Victor is a screenwriter whose last work about the Marechal Pétain is refused by his producer. To add insult to injury, he tells Victor he is paunchy. The unfortunate man becomes obsessed by his weight. He goes out of his way to lose pounds, abetted by his wife, Corinne, who puts him on a reducing diet. He must also go to a health center where he takes exercise. Nothing really works. And one day, in a brewery, he cannot withstand his diet anymore and he has a gastronomic meal. Desperate, he tries his luck at a weight watchers reunion.
During the long journey that brought him home victorious in the Trojan War, Agamemnon fell in love with one of his captives, Cassander, daughter of Priam, with whom he had children. The reception in Argos, more than ten years later, was icy. Annoyed by the double indelicacy of her husband, Clytemnestra, his wife who had meanwhile become the mistress of Aegisthus, killed him with the help of her lover. Aegisthus then became the regent and ensured the prosperity of the city alongside his mistress, the widowed queen. But Electra, one of the daughters of Agamemnon, has always foreseen the murder and adultery of her mother. Solitary, wild, she lives in the royal palace awaiting the return of Orestes, her brother who has taken refuge since childhood with an uncle, in order to take revenge. Electra can begin, the crimes of the Atreides family continue quietly, as planned.
Tartuffe, a hypocritical man confided in false devotion, monopolizes the confidence of Orgon, a wealthy bourgeois and undertakes to seduce his wife Elmire. Having been unmasked by the latter, he strives to precipitate the ruin of his benefactor.
Молодой бродячий актер Ля Тур своими шутками снискал расположение короля Людовика XV, но нажил среди свиты короля могущественного врага, герцога Сен-Севера. Ля Тур совершает на войне подвиг - возвращает знамя, утерянное герцогом в бою. Сен-Север просит короля дать актеру дворянское звание, чтобы сразиться с обидчиком в честном бою. Но не все так благородны. брат герцога, стремясь завладеть его состоянием и женой, подсылает убийцу. Подозрение в убийстве падает на Ля Тура. Много приключений выпадает на долю молодого человека и его друзей - бродячих актеров, прежде чем он накажет негодяев, защитит свое доброе имя и встретит любовь...