Taichiro Kosugi

Рождение : 1927-06-06, Ishinomaki, Miyagi Prefecture, Japan

Смерть : 1976-08-09


Which Is Stronger, Karate or the Tiger?
Original Music Composer
Yasuaki Kurata plays a masked ring brawler who is out for revenge against an evil, megalomaniac entrepreneur played by Japan's most reliable bad guy of the '70's, Masashi Ishibashi.
Karate Warriors
Original Music Composer
Sakata protects a little boy while coping with rival gangs.
Maruhi ama Report: Monzetsu
Original Music Composer
Nikkatsu Roman Porno
Red Light Tobita Brothel
Original Music Composer
Roman Porno from 1975.
Cruelty: Black Rose Torture
Original Music Composer
In pre-war Japan, Yumiko, an aristocratic lady, accompanied by her maid, travels to Tokyo to visit her brother. Unaware that her brother has become involved in anti-governmental activities and left the city, the two women are captured, raped and tortured by the military police. Two years later, during the war, the government confiscates Yumiko's estate, turning it into a torture chamber for the inquisition of prisoners. Yumiko and her maid are among those who are subjected to sexual indignities.
Code of Wolves
Original Music Composer
In gangster-infested 1920s Yokohama, gambler Ishiguro gets in with the local gang -- but his view of life changes after the Great Kanto Earthquake.
Shinta is a sixth grader in Kawasaki City a troublemaker that dreams to become a soccer player. Yoshiko, a classmate who moved to Kawasaki from Iwate Prefecture two years ago, is a gloomy girl who suffers from asthma due to the polluted air in Kawasaki and is ostracized by her class. Shinta is placed next to Yoshiko in class and their stories will take a turn.
Stolen Pleasures
Original Music Composer
Roman Porno from 1974.
Secret Prostitute: Cruel Hell
Original Music Composer
Roman Porno from 1973.
Wandering Seagull: Night in Kushiro
Original Music Composer
Nikkatsu Roman Porno
Love Lost in Tears
Original Music Composer
Japanese “kayo” film based on the song by "Namida koi" by Aki Yashiro.
Yakuza Wolf: Extend My Condolences
Attacking Asao Uchida's lonely, clifftop mansion in no-holds barred massacre.
Concubine Secrets: Tattoo Contest
Original Music Composer
The sixth year of Hōei. In the sixth year of the reign of Tokugawa Ienobu (Hiroyuki Mikawa), the sixth shogun, Kayo (Yumi Nakano), a maid in the O-oku (inner sanctum) of Edo Castle, was beaten. The incident is buried in the dark, and the closet where Kayo was beaten becomes an "unopened room. One day, after four years had passed, Echizen no Mori (Toshihiko Oda), on a hawking trip with Ienobu, presented Ienobu with a beautiful tattoo of Oma (Maya Kitami) on his back. Ienobu is overjoyed and becomes completely captivated by O-Man's body...
Night Spot: Drifting Flower
Original Music Composer
The Flowery Bed
Original Music Composer
Roman Porno from 1972.
Dead Blossoms
Original Music Composer
After having served a prison sentence Oman is released only to find that her sister is in the clutches of a group of Yakuza lowlifes. Once again Oman has to take action.
Shiroi ominaeshi
Original Music Composer
Nikkatsu Roman Porno
Red Peony Gambler: Execution of Duty
Original Music Composer
The final chapter of the Hibotan Bakuto series. Oryu the Red Peony visits an old dying Boss of an ally family and promised her that she would help guide the new Boss. Meanwhile a turf war breaks out. When the family is betrayed from within and the rival family becomes violent, Oryu takes things into her own hands…
Evil Boss vs. Henchmen
A high-ranking yakuza rises to national notoriety.
Blood Vendetta
The film tells about Masayoshi, a noble Yakuza who lives by the laws of honor and humanity, and who is bound by an oath to his brother in a conflict between the Gamblers' family and the Tekiya family.
Miyamoto Musashi VI: Swords of Death
In the sixth and final episode Rentaro Mikuni steals the show as Baiken Shishido, Musashi's nemesis. Mikuni is the nominal villain of the film, but he is a devoted husband and father as well. He tries to kill Musashi only to avenge the death of his brother-in-law. While Baiken (who wields a chain and sickle against Musashi's sword) is a very human character and the emotions that Mikuni displays in his performance are quite believable and engaging
Women Smell of Night
A 1970 crime film.
The Angry Sword
Original Music Composer
Story about a gambler who gets involved in a struggle between companies.
Gambling Den Desire
In a small town on the Kasumigaura coast in the early Showa period, the Masukawa clan from Tokyo is trying to take away the interests of the local Isetoku family. Setsuko, the adopted daughter of the Isetoku family, falls in love with Seijiro, a travelling raven she meets on a whim. However, Koide, a businessman connected to the Masukawa clan, wants Setsuko to become his mistress... Setsuko puts aside her love and her regrets and bets on the greatest female challenge of her life!
Woman's Police: Appointment with Danger
Kagari (Akira Kobayashi), a scout and overseer of Ginza bar hostesses, receives an urgent phone call from Sawako, a hostess at the bar Rie, and rushes to Tokyo International Airport to meet her. When he arrives she is gone. At the bar he learns that Tabuchi, a steady customer, had been quite friendly with Sawako and may know something. Tabuchi claims he knows nothing and Kagari lets the matter drop. Over time Kagari learns from Takijima, a businessman, that Sawako is in a hospital in Yokohama. Takijima explains that he found her in Singapore working as a street girl and brought her back to Japan. Sawako had lost her memory after being subjected to narcotics. Kagari swears to find the person responsible.
Peonies And Dragons
Yakuza Ryuichi, nicknamed the Dragon-killer, went on a journey with his son Tatsuo after he lost his wife. Due to Tatsuo's sudden illness, Ryuichi had money problems, and he became dependent on the head of the local tekiya and finds himself involved in the tekiya war with the Yakuza.
Red Sword Sheath: Code Of Honour: Recieving Orders
Japanese crime film
Vermillion Sword: Scabbard Code Sword Amidst the Swirling Cherry Blossoms
Beginning of the Showa era, Takasaki City in Joshu (Gunma Province). Gambler Inufushi Yoichi continues to lose at Takamasa's gambling house. The authoritative female gambler Ai gives him money and advises him to think seriously about his life. She has to leave Takamasa because of him. She travels to Tomioka for advice from Matsumiya Seiji, who previously helped her. However, the latter is killed due to a conflict with the Kaizu-gumi yakuza family, making his wife Tane a widow...
Second Generation Young Boss
Takeshi Nanjo, a junior lieutenant in the navy whose father, the head of the Nanjo-gumi yakuza family, was killed, is forced to leave the army and become the head of the Nanjo-gumi in the second generation. He brutally chivalrously avenges the death of his father by a vicious yakuza linked to extremists within the army through the courage and swordsmanship of naval training!
Sleepy Eyes of Death 13: The Full Moon Swordsman
Original Music Composer
Inspector General Kanjuro Sano conspires with the future shogun twin brother. They replace Ieyoshi Tokugawa with his twin, but it becomes a problem when suspicion arises and Nemuri Kyoshiro gets involved.
Gambler's Dilemma
The love story between a traveling guest and a geisha who inadvertently becomes the leader of her father's yakuza clan, after his death.
Rising Dragon: Soft Skin Gambler
Japanese crime film
The Elder Sister
Follows the struggles of a yakuza wife after his husband gets hurt in a knife fight.
Tale of the Last Japanese Yakuza
Yakuza drama with Meiko Kaji directed by Masahiro Makino
The Two Bodyguard
Film directed by Kenji Misumi
Original Music Composer
The Homely Sister
In the 19th century Edo period, sisters Oshizu and Otaka have sacrificed their personal happiness to work and care for their ailing father. Otaka falls in love, but can’t accept a marriage proposal since her older sister needs to marry first. When Oshizu learns of this decision, she takes matters in her own hands.
The Sisters and I
Original Music Composer
A Japanese film
Киборг 009 и войны монстров
Original Music Composer
Джо Шимамура и его 8 "кибернетических" братьев, под руководством профессора Гилмора встают на тропу войны. На этот раз им предстоит сразится с гигантским роботом-плезиозавром, который уничтожает целые города и атакует суда в море. Однако этот монстр оказывается не самым страшным чудовищем из того что их ждёт впереди.
I'll Never Cry!
Original Music Composer
The rehabilitation of a delinquent on leaving reformatory. Her redemption comes through a boy in a wheelchair; by his rehabilitation, growing comes in courage along with her patient, she grows by finding meaning in her own existence. She finally sees a new world before her and has the determination to lead a normal life.
Rampaging Dragon of the North
Original Music Composer
The son of a prominent member of a fishing community returns home after a stint with the yakuza to find his father has died under orders of a local gang leader. He sets out to avenge his father, keeping his plans secret from his mother who is cold to him since his perceived abandonment of the family. This wonderful, if little-seen, Fulasaku gem deals with family, community and what it means to do right by both.
Киборг 009 - Фильм
Original Music Composer
Шимамуро Джо - перспективный гонщик разбивается в подстроенной катастрофе на Мировом авточемпионате. Его тело похищают и превращают в киборга. Очнувшись Джо понимает, что он не один такой, есть еще восемь киборгов созданных зловещей организацией Black Ghost.
Love Eternal
Original Music Composer
A deep mist envelops the port city of Yokohama. The scent of crime is everywhere. As an executive member of a drug trafficking syndicate, Kano is pretty high up in the food chain, but "status" bears no value to him. All he cares for is Ayako, the boss' mistress. After one last job, they intend to run off together to Hong Kong, but their plans are hindered when an uninvited yakuza stirs up a vicious shootout. In the midst of it all, Ayako is kidnapped.
Dynamite Doctor
Film by director Kenji Misumi
Young Boss: Overcoming Adversity
Кармен из Кавати
Original Music Composer
Цуюко выросла на юге Осаки, в промышленном пригороде, но дом ее стоял на безлюдном склоне скалы. В собственной семье она не видела ничего хорошего: с молчаливого согласия отца, мать расплачивалась своим телом за материальную поддержку от бродячего монаха. Сама красавица Цуюко берегла свою невинность для студента Акиры, выходца из того же поселка. Но как только его не оказалось рядом, местные хулиганы отомстили ей: Цуюко была похищена и изнасилована. Мучимая кошмарными воспоминаниями, Цуюко скитается по Осаке, меняя занятия и мужчин. Она поет в баре, работает моделью, живет в содержанках.
The Virgin Witness
Original Music Composer
A father decides to put his delinquent daughter into a temple in Kyoto known for its austere novitiate. Initially resistant to all forms of discipline, she ends up falling in love with the nun who is in charge of her.
The Song of Love
Original Music Composer
Heartwarming story of an ambitious girl who becomes a concert pianist with the help of her musician father.
Миямото Мусаси — 5: Дуэль на острове Ганрю
Original Music Composer
Заключительная, пятая часть пенталогии Утиды Тому о легендарном мастере меча Миямото Мусаси. Этот персонаж хорошо известен по трилогии Инагаки с Тосиро Мифунэ в главной роли. Здесь роль Мусаси с успехом исполняет не менее талантливый и разносторонний актер - Накамура Кинноскэ. Дороги двух прославленных мастеров сходятся, Мусаси и Кодзиро предстоит вступить в поединок друг с другом...
Young Boss
Original Music Composer
After a yakuza boss is assassinated by a rival, his naval officer son returns home to take over the gang.
Приключения Затоичи
Original Music Composer
Предновогодний городок Касама напоминает разбуженный улей. Торговый люд недоволен непомерными в этом году налогами. Молодой парень Шинсуке, нанятый убить старосту деревни Ота и теперь разыскиваемый властями и его сестра, пытающаяся ему помочь. Саки, дочь старосты, приехавшая в надежде найти пропавшего отца, который отправился в столицу ходатайствовать о снижении налогов. Местный Управляющий и глава бандитов Дзинбэй, желающие избавиться от Шинсуке, ставшего теперь опасным свидетелем. Личный телохранитель управляющего, мечтающий найти достойного себя противника по фехтованию. Старый пьянчужка, рассказанные факты из жизни которого указывали на то, что он мог быть отцом Ити. И сам Дзатоити, являющейся соединительным звеном этой новогодней гирлянды событий…
Original Music Composer
4-я асадора канала NHK.
The Scarred Crest
A war veteran clashes with a mob boss in this crime saga. When Ryuji returns from the war, he finds himself torn by the death of an old friend - the son of crime kingpin Kiyomiya. A death Ryuji feels responsible for.
Миямото Мусаси — 4: Дуэль у храма Итидзёдзи
Original Music Composer
Четвёртая часть пенталогии Утиды Тому о легендарном мастере меча Миямото Мусаси. Этот персонаж хорошо известен по трилогии Инагаки с Тосиро Мифунэ в главной роли. Здесь роль Мусаси с успехом исполняет не менее талантливый и разносторонний актер - Накамура Кинноскэ. После поражения, которое Мусаси нанес Ёсиока Сэйдзюро, семья последнего бросает вызов ставшему уже известным мастеру...
Ukyunosuke on Patrol
Original Music Composer
This is one of the most powerfully effective ninja films that dispenses with the silly magic of earlier efforts, and concentrates on an excellent story with expert fighting. Sena Denemon is the rarest of government officials, a man of integrity, sent on a mission to uncover the corruption that ran rampant during the Edo Period. Refusing bribes, and willing to put his life on the line to raise his son properly, heinfuriates the corrupt Inspectors; thus endangering his own life. Along with his two trusted vassals, he makes a brave effort to alert the Shogun to the plot which is being carried out. After the battle, his son Ichitaro joins the Chichibu ninja group in order to master fighting so he, too, can fight the forces which have brought about so much suffering.
Sleepy Eyes of Death 1: The Chinese Jade
Original Music Composer
Nemuri Kyoshiro, a youthful and cynical ronin with unparalleled skill, is approached by both sides in a game of corruption, ambition, and double crosses. The leader of the Kaga clan, who thinks he has killed his smuggling partner, fears that the shogunate will discover his illegal activities. He learns of evidence that will prove his guilt. Meanwhile, his partner is not dead, and, assisted by a master of Shorenji boxing, is looking for revenge and for his loot. The Kaga leader sends the beautiful Chisa to enlist Nemuri's aid. The unexpected happens: the hard-bitten Nemuri falls in love. Can he protect her, topple the criminals, and avoid the boxer's deadly skill?
Gang Loyalty and Vengeance
Original Music Composer
A modern gang version of Chushingura, chronicling almost scene for scene the Brave 47 Ronin story, transposed from the Genroku Period to the Showa Era.
Maiko and the Assassin
Original Music Composer
Миямото Мусаси — 3: Овладение техникой двух мечей
Original Music Composer
Третья часть пенталогии Утиды Тому о легендарном мастере меча Миямото Мусаси. Этот персонаж хорошо известен по трилогии Инагаки с Тосиро Мифунэ в главной роли. Здесь роль Мусаси с успехом исполняет не менее талантливый и разносторонний актер - Накамура Кинноскэ. Странствия Мусаси продолжаются. На этот раз ему предстоят встречи с предствавителями двух известных школ владения мечом - Ягю и Ёсиока.
Gambler Tales of Hasshu: A Man's Pledge
This is one of the many films based on the legend of Chuji Kunisada, a wandering gambler and a defender of the weak in the Edo period. In other words, he was the Japanese Robin Hood. In this film Kunisada (Chiezo Kataoka) arrives to a small town terrorized by an evil gang. He insists that he is not Kunisada, as the word is Kunisada has been executed, but of course the audience know better. Sonny Chiba plays an unusual supporting role as a helpless young man unable to defend himself from the gangsters. He does, however, get to play taiko drums and dance with Junko Fuji (who makes her film debut here). Chiba's father, an old judge who helps Kunisada, is played by Takashi Shimura. The film hardly anything exceptional, but it's a pretty decent jidai geki / yakuza drama.
Judo Life
Sonny Chiba in an adaption from Ryutaro Kondo work
Ai to shi no katami
Миямото Мусаси — 2: Дуэль у горы Хання
Original Music Composer
Вторая часть пенталогии Утиды Тому о легендарном мастере меча Миямото Мусаси. Этот персонаж хорошо известен по трилогии Инагаки с Тосиро Мифунэ в главной роли. Здесь роль Мусаси с успехом исполняет не менее талантливый и разносторонний актер - Накамура Кинноскэ. Действие второго фильма разворачивается после трех лет, потраченных главным героем на совершенствование своего мастерства в затворничестве. Теперь начинаются долгие странствия Мусаси, принявшего это имя, по Японии....
Wind and waves of the South
Original Music Composer
Little dark-eyed boy Kazuo. Yes, he dreamed of the sea. However, like everyone here in the village. Kazuo only wanted to study first, to finish school... But he failed. Mother died. The woman who replaced her brought with her affection, comfort, and warmth of mother's hands. It seemed that joy settled in their house again. But one day a storm caught the fishermen at sea. Father did not return... Father's friends, fishermen, tried to help the widow, who was left with two children. But the money was still not enough. And then Kazuo decided to become a fisherman. After all, he was now the eldest in the family...
Crimson pistol belt
Wearing a symbol of justice and brotherhood on his waist – a crimson pistol belt, Ace Joe engages in a fight with villains trying to seize the mine.
I'll End in Hell
Joji Dan tries to find the heir of a prosperous Japanese millionaire who died in Mexico. However, the bandits want to take over the inheritance and Joji has to use his skills as a fast and accurate shooter!
Whistling in the Darkness
A 1961 crime film.
Joe of Aces: Gambling for a Living
A marine security officer stranded on the ocean in a small boat is rescued by a crew of buccaneers.
Ashita ni Mukatte Tsuppashire
An Edo Magistrate
When a former artisan is tricked into putting his sister up as collateral for a loan by a gangster boss in a crooked gambling casino it sets in motion the story of Ooka Echizen, the famed magistrate of Edo during the reign of Shogun Tsuneyoshi. In a world where humans bow down to dogs and are beheaded for harming them, it's a wonder people can survive at all. Nakamura Kinnosuke is a former samurai who has left the fold to live freely and must put his life on the line to save the girl he loves, and rescue her from the yakuza who duped her brother. When the truth comes out about his background, he is forced to take on the role of Edo Magistrate, a decision that brings him unimaginable heartache and danger!
A Killer Without a Grave
Original Music Composer
Nakata (Keiichiro Akagi) is a nihilistic young buck who is willing to do anything to get money in his pockets. As he knocks back a couple drinks that he knows he won't be able to afford, a former marksman-turned-bad, Ishioka approaches him. Ishioka is looking for an unaffiliated hit-man who is willing to handle some business. Nakata is just the right man for the job.
The Stragglers
The last Japanese soldier in 16 years who survived
Original Music Composer
Japanese comedy film.
The Tokyo Mighty Guy
Original Music Composer
Mega star Akira Kobayashi stars as Jiro in the rambunctious tale of a chef who opens a restaurant in the busy Ginza district. His culinary skills and dashing good looks bring in the women as well as unwanted trouble, while an explosive political scandal builds around his girlfriend’s business...
«Нулевая линия» уплывает
Original Music Composer
Тацуо Нисина и Коити Катори — репортеры, знакомые со школьной скамьи и сейчас работающие на газеты-конкуренты. Оба пытаются распутать дело международного картеля наркоторговцев «Нулевая линия», однако подходы к работе у них разные. Катори готов переступить через этические границы ради достижения цели, а Нисина — нет. В немалой степени Нисину удерживает то, что он влюблен. Его любимая Сумико — младшая сестра Катори.
The Pearl Fishers
Original Music Composer
Documentary about Japanese pearl fishers.
The Master Spearman
Original Music Composer
This subversive period film features a hotheaded young samurai, Kurodo, who threatens to commit harakiri in response to the humiliation meted out to his family by the Shogun. The film critiques the inhumanity of feudal obligations, and Uchida’s direction slyly satirizes the contemporary cinematic audience, whose taste for onscreen bloodshed is mirrored in a crowd gathering to watch the protagonist’s planned suicide. The Master Spearman is imbued with Uchida’s characteristic blend of dark humor and stylized action, and Ryutaro Otomo gives an admirable performance in the lead.
Return of the Vagabond
Original Music Composer
The 3rd film of the famous "Wataridori" (The Rambler) series from Nikkatsu. The young rambler, Shinji Taki (Akira Kobayashi), with his guitar arrives in Sadogashima Island, Niigata, Japan. Of course, Shinji meets yet another beautiful girl named Noriko, who closely resembles the famous actress Ruriko Asaoka again. Of course, Noriko is in trouble. Of course, Shinji's yet another skilled rival named "Tetsu, the Gunman" comes to Sado shortly. Of course, the villain tries to kill Shinji and Tetsu. Of course, Shinji solves the problem and leaves Sado suddenly.
The Cards Will Tell
A 1960 crime film
The Guitarist and the Rancher
Rambler Shinji arrives in town armed with nothing but a guitar. With assistance from an old gun-for-hire friend, he sets about to stop the mob from turning an honest ranch into a gambling resort.
The Rambling Guitarist
Original Music Composer
Arriving in the town of Hakodate, a wandering musician, Shinji Taki, is soon recruited by the local gang as a hired hand. However, with the arrival of a sinister gunman, Taki's mysterious past catches up with him.
Farewell to Southern Tosa
Original Music Composer
Story of an ex-con trying to go straight, but of course the old ways die hard.
Пропуск в темноту
Original Music Composer
Сигэо Ибуки — тромбонист, а его возлюбленная Хироми — солистка в том же джазовом ансамбле. В день свадьбы невеста внезапно исчезает. Подозрения вызывает и отсутствие Мориваки, друга Сигэо и менеджера группы. Сигэо начинает поиски в тех барах в Токио, где обычно пела Хироми. Вернувшись домой, он обнаруживает ее мертвой. Полиция считает Сигэо главным подозреваемым, к тому же у Хироми найден героин. Будучи под наблюдением полиции, Сигэо неустанно пытается добраться до истины, хотя менеджер советует не вмешиваться в расследование. Сигэо подозревает в причастности к убийству Мориваки и его подружку Каёко, которая, похоже, опоила Сигэо наркотическим средством, когда он разыскивал Хироми. Сигэо, пытаясь выяснить, откуда в его доме появилось платье, которое он никогда не видел на Хироми, начинает распутывать дело.
Crazy jailbreak
A prisoner escapes from prison to find the real criminal.
The Fugitive
An action drama similar to Wyler's "The Desperate Hours", adapted by Seiji Hoshikawa of "Tasogare no Tokyo Tower" based on Shinji Fujiwara's original work. Jiro, who had been unable to rehabilitate because of the stigma of having criminal record, stopped by at his favorite bar. There, Shimamoto was waiting for him, and Jiro was offered a job to carry certain things. Jiro was attracted by the large amount of reward and finally accepted the task. The car driven by Jiro was investigated by a police officer on the way, but Shimamoto shooted the police officer and orders to help Jiro escape at full speed...
Unripe Fruit
A youth lyrical painting depicting a sensitive young man with rich poetic feelings focused on the concerns and aspirations of a high school student.
1959 Japanese movie
The Outsiders
Original Music Composer
A drama about relations between Japanese immigrants and the indigenous Ainu on Hokkaido, the most northerly island of Japan. From a novel by Taijun Takeda.
Original Music Composer
Japanese "kayo" film centered around the song "Tokyo gozen sanji" by Frank Nagai.
Wolves of the Night
A unique action drama in which a ruthless yakuza encounters a woman and realizes his true love as the conflict between the yakuza intensifies.
Tabi wa kimagure kaze makase
Пятеро под землёй
Original Music Composer
Хозяину маленькой шахты приходится экономить на всем, хотя это угроза для безопасности рабочих. Непогода провоцирует аварию, шахту затапливает вода, и пятеро шахтеров оказываются замурованными под землей. Спасательная операция буксует на месте, попытки откачать воду к успеху не приводят. Шахтеры, инженеры, члены семей потерпевших – все теряют самообладание. Неразбериха нарастает, и шансы на спасение тают на глазах.
Девушка синих небес
Original Music Composer
Восемнадцатилетняя Юко должна переехать в Токио к отцу и своей семье, с которой почти не знакома. Драма накаляется, когда бабушка перед смертью признается Юко, что её мать ей не родная. Неудивительно, что в доме родного отца девушку принимают очень холодно.
Men Fighting Whales
A film about the rivalry between Captain Gondo and the harpooner Yosuke Yamagami, working on the best whaling ship Hayabusa Maru. One day they will have to face a giant, monstrous whale.
The Champion
Original Music Composer
Eikichi Yamashiro, who is a former contender for the boxing title, works as a manager at a Club Champion owned by his fiancé Natsuko’s father. He lost a title match five years ago as he was besotted by Natsuko, but Eikichi actually cannot give up the dream of the championship. One day, he meets Shuntaro Fuma, who is a punk kid but a promising boxer, and realizes the dream that he himself could never fulfill. Then, they together start to train with the aim of the title. Mari Shiraki is an up-and-coming ballerina under the patronage of Eikichi as well. Eikichi forbids Shuntaro and Mari to be romantically involved with someone during their training, however, they start to go on a date. (source: Nikkatsu International)
Original Music Composer
Early film directed by Kenji Misumi.
Атака человека-торпеды
Действие японского военного фильма Такуми Фурукавы "Люди-торпеды" происходит на подводной лодке на просторах юга Тихого океана во время Второй мировой войны. Это рассказ о четверых молодых членах специального подразделения, которые добровольно жертвуют собой как пушечным мясом, используя специальные торпеды с человеческим приводом "КаЙтен". Во время яростной и волнующей борьбы человеческие торпеды потопили несколько кораблей, среди которых знаменитый "Индианаполис", перевозивший атомные бомбы, сброшенные на Хиросиму и Нагасаки.
鞍馬天狗 第一話 白馬の密使
1956 movie from Japan
Flesh Smuggling
A true semi-documentary drama depicting a record of a sheriff's challenge to the vivid evil of a sailor who embarked on a single underworld to uncover the crime of an inhumane international prostitution organization called "Japanese women's smuggling."
Город дьявола
Original Music Composer
Этапируемый к месту заключения бандит Гондзо Оба совершает побег. Он осужден за грабеж и убийство, в то время как его напарник Хаясаки остался непойманным. После побега Оба со своим подручным Кимото прячется у китайца Вона, владельца казино в центре Токио. С его помощью Оба планирует со временем перебраться в Гонконг.
Original Music Composer
Japanese comedy film.
Jigoku no hatoba
A battle for a large sum of money unfolds on the docks near a steel mill in a foggy atmosphere. Manzo, an engineer on the verge of retirement, witnesses two men shooting each other and collapsing on the quay while his assistant Shinsuke is away.
The Kuroda Affair
This adaptation of a Hideji Hojo novel, about the historical uprising of the Kuroda clan in 1633, is told through the eyes of retainer, Daizen. As his clan’s new leader, Tadayuki, becomes increasingly militant in his opposition to the Tokugawa shogunate, Daizen is forced to reconcile his loyalty to the clan with his loyalty to Tadayuki, who seems dead set on entangling the clan in destructive conflict. The Kuroda Affair’s mise-en-scène is said to have influenced future Toei director Eiichi Kudo. The film also features two of the greatest stars of Japanese period cinema, Chiezo Kataoka and Ryutaro Otomo.
Minamoto Yoshitsune
A historical scroll depicting the story of the tragic fate of the young samurai Minamoto Yoshitsune, based on the novel by Genzo Murakami. The action of the first part takes place in the late Heian period, when the Taira clan came to power, and Genji was oppressed. The great dream and ambitions of Genkuro Yoshitsune in his youth are depicted, he joins forces with his older brother Yoritomo to raise an army to defeat the Taira clan, and the second part depicts the fall of the clan, persecution and murder.
Окровавленное копьё на горе Фудзи
Original Music Composer
Молодой самурай, вместе с двумя своими слугами, совершает путешествие в Эдо. Длинная дорога, череда проносящихся образов — бездомный мальчик-сирота, странствующая танцовщица с дочерью, старик, собирающийся продать свою дочь, вор, орудующий на дороге, инспектор, разыскивющий его — хорошо прописанные, достоверные характеры, жизненные ситуации, полные чувства, временами печальные, временами смешные. Венчает все великолепный, полный драматизма и эмоционального накала, жестокий финал.