Moritz Führmann

Moritz Führmann

Рождение : 1978-07-05, Kassel - Germany


Moritz Führmann


Führer and Seducer
Karl Hanke
In 1938, Joseph Goebbels is at the height of his power for the time being, while Hitler is celebrated by the people. The dictator now marches resolutely towards war. However, the propaganda has put a lot of strain on the subject of peace, so that a sudden change of direction is not possible so quickly. Goebbels' work comes under heavy criticism from his Führer and he does everything he can to regain his reputation and fuel the population's enthusiasm for the war. He triggers the pogrom of 9 November 1938 and plans anti-Semitic films, in the realization of which Hitler intervenes in every detail. An almost perfect and controlled staging succeeds, especially in connection with large mass events. The highlight was the victory parade after the capitulation of France, which was planned down to the last detail. In 1941, Goebbels is back on top with Hitler. With the "Russian campaign", the war really begins for Hitler and the mass murders reach their climax.
Spuk unterm Riesenrad
Tammi is annoyed. Instead of traveling to Formentera and presenting her followers with dreamy photos, her mother Simone takes her to the middle of nowhere to attend the funeral of her grandfather Jackel, a complete stranger. There she also met her aunt Britta and her children. There isn't even cell phone reception in the boring amusement park, and Tammi has little or nothing to do with her cousin Umbo and Cousin Cookie. But suddenly something incredible happens: During a thunderstorm, three worn-out ghost train characters come to life - the witch, the giant and Rumpelstiltskin. Tammi recognizes them as perfect allies to wreak havoc and finally escape this boring wasteland. But unfortunately she did the math without her own family and the stubbornness of the spirits. Suddenly everyone has claimed the amusement park for themselves and a wild chaos ensues.
Stella. Ein Leben.
Kidnapped - 14 Days of Survival
Richter Schmerbeck
In 1981, all of Germany fears for the life of Johannes Erlemann, the eleven-year-old son of entrepreneur Jochem Erlemann, who was in custody on suspicion of fraud at the time of his son's abduction. The boy was snatched off his bicycle by his kidnappers, put into a van and then spend two terrible weeks in a shed in the forest fighting for his life having been chained to a wall and left without daylight, while the kidnappers try to extort a large ransom from his wealthy parents.
Wo ist meine Schwester?
Tim Koller
Can twin sisters sense each other? In any case, Marie feels Amelie. While the one sister is already on her way home from their birthday party, Marie, who stayed longer, suddenly collapses on the dance floor. That night, Amelie never arrives home and disappears without a trace. Her friend Jonas alerts the police the next morning, worried that something must have happened. Chief Inspector Ingo Thiel immediately begins the investigation, but for the time being he and his SOKO team are groping in the dark: no witnesses, no enemies, just an earring found in the park. But then Marie notices that something is missing from the couple's apartment: a striking patchwork blanket that Marie had given her sister. Thiel is certain: Jonas is hiding something. So does he have something to do with the disappearance of his girlfriend?
Andreas Völker
Run Girl Run
During the Lockdown in Munich a teacher gets a video call from one of her students at night. She notices immediately that something is wrong...
Ein Mädchen wird vermisst
Tim Koller
Harter Brocken: Der Waffendeal
Aljoscha Stadelmann has to deal with a criminal rocker gang and opaque BKA colleagues in "Der Waffendeal".
Cloudy Clouds
Falk Ernstmeier
17-year-old Paul likes strange things: stealth trails and abandoned buildings, whispered conversations and left-behind bags. Besides that, he seems to be a young man without qualities. His mysterious nature catches the eyes of his classmate Dala and his art-loving teacher Mr. Bulwer, both seemingly driven by hidden desires. Then a boy’s dead body is discovered in the forest...
Insecure: All the Best for the Future
Prof. Grube
The lawyer Franziska Schlüter works for the Aescuria insurance and is responsible for processing applications for disbursement of occupational disability policies. The company policy provides as a guideline to prevent the approval as far as possible. When the widow of a victim, who committed suicide after being rejected, storms the office to loudly accuse these machinations, Franziska begins to doubt the correctness of her work and to rethink. She quits and works as a freelance lawyer to help injured parties legally to get their rights. First she deals with the case of a family in the neighborhood. The father has been in a wheelchair since an accident. However, the Strelaus have not yet seen any money from the insurance company. Initially not taken seriously by colleagues, the shy woman takes on the fight against the health insurance system and has to fight against resistance and above all with her own self-doubt.
Harter Brocken: Die Fälscherin
Heiner Kelzenberg
A survival seminar in the tranquil Harz mountains? Village policeman Frank Koops is not very enthusiastic. But soon he and the other participants are drawn into a espionage case and actually have to fight for their survival...
Mamma Mila Me
Eine harte Tour
A mountain hiking tour of friends brings to light unexpected conflicts.
Granny Nanny
Retirees Karin, Gerhard and Philippa are not in the mood for Nordic walking and seniors' courses at the university. When Philippa, who is living life to the full as Leonie's godmother, helps the two to unexpected grandparenthood, they suddenly have two "lively" god-grandchildren to look after, a huge bouncy castle standing in the garden and Lego bricks stuck to their feet.
Harter Brocken: Der Geheimcode
Policeman Koops witnesses a car accident. The dying driver gives him an envelope with the part of a code. Shortly thereafter, Koops gets in the sights of a contract killer.
The German Lesson
Psychologist 1
In a small North German village a drama played out during and shortly after the Second World War about duty versus individual conscience and morality.
Любовь между строк
Эмми Ротнер хочет всего лишь отказаться от подписки на газету, но совершает опечатку в адресе получателя. Письмо оказывается в почтовом ящике Лео Лайке, с этого и начинается их долгая переписка и любовная история.
Die Spur der Mörder
Tim Koller
Что нас не убивает
Максимилиан популярный психотерапевт, он справляется со своими заботами и проблемами, а также помогает пациентам.
Harter Brocken: Der Bankraub
Ironically, the law enforcement officer of integrity Frank Koops is forced by his old colleague Simone Schmidt to take part in a bank robbery...
Ein Kind wird gesucht
Tim Koller
Karl Moor
When Stefan's father dies, the theater actor has to return to his hometown Bochum. But it is not easy to get rid of his parents' house, a monument of his life, when he meets Charlie with his old friends, acquaintances and his childhood sweetheart.
Harter Brocken:  Die Kronzeugin
A shootout, five fatalities and he himself wounded - in the otherwise quiet station of the village policeman Frank Koops, things are just like in the Wild West. The bloodbath was commissioned by the imprisoned mafia boss Petrovic, who wants to use all means to get rid of a key witness who was hidden in the tranquility of St. Andreasberg in the utmost secrecy.
Дуэль братьев. История Adidas и Puma
Otto Völkler
Каждый носит их обувь. А это их история. В начале 20-х годов XX века братья Адольф и Рудольф Дасслеры основали небольшую обувную фабрику в баварском городе Херцогенаурах. Благодаря слаженной работе талантливого Ади и коммерческим способностям Руди предприятие быстро расширялось. Лучшие спортсмены мира предпочитали тренироваться и выступать в их шиповках. Однако за взлетом последовал спад: во время Второй мировой войны компания практически остановила производство, а в отношении двух братьев наметился разлад. В 1948 году «Обувная фабрика братьев Дасслер» была разделена. Так в Херцогенаурахе появилось два ожесточенных конкурента — компании Adidas и Puma.
Nur eine Handvoll Leben
The General Case
Werner H.
In the young Federal Republic of Germany, which in the late 1950s in politics and justice is still interspersed with only superficially purified Nazi cliques, leads the Hessian Attorney General Fritz Bauer a lonely fight against the coverup of Nazi crimes and the restorative policy of the government Adenauer - he is firmly convinced that only in this way can the young democracy be consolidated. Not only his attitude, but also his temperament make Bauer vulnerable, again and again resistance forms from politics, intelligence services and the judiciary against the lone fighter.
Harter Brocken
A landslide in the Harz releases a corpse. Commissioner Frank Koops leads the investigation. Vanessa Riemann, tourist guide and marksman from St. Andreasberg, sees a lot of money in the backpack of the two hikers and attacks. On her breakneck escape through the undergrowth she is shot and bleeding in the arms of her brother Marco. In her backpack this finds 1.4 million euros - the booty from a bank robbery.
Der Bulle und das Landei - Wo die Liebe hinfällt
Johannes Dobrinth
Sarajevo: Beginning of a Disaster
Kaiser Wilhelm II
Sarajevo, late June 1914: A Serbian nationalist shoots the Austro-Hungarian heir to the throne and his wife. A few weeks later, war raged in Europe with devastating consequences.
Mein Bruder ist ein Hund
Maler #1
Harter Brocken - Der Goldrausch
Heiner Kelzenberg