Teng Ru-jun


A Love of Blueness
Rookie policeman Tai Lin yearned to be an artist before he failed an examination and followed in his father's footsteps. One day he interrupts an apparent suicide attempt by a woman standing on the edge of a bridge.
Roaring Across the Horizon
Li Yifan
General Feng Shi and Dr. Lu Guangda return from America to lead a team of scientists and soldiers to research and develop China's own atomic bomb.
Postmen in the Mountains
An old postman has spent his whole life delivering mail to the mountain of Hunan and is about to retire. His only son is due to take over his duties. As father and son journey through the mountains, the son begins to appreciate the toil and burden his father has to bear as postman for the villagers, and the old postman is also deeply moved as his son relates his mother's anxiety as she waits for him to return home from every trip.
Tian Gongshun (as Rujun Teng) / 田恭顺
Hailed by the Chinese government as one of the ten best films of the 1996-97 season, this irony-laced light drama is based on a novel by Fang Fang, and begins with the brutal slaying and robbery of a dock worker's family. The city assigns one of its best detectives, Yan Gao to find "the Wise One," the crime lord behind the murders. To do this, Yan sets up a series of surveillance sights around the city. When port guard Ye learns that he and his supervisor have been chosen to monitor one of the Wise One's main hideouts, he is delighted. It is the most exciting thing to have happened to him in years. But problems come because he must work nights and is sworn to secrecy. His girlfriend Bai Lin misinterprets his absences and this causes trouble. More trouble comes when her old lover shows up. Matters are made worse when a message for Ye and Tian to stop their surveillance does not get through.
Красный гаолян
Uncle Luohan
Действие фильма развивается в первой трети ХХ века на северо-востоке Китая. Юную Цзюцзи насильно выдают замуж за больного проказой старика – владельца винокурни. Ее уже несут в красном свадебном паланкине, но один из носильщиков паланкина, молодой и отважный Ю, похищает девушку и тем самым спасает ее от столь незавидной участи. Связав свою судьбу, молодые герои становятся хозяевами винокурни, где производится чудодейственный напиток – крепкое гаоляновое вино, бодрящее дух и исцеляющее многие болезни. Мирную жизнь прерывает вторжение японцев. Вместе с односельчанами Ю и Цзюцзи встают на защиту родных гаоляновых полей. Земля орошается огненно-красным вином и кровью...