Géza D. Hegedűs

Géza D. Hegedűs

Рождение : 1953-05-07,


Géza D. Hegedűs


White Plastic Sky
2123. Faced with diminishing resources, the human race can only survive through a trade-off: at the age of 50, every citizen is gradually turned into a tree. When Stefan discovers that his beloved wife Nora has voluntarily signed up for donating her own body before her time, he sets out on an adventurous journey to save her at all costs.
Scruffy Co.
After the death of his father, Szilágyi faces Scruffy, the hairdresser, whom he has been dreaded since he was a child.
Szent Ignác útja – Camino Ignaciano
A dzsungel könyve – 25 éves jubileumi előadás
Budapest Heist
The Troupe
After a young soldier sides with a troupe of travelling actors in a fist fight that erupted while they are performing a play, he is forced to flee and the troupe decides to take him in.
The Butcher, The Whore and the One-Eyed Man
Kodelka Ferenc
Depicts the slow decline of three individuals as they are sucked into a world of sinful existence. It is the story of a wild and voracious love triangle.
Illés Béla
Just Drop Dead!
Drop dead please! Following the sudden death of a mysterious engine driver in his sixties, the Wife, the Lover, her illegitimate Daughter and an increasing number of shady characters from his spurious past want to know the true identity of the man they loved. They are dying to know which of them was really loved by him, and where he has hidden the fantastic fruit of his double life. In their deadly struggle, our heroes find themselves in the center of a satirical crime comedy, the sinful roots of which stretch back to the eighties, the closing decade of the socialist era.
Doki apa
Адам, мелкий наркоторговец, подставляет босса и теряет свою беременную подругу, но вскоре ему предоставляется шанс исправить ошибки, приведшие к ее смерти. Что вовсе не означает возможность начать с чистого листа. Более того, протагонист немедленно сталкивается с побочными эффектами от вмешательства в изначальный ход времени, которые он, застряв во временной петле, раз за разом вынужден преодолевать, стараясь все-таки сохранить девушке жизнь.
Свободное падение
The gynecologist
Пожилая дама с сумкой-тележкой в одной руке и пластиковым пакетом — в другой (вы встречаете таких в метро и у подъезда, десятки раз в день) медленно, но уверенно поднимается по лестнице — последний этаж, чердак, наконец, крыша многоквартирного дома. Чуть отдышавшись, старушка подходит к краю, бросает последний взгляд на вечерний двор и прыгает вниз — летит мимо освещенных окон, падает на асфальт и... И ничего страшного, кряхтя, поднимается, подбирая разбитые очки. С такого пролога начинается самая черная, самая невероятная, самая ошеломляющая комедия года: если вы бы только знали, что творится в тех квартирах, мимо которых пролетела эта загадочная бабуся...
T.Ú.K. - Tanár úr kérem!
Made in Hungaria
Miklós Fenyö's parents returned to Communist Hungary in the mid sixties - when everyone else was fleeing to the West. Miki's old friends don't know what to make of his outrageous clothes, flawless American accent and collection of original Buddy Holly 45s. His childhood sweetheart is cold and distant while local tough guy Röné is unmoved by the challenger to his rock 'n' roll crown. But that's not all. When the authorities see the effect Miki's gyrating hips and lewd music have on teenage girls, they won't stand for it. His father's job is on the line, and, for the first time, Miki must play by the rules. He has no choice but to enter the local talent show...
The Eighth Day of the Week
After her husband's death, Hanna Szendroy, the former primadonna, portrayed by Maya Komorowska is caught in the claws of the real estate mafia. She looses her lavish home and ends up homeless at the Keleti train station. When she returns to her house, now full of homeless people moved in by the real estate mafia, an unexpected relationship brings hope into her life again.
Dr. Regõczy Andor
История трех поколений мужчин начинается с изломанной судьбы лейтенанта Второй Мировой войны, продолжается рассказом о его толстом сыне Кальмане. Кальман соревнуется на Олимпийских играх едоков, влюбляется в такую же тучную Гизеллу. И вскоре у них рождается крошечный мальчик, который растет, чтобы стать тихим набивщиком чучел.
A padlás
Révész, aki csak külsőleg azonos Barrabással
A padlás
Barrabás, B. Barrabás, a gengszter
Moliére - A nők iskolája
The Tyrant's Heart, or Boccaccio in Hungary
A historical drama set in the 1400s, a young man sent to Italy but is forced back after his father's mysterious death.
Ifj.Gajzágó András (as Géza D. Hegedüs)
The university student couple, Andris and Mari, cross Nemesbérc during their summer vacation, to hasten the laying of a memorial stone to the memory of András's martyr father.
Green Walnut
A gyilkos én vagyok
Gotár Gábor
Hungarian television play based on a drama (crime fiction, thriller) by hungarian writer Tibor Hámori.