Джан живёт в Нью-Йорке, куда однажды на лечение приезжает его бабушка. В больничной палате бабушка напевает для него песню на курдском языке и, не допев её, умирает. Это сильно потрясает Джана, и он начинает искать эту песню. Поиски приводят его в разные уголки мира, там знакомится с различными культурами и людьми…
Four 40-something friends are haunted by the violent past of a divided Cyprus. Temel wants desperately to speak about the crimes of vengeance he committed as a teenager. He would like to confess about the bodies buried in the muddy patch of a dried-up salt lake, but fear holds him back from even going there. Ali participates in Temel's UN projects aimed at defusing tension between Cyprus' Greek and Turkish communities....
A man named Onur, connects to a Radio programme presented by Oguz and requests the song Old and Wise from The Alan Parsons Project. A day later Eda, for whom Onur requested the song, calls in to tell it was a special song for Eda and Oğuz but there is something myterious going on...