Rose, 78-year-old, has just lost her beloved husband. When her grief gives way to a powerful impulse to live her life, making her realize that she can still redefine herself as a woman, the whole balance of the family is upset.
Rose, 78-year-old, has just lost her beloved husband. When her grief gives way to a powerful impulse to live her life, making her realize that she can still redefine herself as a woman, the whole balance of the family is upset.
Rose, 78-year-old, has just lost her beloved husband. When her grief gives way to a powerful impulse to live her life, making her realize that she can still redefine herself as a woman, the whole balance of the family is upset.
Rose, 78-year-old, has just lost her beloved husband. When her grief gives way to a powerful impulse to live her life, making her realize that she can still redefine herself as a woman, the whole balance of the family is upset.
A quasi-musical-comedy which descends into horror, set in the early sixties in a college on the outskirts of West Philadelphia. For 15 years, the graduation ball has been the preserve of the Foons - those teenagers who are immersed in weird notions of fun and who describe themselves as "cool". As they prepare for the graduation ball, it is decided to open up invitations to the nerd underdogs. The eternal rivalry between the cool kids and the nerds is played out with colourful costumes and kooky hairdos.
Стать евреем трудно, но можно! К каким только ухищрениям не прибегает главный герой фильма Эдди, чтобы доказать, что он самый евреистый из евреев и этим самым добиться покровительства богача, благоволящего к этой нации. А ведь хочется еще завоевать и расположение красавицы Сандры, дочери магната. Но стоит ли бороться за эту любовь, если ты не еврей? Оказывается, стоит, если возлюбленная узнает, что все безрассудства совершаются только ради ее прекрасных глаз.