Alexander Chan Mong-Wah


G Affairs
Crime Team
When a human head is discovered, the paths of a female student, a cellist, an autistic teenager, a police officer, a prostitute, a teacher and a dog are found to be serendipitously entwined. Who caused the death? What is the motive? Where is the body? Attempts to answer these questions lead to keywords starting with the letter "G". As the case is peeled back layer by layer, the complexity and desperation of the people living in Hong Kong today are slowly uncovered, and a suspenseful multifarious Hong Kong story is revealed.
Тройной перехват
Prosecutor Chan
Чемпион по снайперской стрельбе Кен случайно становится свидетелем ограбления. Он видит полицейского, который удерживает заложника и убивает четырех грабителей. Одному из грабителей удается скрыться, а полицейский остается в живых. Дело расследует Джерри Чан, которого Кен знает по соревнованиям по снайперской стрельбе, в которых Кен проиграл Джерри. Суд признал Кена невиновным. Вскоре после этого на Кена совершает нападение сбежавший грабитель Пан Тао. Их столкновение открывает совершенно другую историю происшествия и приносит мириаду лжи и ловушек и перемен в отношениях, так как Джерри и Кен пытаются перехитрить друг друга.
One Nite in Mongkok
A gangster's son is accidentally killed during a drunken dispute with a rival gang, and Officer Milo's task force is assigned to the case. He soon learns that a hitman has been hired to take out the rival gang leader. While Milo and his crew desperately try to find and stop the hired gun, fearing all-out war in the streets, Lai Fu, a smart but inexperienced killer from a small town in the mainland, arrives in Hong Kong to do his job.
Double Tap
Rick Pang, an IPSC champion who is also a gun expert who tinkers with his pistols to perfect his technique known as 'double tap' which is the terminology where a shooter can place two exact shots in the same spot to maximize marksmanship.
The Extra
Director Alfred Cheung (Her Fatal Ways) skewers contemporary Hong Kong in the hilarious satire The Extra! Alfred Cheung stars as an unemployed film extra who considers employment in a bawdy Category III film to make ends meet. The truth is he'd rather not participate in something so sordid, but with the Asian Financial Crisis casting a threatening shadow over 1998 Hong Kong, a guy has to do what's necessary just to survive! And if that means sacrificing a little pride - or even baring some skin - then so be it! Thanks to its uncommon script, The Extra manages to take Hong Kong film industry and use it as a springboard for an intelligent and satirical take on the greater problems facing average Hong Kong citizens. Plus it makes time for laughs, and features a galaxy of familiar Hong Kong Cinema names, including Christine Ng, Simon Lui, Law Ka Ying, Almen Wong Pui Ha, and Francis Ng.
Full Throttle
Joe is a champion motorcycle racer who is forced to question his entire lifestyle after he and some close friends are seriously injured in motorcycle accidents. He subsequently struggles to maintain his identity as a risk-taker; and fights to maintain and redefine his relationships with his fiancée, his friends, and his estranged father.
3 Days of a Blind Girl
Line Producer
The wife of a heart surgeon, suffering from temporary blindness, is home alone. But a strange man ingratiates himself into her household in order to avenge the seduction and death of his wife, for which the surgeon appears responsible...
Love Among the Triad
Ko Sum
Simon Yam Tat-wah and Rosamund Kwan Chi-lam star in this gauzy melodrama about the life and loves of the gangster elite, directed by Andy Chin Wing-keung. The film centers around Ching Kit, a mob boss who instead of using typical tools of underworld shakedowns -- mob hits, blackmail, and the like -- employs the dinner party to negotiate deals, to forge partnerships, and craft revenge. When Ching works out a deal with the Portuguese mob that would give him partial control of Macau's casinos, he quickly learns that treachery lurks around every corner. Veronica Yip Yuk-hing, Cecila Yip Tung, and Pauline Wong Siu-fung also appear.
Lover at Large
Sheila returns to Hong Kong for a summer reunion with her parents. However, she is distressed by her parents' quarrels. From their quarrels, Sheila soon finds out that her mother's, Myunt, love affair with an actor, Ho, in the past. Ho loved Myunt dearly. He even killed himself to protect her reputation. Sheila arranges a seance meeting between Ho and her mother. Something goes wrong and Ho is stranded in the human world. Gradually, Sheila falls in love with Ho. To her great dismay, Ho shows his love to Myunt only. Sheila thus helps him to be with Myunt again. Sheila's father is outraged. He calls on all celestial powers to send Ho back to the other world. Sheila throws herself to protect him. She is killed. In order to give Sheila a new life, Ho promises to return to ghost land and gives up any chance of a new incarnation, then Sheila revives.
In Between Loves
Taxi driver Lung is obsessed with TV news reporter Jenny Tung. He attempts to gain her affection by providing minor news stories, but her arrogant lawyer boyfriend, John Liu gets in the way. He tells Lung that she is only interested in major events. When a series of murders begins to plaque the city, Lung begins to feed Tung info on the killings but is he more connected than he lets on?
Драконы Навсегда
Assistant Director
Секретный завод по производству наркотиков разрушает экологию маленького озера. Владелица озера, красавица Лао, возбуждает судебный процесс против наркомафии. Талантливый адвокат Джонни Лан, по приказу коррумпированных властей, должен отстаивать в суде интересы мафии. Адвокат с помощью друзей начинает тайное расследование деятельности мафии.
Восточные кондоры
Assistant Director
Когда американцы покидали Вьетнам, был оставлен секретный запас ракет и стратегического оружия, который не обнаружила вьетнамская армия. В 1976 году полковник армии США Лам получает задание уничтожить склад, прежде чем ракеты попадут в руки врага. Он набирает команду из китайских и вьетнамских заключенных. Всем, кто уцелеет, обещана свобода. После десантирования на территории Вьетнама, весь их путь по вражеской территории сопровождается постоянными стычками с вьетнамскими регулярными войсками во главе с безумным генералом…
Экспресс миллионеров
Assistant Director
Конец 30-х годов. Авантюрист Чин после увлекательных приключений в России возвращается в родную деревню на китайской границе. За время его отсутствия дома многое изменилось. Местный начальник полиции со своими подчиненными ограбил банк и сбежал. Его место занял бывший начальник пожарной охраны Тсао. В окрестностях городка появляется конная банда, в рядах которой два американских ковбоя, собирающиеся напасть на экспресс из Шанхая с целью завладеть картой древних сокровищ.
Family Light Affair
Assistant Director
Fresh from his smashing directorial debut comedy, "Let's Make Laugh", Alfred Cheung Kin-Ting returns to the screen with this seriocomic look at the clash of cultures which result when a Mainland Chinese peasant brings his family to Hong Kong. "Family Light Affair", whose Chinese title literally translates as "City Lights", is the director/writer's warm-hearted memoir of street life in the early 1980s, featuring an eclectic cast of pop music and kung fu stars who shine in their poignant roles.
Coolie Killer
Assistant Director
Ko leads a team of Hong Kong assassins that are taken out one by one. Ko manages to flee to the countryside, where he aims to find out who's behind this and to gain the strength to fight back. Helping him is local girl Tong, whilst chasing Ko is the long arm of the law, represented by cop Chung.
The Spooky Bunch
Script Supervisor
A Cantonese opera company is attacked by an army of ghosts, thanks to a feud between the dead grandfathers of one of the company's actresses and a young man.
God Father
A combination of God Of Gamblers and The Sting. Git is a young mechanic working for his uncle in a small garage. Git's cousin is tricked out of a large amount of money by a card sharp, and Git promises revenge. But the card sharp, called "Card Devil", works for the ruthless gang boss Kwok, and Git is also tricked. Having pledged the garage against the debt, Git desperately seeks the assistance of the one man who is up to the task of tricking the crooks, Ghost Eye.