Eugène Yvernès


Папа, мама, моя жена и я
После свадебного путешествия Робер и Катрин возвращаются в дом родителей Робера. Вскоре у молодоженов рождаются близнецы — двое мальчиков. В доме начинается суета, недовольства бабушки и дедушки. Но это только начало, проходит еще какое-то время и рождается еще пара мальчиков…
Бегство месье Перля
Me Joseph Corbin, notaire (uncredited)
Провинциальный булочник Бернар Перль, женатый на сварливой Жюльетт, едет в Париж для получения наследства. На Эйфелевой башне он встречает Мод, разыгрывающую самоубийство, влюбляется в неё и едет с ней в курортный город Дювиль, где проматывает все деньги. Мод исчезает с остатком наследства, а Перль симулирует амнезию, чтобы избежать объяснений с Жюльетт…
Trial at the Vatican
In 19th-century France, a little girl follows her two sisters into a Carmelite monastery with the goal of becoming a saint.
Жюльетта, или Ключ к сновидениям
Этот фильм «грустный и поэтичный рассказ о юном герое, которому нет счастья в реальном мире, и который ищет забвения в мире грёз».
Адрес неизвестен
Un client du taxi (uncredited)
Парижский таксист Эмиль Готье подвозит с лионского вокзала провинциальную девушку по имени Тереза, приехавшую в Париж, чтобы найти своего бывшего возлюбленного, журналиста Форестье, от которого она ждёт ребёнка, и который исчез, не оставив ей даже адреса. У Терезы нет денег для длительного пребывания в Париже, а найти Форестье никак не удаётся. Наконец она узнаёт, что он уже женат, и пытается покончить с собой, но её спасает Эмиль.
Улица без закона
Painter (uncredited)
В небольшом городке орудует банда, возглавляемая уголовником Спарадрой. В этом же городе живёт служащий одного медицинского заведения Анатоль, сын которого берёт уроки музыки у музыканта Ипполита. Ипполит иногда аккомпанирует княгине Латриль, которая любит устраивать концерты и давать приёмы в своём доме. В один из таких приёмов банда Спарадра крадёт у неё какую-то мелочь и решает позже обчистить дом полностью. Чтобы отвести от себя подозрения, грабители решают подставить Анатоля. Для этого участница банды Эмма знакомится с ним и просит у него на память фотографию и шляпу, которые преступники намереваются оставить в ограбленном доме.
Keep an Eye on Amelia
Young Amélie is currently enjoying life as the kept woman of her reasonably well off boyfriend Étienne. But when Étienne is called off for military duty, he enlists his playboy friend Marcel to keep an eye on her....something of a problem seeing that he is currently looking for a woman with which to create a sham marriage so he can quickly inherit a large sum of money from his father. Then suddenly the Prince of Palestra enters into the picture and boldly asks for Étienne's romantic favors to assess whether or not he would consider taking her as his bride. What's a free-spirited girl to do?
La vie est un rêve
Cité de l'espérance
The City of Hope is the place where left-behind artists subsist by scraping by. When one of them is accused of murder, all try to find the real culprit.
Man to Men
The story of the Swiss soldier, Henri Dunant, who was responsible for the founding of the Red Cross, and who was offered the first Nobel Peace Prize.
The Loves of Colette
François, a young student at a provincial college, likes Colette, the daughter of the headmaster. Turlot his colleague, who commits suicide, left a diary where he writes of his relationship with Colette.
La renégate
Conchita married the caïd Tahamar who deceives her about her “race”. She had to leave her love, Jean Costa, who is a prisoner of Tahamar. She decides to flee with Jean.
The Killer is Listening
April fools in a studio where a radio host pretends to shoot dead all the performers....till a true crime occurs.
Silence Is Golden
Emile is a French film producer at the beginning of the century. One of his friends leaves his daughter Lucette in his house, when he is starting a tour through France. Emile falls in love with her. Problems starts when his younger friend Jacques come back from military service and after complaining his misfortune with women, follows Emile's advice in starting affairs with women and he meets Lucette.
The Faceless Enemy
Le chauffeur
Professor Artus, a scientist specializing in artificial life, wants to try an experiment on an automaton; he is entrusted with a death row inmate. The professor is soon found murdered. It is Inspector Wens, helped by a journalist, who must solve the case. Franck Villard in the role of Wens succeeds Fresnay.
Madame et son flirt
To take revenge on her husband with whom she often has heated discussions, a young woman looks for a flirt, to whom she makes life difficult, without giving him anything, because she is still in love with her husband.
Барбизонское искушение
Портье издательства Мишель и сотрудница того же издательства Мартина очень любят друг друга и решают пожениться. Однажды после работы они вместе возвращаются домой и не подозревают, что всего через несколько часов их счастье окажется под угрозой. Ведь этим же вечером в маленькой загородной гостинице дяди Мартины появились два странных постояльца.
Special Mission
The exploits of Chief Police Inspector Chabrier, first before the invasion of France in May 1940 as he fights against spies preparing the coming the Germans, particularly Emmy de Welder, the alleged manager of the Rouen hospital. Later, Chabrier and his men go underground and resist the occupiers whatever the price to pay. When the Liberation comes Chabrier resumes his activities at the French National Police.
Long Live Liberty
Two-sided painting of the German occupation in France: the acts of heroism of the maquis are opposed to the villainies of the profiteers and the drafts, all treated in the manner of the imagery of Épinal.
Florence is Crazy
Monsieur Benoit's existence is transformed when his dour wife suddenly thinks in a bout of folly that she will become a chanteuse and her husband the impresario.
Le bal des passants
Fabienne believes herself to be cheated on by her husband Claude and divorces her. He leaves for America and does not return until eight years later. He then meets his daughter.
The Traveler Without Luggage
Having lost his memory due to serving in World War I, Gaston has spent the past 15 years in a psychiatric hospital. Due to his large disability pension fund, several families claim him as their missing son. Gaston is introduced to the Renaud family by the Duchess Dupont-Dufort and her lawyer. The Renaud family attempt to revive Gaston's memory with stories of his past, but he is apalled by some of the things he hears and dislikes the man he is supposed to be.
The White Waltz
Bernard Lampré, a young composer, is engaged to Hélène Madelin, a gifted intern. Jealous of Professor d'Esperel, the great surgeon she proudly assists, Bernard, goes out and wanders in the rain all night long. He catches cold, falls ill and is sent to a sanitarium. There he meets again Jacqueline, a girl who studied music with him at the Conservatoire. Learning that she is dying, Bernard decides to play the comedy of love to soften her last moments.
Feu Nicolas
Nicolas, the owner of a small café, has had enough of his current life. Business-wise, customers are more and more scarce. As for the love side, the situation is not any better as Jacqueline, his charming wife, not content to be spendthrift, might well be cheating on him.. To escape this harrowing reality Nicolas decides to simulate his suicide and disappears. Lucky or unlucky draw? Both in fact as, on the one hand, Nicolas finds serenity but, on the other he wins a huge sum of money in a lottery. How will he manage to get the money now?
Ceux du rivage
In the oyster and fishing town of Arcachon, one man doesn't want his adopted son to get married to the daughter of his rival, and he suspects a dark underlying secret.
Adieu Léonard
Doctor (uncredited)
A bungling thief is threatened by one target with blackmail, unless the thief will kill his own cousin, a wealthy eccentric who is considered the village idiot.
Des jeunes filles dans la nuit
Six young boarding girls return home unexpectedly after their college has been destroyed by fire. Their unexpected presence arouses melodramatic reactions.
Le mistral
In a small Provençal port, a young girl tries to divert a fisherman from his laborious life and his chaste loves.
Он приехал в день поминовения
Жиль Мовуазен, единственный потомок своего покойного дяди Октава, наследует все его состояние. Октав оказался отравлен мышьяком и все подозрения упали на его вдову - Коллетт Мовуазен. Но Жиль не верит в ее причастность к случившемуся и решает провести собственное расследование.
Love Letters
A plucky businesswoman agrees to receive love letters to a prefect’s wife from a young official, and soon finds herself embroiled in a scandal that inflames a town’s class tensions.
Fantastic Night
Denis, a poor student in philosophy, works as a night porter in the Paris market of Les Halles in order to pay for his studies. Constantly weary, he falls asleep and dreams of a beautiful girl in white, Irène, with whom he falls in love.
L'ange gardien
A retired colonial official lives a quiet life but things are dramatically changed when he has to look after his granddaughter for a while.
The Newspaper Falls at Five O'Clock
The everyday life and activity of "La Dernière Heure", a major evening newspaper, seen through the eyes of Hélène Perrin, a cub reporter trained by Pierre Rabaud, a star in his field. Side by side they will investigate several events: an air show that ends tragically, the coming to France of a Hollywood actress, a lightship caught in a terrible storm...
La Symphonie fantastique
The film is biographical, telling the story of the life and artistic struggles of the French composer Hector Berlioz. Berlioz is shown as a recalcitrant medical student in an anatomy class dreaming of becoming a composer; at a demonstration during a performance at the Paris Opéra conducted by Habeneck; at supper with other young artists (Hugo, Janin, Dumas, Mérimée, Delacroix); and chasing after his future wife Harriet Smithson, after a performance of Hamlet. Also depicted are his life in a garret, while suffering from an illness due to an abscess in the throat; a visit from his mother who curses him; and the composition of the Symphonie fantastique. The film then shows his marital breakdown, the premiere of his opera Benvenuto Cellini, his travels throughout Europe, his second marriage to Marie Recio (called "Marie Martin" in the film), public acceptance in old age and reconciliation with his son.
The Woman I Loved the Most
Claude is a young man whose girlfriend has just broken up with him. Feeling unable to overcome the pain, Claude has no other idea than to end his life. Back home, he finds five middle-aged or elderly men sitting at the dinner table but he refuses to join the guests and goes upstairs to his bedroom. The worst is prevented thanks to a servant who has caught sight of Claude's revolver. Claude 's uncle joins his nephew and manages to persuade him not to take action. He takes him downstairs to the dining room where each in turn, the five guests start telling their own story. For it happens that they too once had their heart broken and that they too once wanted to die for love.
Аннет и блондинка
Police Station agent (uncredited)
Аннет, 17-летняя девочка, безумно влюблена в адвоката Мориса Усарда. К сожалению, сорокалетний адвокат занят богатой американкой. Аннетт делает всё, чтобы завоевать его, до того дня, когда её родители познакомят её с молодым человеком, отец которого знал отца Аннетт.
Caprices tells the story of two young rich people. A famous actress poses as a poor florist, and a distinguished society man camouflages himself as forger and swindler. This game leads them to make close relations in a series of adventures.
Ce n'est pas moi
Cambo, a banker, has been in trouble since a certain Parizot has tried to extort stocks from him. Following the advice of his friend Quincampoix, Cambo decides to trade places with Bardac, a painter, who happens to be his lookalike. Bardac slips into Cambo's shoes with delight although he does not really live up to his task. But Cambo, who manages to ruin Parizot, makes a 100% profit on the situation. There are of course some misunderstandings when one man is mistaken for the other, notably as concerns Lulu and Geneviève, respectively Bardac's and Cambo's sweethearts, but things finally return to their initial state.
Monsieur Hector
In a palace in Nice, a modest valet is confused with his master, a viscount chased by a man-eater.
Призрачная повозка
Un salutiste
По мотивам романа Сельмы Лагерлёф «Повозка смерти». Существует легенда, что незадолго до своей смерти человек начинает слышать непереносимый скрежет... скрежет повозки из загробного мира, едущей за ним, чтобы перевезти в царство мёртвых. Если грешник умирает тридцать первого декабря в полночь, то следующие двенадцать месяцев он будет Смотрителем - Возницей Повозки смерти, выполняя скорбную работу по перевозке умерших на другую сторону... Главный герой фильма безработный Давид Ольм (Пьер Френе) пускается во все тяжкие, пьянствует, избивает жену, сквернословит... Сумеет ли он искупить свои грехи, встать на путь истинный, когда он снова в компании собутыльников, уже тридцать первое декабря, а на часах без пяти минут двенадцать?..