Lau Kong

Lau Kong

Рождение : 1946-08-24,


Lau Kong is a Hong Kong actor most known for his extensive career with the TVB network.


Lau Kong
Lau Kong


Over My Dead Body
A group of residents in an apartment block attempt to smuggle a body out of their building to prevent their properties dropping in value.
Single Papa
Ah Wing is a forty-year old single father. After the passing of his wife in an accident, he has been taking care of his son "Bo Long Gor", and has been managing a convenience store near his son's school. Ah Wing and "Bor Long Gor" depended on each other and Ah Wing slowly became a warm-hearted man who learns how to love and to sacrifice for love.
Белый шторм 2: Наркобароны
A financial tycoon, once a triad member, tries to eradicate the drug market while an old accomplice aims to be Hong Kong's first drug lord.
Undercover Duet
Roger Li, the son of the richest man in town, is involved in a car accident which has soon become the talk of the town. The only witness James, nervous and terrified, denies witnessing the accident and seems to withhold the truth. Veteran undercover cop Dream Dragon and James are old time buddies; with an intention to take advantage of their relationship, Dragon approaches James to investigate this suspected substitute case. James’ beloved sister Kwan is born with a serious eye disease. Her only wish before losing her sight totally is for James to realise his dream of being a popular superstar. It is the motivation for James to join the male pageant “Man of China” in hope to win the competition. Meanwhile, James is invited by a renowned director to work abroad on his new international project. However, the shooting period overlaps with the court date of the case. It turns out that everything is controlled by a mastermind with a premeditated intention yet to be revealed…
Cher's father
Полицейский Дон Ли привык работать со стукачами, но слишком уж часто он бывает на грани провала, слишком часто операции срываются, вот почему мир теперь кажется ему лишь чередой предательств. Но знакомство с Гаем дает ему еще один шанс изменить свои взгляды на жизнь.
Когда дело касалось работы, полицейский Тонг от своих подчиненных не терпел промахов и безответственности, до тех пор пока сам не совершил непоправимую ошибку. Во время погони за беглым преступником, разыскивающимся за ограбление, он случайно убивает маленькую девочку. Не в силах простить себя, он ищет утешение в дружбе с сестрой-близняшкой убитой девочки, Линг, наблюдая за ней в школе или на прогулках. По нелепому совпадению, прокурор, ведущая дело задержанного Тонгом грабителя — мать обоих девочек. Чтобы заставить прокурора проиграть дело, преступники нанимают безжалостного наемника похитить Линг. Тонг, ставший свидетелем похищения, отправляется по следу наемника, чтобы не дать случиться очередной трагедии.
Yes, I Can See Dead People
Nam is not your typical teenager. Sure, he spends a little too much time on his computer, and tries a little too hard to meet the gorgeous stewardess who lives in his building. But recently three of Nam's friends have committed suicide, which isn't all bad since, as the title implies, he sees ghosts. However, these suicides only foreshadow weirder things to come. Soon his brother Tung, along with Chee, his stewardess crush, begin to act strangely, while his visions of ghostly children and other phantoms grow more frequent. With aid from his brother's girlfriend Charlie, Nam sets out to investigate his haunted building's past and help these malevolent spirits cross over.
The Inside Track
The Inside Track is a Hong Kong Comedy starring Bill Tung.
Cop Image
Officer Cheung
Anthony Wong plays a traffic cop who is obsessed with action films. He wants to be a real life hero and gets his chance when he becomes involved in a botched bank robbery case.
Days of Tomorrow
A young woman searches for information about her father who starred in the classic movie 'Days of Tomorrow', which she is helping to remake. She finds out about his restless youth, career in the 1970s Hong Kong film industry, and tragic love affair.
Безумный монах
Magistrate Lee Mo Chun
На Небесах случился переполох. Драконий Воин Ло Хан умудрился обмануть всех местных богов и вызвать ужасный гнев даже у самого Нефритового Императора. Владыка немедленно вызывает его к своему престолу и собирается сурово покарать, но оказывается в последний момент остановлен Верховной Богиней. Выслушав оправдания обманщика, Богиня решает предоставить Ло Хану последний шанс на то, чтобы искупить свои грехи. Ло Хан должен всего за два с половиной дня вернуть богам веру в человечество. Для этого ему необходимо попытаться изменить судьбы трех человек – шлюхи, нищего и бандита. Все дело в том, что всем троим было предрешено кармой оставаться таковыми на протяжении всех своих девяти реинкарнаций. Ло Хан должен этому помешать. Ситуация изрядно осложняется тем фактом, что на Земле Ло Хан лишен всей своей магической силы. Вдобавок к этим неприятностям, несколько особенно обиженных богов решают ему специально помешать.
Legal Innocence
Tsang Kit Ngai
Based on a true story. A female bible student corresponds with a couple that is sent to prison after a goopy body is found in their apartment in a trunk filled with acid. After visiting the Wife, then the husband, she (Cecilia Yip) falls for him (Francis Ng) and begins to think that he is innocent. So she arranges for a defense team (with help from a catholic Church) to get him acquitted of the charges. Meanwhile a hard working detective (Anthony Wong) tries to convince the woman that he's guilty as hell. But he arranges to have a prison divorce and wedding behind bars. When she finds out the awful truth, how will she handle it?
Green Snake
Blind Monk
A mischievous snake who assumes human form interferes with the romance between her reptilian sister and a hapless man.
Edge of Justice
Hero of the Beggars
HK Police Commissioner
Hero of the Beggars is a Hong Kong Comedy starring Chan Wai-Man and Michael Hui.
Королевский бродяга
Chief Jon
Проходимец Уилсон Бонд спасает от королевских войск опасного повстанца, который вербует его на опасное задание - проникнуть в императорский дворец в Запретный Город и помочь изнутри сбросить династию Цин. Однако внутри его вербует советник императора, имеющий виды на могущественную книгу «сорока двух движений», хранящуюся у вдовствующей императрицы. Одно за одним, на бедного Бонда сыплются двойные и тройные поручения, которые должен выполнять он один.
Круто сваренные
Hospital Director
Гонконгская полиция пытается противостоять триадам, контролирующим незаконный оборот оружия. Главный герой, полицейский по прозвищу Текила, хочет в одиночку обезвредить преступников и отомстить за убитого напарника…
Dreams of Glory, A Boxer's Story
Two up-and-coming young fighters struggle to reach the top of their sport and survive the difficulties of life outside the ring. An inspirational drama with exciting boxing footage.
To Be Number One
The story of Ho, a chinese peasant/slave worker who escapes to Hong Kong and becomes one of the most feared crime bosses in Hong Kong.
Red and Black
In 1941, during the Japanese occupation of mainland China, a man is infected by a Japanese vampire soldier. He manages to climb in to an underground cavern where he impales himself with a wooden stake. 25 years later, after the Mao communist Revolution, he's inadvertently ressurected by his unsuspecting son and returns long enough to infect the people's leader.
При исполнении 5: Посредник
Inspector Wong
Морской пехотинец Дэвид, двоюродный брат крутой полицейской дамы Янг, во время служебного отпуска оказывается втянутым в международный скандал со шпионажем. Сестра помогает ему скрываться от мафии, полиции и ЦРУ, попутно выясняя, чьи грехи повесили на Дэвида.
A Moment of Romance
Insp Kong
During a bank heist, getaway driver Wah takes a young woman Jo Jo hostage. After preventing his accomplices from killing her, they begin a forbidden relationship that causes mayhem and chaos for their friends and family.
The Set Up
The Set Up is a made-for-TV movie starring Anthony Wong
Бог игроков
Ko Yee (voice)
Главного героя зовут просто Ко Чунь, но вот в мире азартных игр его уже много лет называют не иначе как «Бог азартных игроков». Он никогда не проигрывает, карты в его руках ведут себя словно живые, а игральные кости способны творить настоящие чудеса. Он знает, как выпадут кости даже просто слушая их стук в игральном кубке… Однажды Ко Чунь попадает в чужую ловушку и из-за полученных травм лишается памяти. Подобравший его на дороге мелкий шулер по кличке Нож обнаруживает у пострадавшего способности к азартным играм, которыми сразу же решает воспользоваться… Однако Ко Чунь, получивший травму, хоть и не лишается своих феноменальных способностей, во всем остальном начинает вести себя как маленький ребенок — плачет по пустякам, требует шоколадку…
Crocodile Hunter
Two cops are partnered together and decide to protect two beautiful women who are actually rivals--one, a woman released from prison, the other, an actress who's been targeted for rape--while in search of escaped murderous convicts.
Wild Search
While conducting a raid of an illegal arms deal, detective Mew Mew discovers the body of a dead woman and her daughter who witnessed the murder. Believing that the girl may be in danger, Mew Mew seeks out her aunt Cher, and the three develop a bond, but Cher's ex-husband and a vengeful gunrunner soon show up to disrupt their short-lived peace.
Set Me Free!
Alex Man leads a cast of Mainland Chinese characters having survived political turmoil but still gets on the criminal path in Hong Kong in order to make a living.
The Last Conflict
Sgt Bau Si
Interpol officer Dickson Kwan is sent to Hong Kong to investigate in a fake passport forgery case and collaborates with officer Pau Sei and Lau Ting Kin. Due to different approaches on investigating, Dickson and Sei often get into conflicts. Later during an arrest operation, Dickson saves Sei's life and they forget about their bygones. Sei has a daughter Eva, who opposes his father to be a cop. Dickson falls in love with Eva and pursues her, however she does not like Dickson's dangerous profession and although she has feelings for him, she still rejects him.
Город в огне
Commissioner Chow
У полицейских возникли проблемы: их прежний «стукач» был вычислен мафией и убит. Нового агента найти нелегко, и тогда вспоминают о бывшем отчаянном полицейском Ко Чоу…
Dress Off for Life
Chen Yuen, a professional boxer, goes into hiding when his career takes a nose dive. His loneliness has bred impotency and, ultimately insanity. Now he stalks the city streets, attacking and slaughtering unsuspecting females.
Pituitary Hunter
Dr. Kwok Din Kwan
Someone's on a pituitary gland binge. Pituitary glands first go missing from corpses and the criminal theft escalates to living people..
The Enigmatic Case
An imprisoned swordsman is accused of killing three men. He probably would have already been executed for his crimes but is kept alive because he knows the whereabouts of hidden gold.
Последний салют рыцарству
Kao Pang / Ko Peng
Свадьба Као Пана нарушена вторжением заклятого врага его семьи — Пак Чунг-Тонгом . Као удается спастись из завязавшейся битвы. Теперь он жадет мести. Но Пан понимает, сразиться с Тонгом и победить его ему не по силам. И для осуществления своей мести неудавшийся молодожен решает использовать лучшего бойца в округе — Чанга-Величественый Меч . Као Пан знакомится с Чангом и втирается к нему в доверие — сначала помогает ему достать лекарства для его больной матушки, а потом, когда та все же умирает, помогает Величественному Мечу организовать похороны. Чанг движимый честью и чувством долга перед новоиспеченным другом, решает ему помочь, и отправляется к Пак Чунг-Тонгу. Вместе с Величественным Мечом идет его недавний приятель — Цинг И. Чанг рад, что будет, кому прикрыть ему спину и не подозревает, что Цинг нанят Као Паном с целью его убийства...
Bank Busters
Hong Kong crime movie from 1978
A righteous husband-and-wife swordfighting duo struggle to protect China from the machinations of Japanese pirates and corrupt officials.
The Young Dragons
Fan Ming
The powerful mobster Leung, who is protected by the dangerous and wicked Huan Fai, sells two hundred Japanese weapons and ammunition to a Chinese gang. He uses the smuggler Luy Fu to bring the weapons but the smalltime thief Kim and his gang heist the shipment on the road and dump the cargo into the sea. However, he lures Luy Fu and asks a large amount to return the weapons with the intention of traveling abroad with his brother. Meanwhile Kim befriends Fan Ming, an undercover police office from Shanghai that is investigating the illegal activities of Leung. When the mobster finds that Fan Ming is a policeman, Leung ambushes him and Huan Fai and his men stab the officer that falls from a cliff into the sea. Kim brings Fan Ming's fiancée Ipi Feng to the house of his lover, the prostitute Hung, and tells Ipi Feng that her fiancé was murdered by Leung. She decides to revenge the death of her beloved Fan Ming with tragic consequences.
Cold Blade
Chor Yuen was Gu Long before he started filming Gu Long. The director's first wuxia film, made at Shaws' rival Cathay, finds him relishing in a mode of expression that would later become the signature style of the 'martial-arts suspense thriller' mini-genre. Chor grafts the quasi-psychological stylishness of his Cantonese melodrama onto this actioner, laying on thick the atmosphere by dialling up the fog machine and unleashing the colours from his camera's palette. He also stages his fights in modern dance-like choreography, with moves that are more graceful than ferocious and paused poses that are longer on expressive narcissism than continuity of action. Cold Blade is the quiet beginning of an aesthetic.
The Great Plot
The Great Plot is a Hong Kong Martial Arts movie
The Swordmates
youngest Liu brother
Ming dynasty traitors have sent a secret message in a jade goddess statuette, containing their plans of treason to help tribal warlords usurp power from the Ming government. The message and statue being intercepted, powerful swordsmen (and a swordswoman) of a famed security company are hired to protect the statue and its hidden message.
Duel at the Supreme Gate
This kung fu classic focuses on a contested succession at the Supreme Gate School. When turncoat Shen Darong kills several of the Supreme Gate students, the survivors are forced to accept him as their leader. Or are they? The students organize a tournament for Shen to prove his skills, inviting other formidable warriors in the hopes that someone can defeat him.