Daphné Patakia

Daphné Patakia

Рождение : 1992-06-08, Belgium


Daphné Patakia grew up in Belgium and graduated from the Greek National Theatre and has since appeared in major stage productions throughout Europe. She is known for Yorgos Zois', INTERRUPTION. The film premiered in the Orizzonti sidebar of the 2015 Venice Film Festival. Next up she plays the starring role gang member, Ioanna, in Constantine Giannaris' new film SPRING AWAKENING aka To xypnima tis anoixis soon to be released in theaters in 2016. She next be seen in Alexandros Voulgaris' upcoming feature film NIMA. Earlier this year Daphné was selected as one of the brightest and best of Europe and announced as one of this years 2016 European Shooting Stars. She was chosen by a jury of top industry experts, to be presented to the film world during the opening weekend at the Berlin Film Festival. : "Daphné is a charismatic presence on the screen, she convinced the jury with her extraordinary focus, her air of mystery and her willingness to express extreme emotions in astonishing ways."


Daphné Patakia
Daphné Patakia
Daphné Patakia
Daphné Patakia


Everybody Calls Me Mike
Thibault, Isabelle and their son Jeremie board their sailboat Joshua to sail the world and live a new life. The Gulf of Aden is watched over by Somali pirates, and while stopping in Djibouti, the happy family meets Mike, a black they know nothing about but innately trust. Inviting Mike to board the ship, the quartet travels onward in their sailboat…
Пять дьяволов
Вики обладает волшебным даром: она может унюхать и воспроизвести любой запах по своему выбору. Она собирает их в тщательно промаркированные банки. У одинокого ребенка очень сильная связь со своей матерью Джоанной. Когда в их жизни появляется сестра ее отца Джулия, Вики также начинает воспроизводить ее запах. Джулия недавно была освобождена из тюрьмы и Вики переносится в темные и волшебные воспоминания, которые приводят ее к раскрытию секретов ее деревни, ее семьи и ее собственного существования.
The Feast of the Burning Ones
France, 15th century. A strange evil has taken hold of the inhabitants of a village, causing insomnia, tremors, and hallucinations. Little Wolf arrives in the village with his parents. His father, the executioner Simon, has been called in to help Toussaint, the local executioner who has also been affected by the disease.
Италия, начало XVII века. Монахиню Бенедетту, которую ещё в детстве определили в обитель города Пеша, посещают религиозные видения. Когда в монастыре появляется новая послушница Бартоломея и начинает проявлять к Бенедетте недвусмысленный интерес, видения становятся всё более реалистичными, а у монахини на руках и ступнях проявляются стигматы.
Colin returns to Brest to discover that the petty theft he committed five years previously allowed his opportunistic parents to place his grandmother, Manou, in a home to die and lay their hands on her fortune. Now he is going to have to look the old lady in the eye. Before that, he spends Christmas with his parents and announces that he has written a novel that is soon to be published: an autobiographical work of fiction about them and their schemes…
Возвращаясь с репетиции, виолончелист и глава семьи спрашивает у девушки в метро, есть ли у неё время. Она дублирует вопрос и после этого следует за мужчиной по пятам, повторяя каждое его действие.
Seems like an ordinary trip to a remote beach. Four young women enjoy the warmth of the sun, the coolness of the sea and one another's company. None of them is "Winona"
One year after the death of her mother, Elena, a young French woman of Greek origin, returns to her holiday home on the island of Lesbos. She is accompanied by her friends Nassim and Sekou, two young suburbanites more used to the benches of the city than the paradisiac beaches.
A Paris Education
Etienne comes to Paris to study filmmaking at the Sorbonne. He meets Mathias and Jean-Noël who share his passion for films. But as they spend the year studying, they have to face friendship and love challenges as well as choosing their artistic battles.
Mute roller girl
Niki is a resistance fighter living in a nightmarish dictatorship in Athens, 1972, and Lefteris is her son, who will be forced sooner or later to cut the thread that binds them together.
The first sexual experience of a sensitive 16-year-old girl becomes the starting point of an emotional journey towards adulthood and reconciliation through music and its power.
Journey from Greece
Djam, a young Greek woman, is sent to Istanbul by her uncle Kakourgos, a former sailor with a passion for Rebetiko, to find a rare part that will repair their boat. In Istanbul, she encounters Avril, a nineteen-year-old French girl, alone and without any money, who came to Turkey as a voluntary worker with refugees. Djam, generous, cheeky, unpredictable, and free-spirited, takes Avril under her wing on the way to Mytilene. A journey filled with encounters, music, sharing, and hope.
Spring Awakening
Contemporary Athens: A gang of teenage thieves and romantic anarchists test the limits of their youthful rebellion and play out their own tragic spring awakening against the backdrop of a dying city.
В афинском театре идёт современная адаптация классической греческой трагедии Эсхила «Орестея». Зрители, как обычно, сидят на своих местах. Внезапно на сцену выходит группа молодых людей, одетых в чёрное, с оружием в руках. Они извиняются за вмешательство и приглашают людей из зала принять участие в пьесе. Спектакль возобновляется, но с одним отличием: теперь жизнь подражает искусству, а не наоборот.
Les Truites
Sur la branche