David Muñoz

Рождение : 1968-10-10, Madrid, Madrid, Spain


David Muñoz was born on October 10, 1968 in Madrid, Madrid, Spain as David Muñoz Pantiga. He is a writer and director, known for The Devil's Backbone (2001), The Totenwackers (2007) and Exorcismus (2010).


Пытаясь скрыться от разъяренного босса, Серхио забирается в первый попавшийся ему на пути шкаф. По иронии судьбы именно этот шкаф забирает и привозит в дом к покупателю служба доставки. Серхио в голову приходит оригинальный план: он решает остаться жить в этом доме, прячась в шкафу, наблюдая за жизнью и раскрывая тайны своей новой «семьи».
The (Silent) War
Graphic Novel
Northern Spain, October 1944. Several groups of guerrilla fighters, former Republican soldiers exiled in France after the end of the Spanish Civil War, infiltrate the country in order to provoke a popular uprising against General Franco's dictatorship.
The Strategy of the Pekingese
Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain. El Rubio left the crime underworld years ago, but a serious family problem forces him to rethink his life choices when drug dealer Júnior proposes him to steal his bosses' frontman…
Rosa is a widow and lives alone, but this holiday has left to live with her grandson, Santiago. But Santiago has become something terrifying, diabolical.
Writing Heads
They are the first and the last, those who imagine stories and give voice to the characters who live them. However, they never speak. But now, they emerge from the shadows of a poorly lit room and tell their secrets, their tricks, their influences; they tell their own story, that of those who face the blank page, the absolute nothingness; that of those who are the true authors, those who create and destroy entire universes. They are the screenwriters.
Holy Night!
Christmas Eve. Two Toy worlds live together in the living-room of a house. Two traditions confronted. On one side, the Christmas Tree, home of Santa Claus and his elves. On the other, the Nativity Scene with the Three Wise Men and the rest of its inhabitants. When everyone is ready to celebrate a quiet Christmas the alarm goes off: Somebody has stolen the sledge with Santa Claus' presents and Baby Jesus has been kidnapped! Christmas is in danger and both worlds blame each other. Follow our heroes, Sam and Sarah, in an incredible and enjoyable adventure to discover the real offender, learn from their differences and save the most magical night of the year.
Одержимость Эммы Эванс
Фильм рассказывает об изгнании нечистой силы, которая вселилась в молодую девушку Эмму. Странное и пугающее поведение которой вынуждает ее семью пригласить священника, чтобы попробовать решить проблему с помощью сеанса экзорцизма, ужасные результаты которого оказываются засняты на видео камеру…
God's Forgotten Town
A group of journalists currently investigating the disappearance of all the inhabitants of a town one night, 1945. Julia is an investigative journalist who works for a magazine supernatural-themed "Year Zero". Despite not believing in parapsychological events, finds a surprising reality. Following a terrible fact found to be able to feel certain presences, even "see" the past when the force of the environment that is powerful enough.
Санти — несчастный подросток, страдающий редкой и очень тяжелой формой аллергии на прямые солнечные лучи, стоит ему пробыть самую малость на солнце и ожоги обеспечены. Вместе со своей матерью он переезжает из города в удаленную горную деревушку, где погода нечасто балует солнечными деньками, и где у парня появится шанс на нормальную жизнь и отношения со сверстниками. Но практически одновременно с их приездом в деревню приходит страх. Какое-то существо начинает делать набеги на домашний скот, а вскоре переключается на местных жителей. Для местных Санти становится главным подозреваемым — мало того, что у него такая странная болезнь (не вампир ли он?), так он еще и единственный, кто выжил при первом нападении неведомого существа. Теперь Санти и его матери предстоит разгадать загадку существа из леса, пока оно, или местные «мстители», не добрались до них.
The Totenwackers
The Lopez Family just finished moving to their new home and are immediately astonished to witness unexplainable events.
The Totenwackers
The Lopez Family just finished moving to their new home and are immediately astonished to witness unexplainable events.
Jugar a matar
Police of Barcelona finds the body of a man brutally murdered. From that moment the criminal investigation begins looking for evidence to determine who was the murderer. However, the resolution of the case will be affected by the rivalry between the chief of homicides and that of the scientific police for the same woman. When they discover a second body they realize that they have to give up their personal confrontation to solve the case. The tests involve them in a live game conceived by a young psychopath and his submissive friend.
¡De potra!
Two thugs, the veteran "Ducados" and the inexperienced Toñin, have to go in a club ruled by their rivals and fire a couple of shots in order to scare the hostesses. But...
¡De potra!
Two thugs, the veteran "Ducados" and the inexperienced Toñin, have to go in a club ruled by their rivals and fire a couple of shots in order to scare the hostesses. But...
Set in Galicia in northwest Spain - an area famed for its beauty and smuggling - this film shows a once-thriving fishing and shipbuilding culture fallen on hard times. Feisty, street smart Lena, 18, lives in semi-penury with her hard-drinking slob of a father, Gorrión, and hopes to escape by getting a grant to study in Portugal. Gorrion is mixed up with local drug-smuggling mafiosi, that includes Lena's godfather, Gitano, their Portugese Cachero, and the strong, silent Milio. One day, Lena returns from her job to find Gorrion badly beaten up: The gang had accused him of stealing. Lena visits the gangsters and offers to help pay off her father's debt by working for them. After Gorrion forgets to deliver Lena's grant papers, a fragile emotional bond develops between Lena and Milio. When they set off to Portugal to do a job, events start to ramble.
Хребет дьявола
Пугающий рассказ о 12-летнем Карлосе, который после смерти отца попадает в школу Санта-Лусии на попечение директрисы Кармен и профессора Касареса. Отец мальчика был мятежником, убитым в сражении против режима Франко. И хотя приют перегружен большим количеством детей, директор школы сочувствующе принимает молодого Карлоса.