Sebastian Fabijański

Sebastian Fabijański

Рождение : 1987-06-14, Warsaw, Poland


Sebastian Fabijański was born 14 June 1987 in Warsaw. He studied acting in Wyższa Szkoła Komunikowania i Mediów Społecznych in Warsaw, then law in the University of Warsaw and again acting in National Academy of Theatre Arts in Kraków and in Aleksander Zelwerowicz National Academy of Dramatic Art in Warsaw. In 2015 Fabijański graduated from Aleksander Zelwerowicz National Academy of Dramatic Art in Warsaw with a MA degree in Acting. In 2014 he won an award for the Professional Acting Debut at the 39th Polish Film Festival in Gdynia for his roles in films Jeziorak (English title Waterline) and 'Miasto 44 (English title Warsaw 44). In 2015 he won an Andrzej Konic Award for Acting Debut at the 29th Tarnów Film Awards for his roles in films 'Waterline (original title Jeziorak) and Warsaw 44 (original title Miasto 44).


Sebastian Fabijański
Sebastian Fabijański


Dora and Beth, as well as being a couple, are hackers and robbers. After their last heist they need to find a hiding spot. The only safe place is a house hidden deep in the wood, far away from digital connections. What happens there turns out to be something more disturbing and dangerous than the reality they are facing. They find themselves in a fight for their survival against the clock and where their fate is in the hands of the dark web.
Heaven in Hell
Olga and Maks are 15 years away. She is a successful woman with an established position, the mother of an adult daughter, he is a handsome young man who enjoys his life in a handful and lives only in the moment. It might seem that these two different worlds will never meet, and yet fate put them in the way.
Fed up with pandemics, quarantines and news about ecological disasters, worried about their own uncertain future and the fate of the world, a group of high school students are invited by Kamil, a millionaire's son, to a party at his father's seaside residance.
Wygrać marzenia
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Как я полюбила гангстера
Неизвестная женщина повествует о полном взлетов и падений пути Никодема «Никоша» Скотарчака, одного из крупнейших гангстеров в Польше.
Other People
Warsaw, Poland. Kamil, a street rapper who spends his time going from party to party, begins a love affair with Iwona, a wealthy married woman.
Псы 3: За Честь
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Женщины Мафии
Бела, бывший полицейский, получает задание ABW раскрывать преступную группировку, связанную с наркотиками. Чтобы ее миссия удалась, она должна влиться в мафию.
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A story of passion, rivalry, love, and friendship. Jan Banas, acclaimed Silesian football player of the 1960s and 1970s, struggles to makes his dreams come true on and off the field. Stars is the story of a great love between young people torn by passion and ambition.
Питбуль: Опасные женщины
2 женщины-полицейских пытаются выжить среди коррупции в своем управлении и жестоких бандитов.
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