York, London and Seoul.
Bitcoin Heist
To catch Interpol's most-wanted hacker, special Agent Dada must assemble a team of criminals with various special skillsets.
You Call It Passion
Ra-hee is ready for the real world. She has graduated from a respectable college and begins to apply for full-time jobs but is rejected by every company that she applies to. When all hope is lost, she gets a phone call from a newspaper company and is recruited as an intern in the entertainment section. Although reluctant at first, as she believes herself to be over-qualified for the job, she soon learns and understands the passion of the press. During her rollercoaster experience as an entertainment journalist/intern, she discovers the dirty and hidden aspects of the journalism industry.
Фильм «Равные» рассказывает историю Сайласа, который живет в будущем, в обществе, названном «Коллектив». Жители этого современного мира — новое поколение людей, называемое «Равными». Равные — это мирные, спокойные, вежливые и справедливые люди, и жизнь в «Коллективе» идеальна. В нем не существует ни бедности, ни жадности, ни насилия, ни эмоций… Но над обществом нависает новая угроза: заболевание «SOS» или «Синдром Общественной Сознательности», жертвы которого подвергаются всему, чего, как они думали, избежали: депрессия, уязвимость, страх, любовь. Если правительство обнаружит человека, зараженного «SOS», его сразу же заберут в Нору, после чего этого человека уже никто и никогда не увидит.
Seoul Searching
Klaus Kim
In the 1980s a group of foreign-born Korean teenagers who meet at a Seoul summer camp to learn what it means to be Korean. The three boys, from the U.S., Mexico, and Germany, then meet three girls who rock their world.
Один на один
Shadow 3
On May 9th, a female high school student was brutally murdered. There are 7 suspects and 7 shadows that terrorize them. Who are they and which one of them is you?
Behind the Camera
An odd director leaves for Hollywood to shoot a film via Skype and cellphones. 14 actors and actresses are devastated after being dumped by the director. Now, the 14 actors and actress prepare for the counterattack.
Code Name: Jackal
A legendary assassin takes on an elimination task targeting the famous pop singer. She succeeds in kidnapping the singer but is hesitant to kill him, while he is hesitant to run away.
Shanghai Strangers
The Lover
A young woman in modern-day Shanghai whose chance encounter with a stranger moves her to divulge a deep-seated secret. In atmospheric flashbacks she is shown in an old house filled with mementos of the Jewish population who were given asylum in Shanghai during World War II.
Любовные записки
В период очередного кризиса, писатель Ку Чжу Воль едет поработать в Берлин. Там он чисто случайно знакомится с очаровательной Хи Чжин. Она понравилась ему до такой степени, что вернувшись в Корею, Чжу Воль отправляет ей трогательное любовное письмо. Тут-то и завязываются их отношения. Но Чжу Воль настолько отчаялся реализоваться, как писатель, что Хи Чжин становится не только его девушкой, но и музой, и героиней его рассказов, которые он публикует в газете. И никто не знает, что же будет в итоге с такой странной парой.
Innocent When You Dream
Gustav Verga
About the lifestyle and dreams of a gypsy-street musician named Gustav Zerga.
When six famous Korean actresses gather for a Vogue fashion photo shoot, egos collide in funny and touching ways in this ingenious mockumentary, where all actresses involved play (not so) fictional versions of themselves.
День-ночь, день-ночь
Молодая женщина готовится стать террористкой-смертницей — она должна взорвать бомбу в центре Нью-Йорка. Кажется, что делает она это абсолютно хладнокровно, но на самом деле, это не так. У нее нет никаких политических целей — что движет ее желанием стать живой бомбой?
Dirty Money
Two detectives in need; Myung-deuk looks after gang and takes bribes for his sick daughter; Dong-hyeok helps Myung-deuk to settle his gambling debts. One day they hear an information that Chinese gang is shipping a big amount of cash abroad and decide to steal it for themselves. But things go wrong and they're now chased both by police and Chinese gang.