Karel Hutěčka


Film Adventurer Karel Zeman
A look at the life, work and importance of Czech filmmaker Karel Zeman (1910-89), a genius of world cinema, a wizard of special effects, revealing his sources of inspiration and his revolutionary filming techniques.
Autíčková romance
Production Manager
Švec a čert
Production Manager
Myší kočičiny
Production Manager
Slova, slova
Production Manager
The Snowman's Dream
Production Manager
A fairy tale about the foolish dream of one dissatisfied snowman.
Production Manager
Poplach na hradě
Production Manager
I Count on the Wire
Production Manager
The story of some mischievous clothes drying on a string. A cheerful fairy tale.
Monkey Love?
Production Manager
The puppet monkey saves the baby from the pernicious influence of cigarettes.
Jak ulovit mamuta
Production Manager
The Naughty Slingshot
Production Manager
A stop-motion animated fairy tale about good and evil using wooden folk toys.
Rozpustilí bráškové
Production Manager
The Tale of John and Marie
Production Manager
Young knight John travels the world in search of fame and fortune, but also to help others and prove himself. However, things go dire fast and he becomes burdened with life's hardships. But then he meets a pretty water nymph, Mary.
Karel Zeman for Children
Production Manager
A Thousand and One Nights
Five different exploits of Sinbad the sailor where he gets mixed up with the pretty daughters of exotic potentates, with powerful monsters that threaten his existence, and with all sorts of teeming jungle life.
Production Manager
Den se sedmi křížky
Production Manager
How They Went to Work
Production Manager
A stop-motion animated short about the journey of Nicholas, an angel and two devils to distribute gifts. The devils are bored on the way, so they invent all kinds of tricks.
Production Manager
Star of Bethlehem
Production Manager
An animated film that recounts the events surrounding the birth of Jesus Christ described in the New Testament.
Corral Tale
Production Manager
A poetic and colorful tale at the bottom of the sea.
Psí nebe
Production Manager
Kámen a život
Production Manager
Chlapeček nebo holčička?
Production Manager
The Snowman
Production Manager
A snowman comes to life in this charming and playful stop motion short. In danger of melting once spring rolls around, the snowman eventually departs for an icier climate, perhaps to return next winter.
Production Manager
Blue Apron
Production Manager
Surrealistic short animation by Hermína Týrlová.
Vlněná pohádka
Production Manager
The Glass Marble
Production Manager
Different animals play with a marble in this whimsical story from Hermína Týrlová, ‘the mother of Czech animation’
Two Balls
Production Manager
A romantic story between two wool skeins.
Hermína Týrlová
Production Manager
Life of Tulip
Production Manager
Short film by Frantisek Skapa.
Black diamond
Production Manager
Путешествие к началу времен
Production Manager
Четырёх мальчиков интересует история окаменевшего животного мира. Один из мальчиков видел изображение какого-то морского животного, но не знает, что это за существо и в какое время оно жило на Земле. Для того, чтобы во всём разобраться, три его старших товарища отправляются на лодке по реке, которая приводит их в пещеру. Но река приводит их сперва в самый последний ледниковый период. Чем дальше они движутся по реке, тем в более древний период истории Земли они попадают. Наконец они попадают в тот период, когда ещё существовало древнее первобытное море. По мере своего путешествия в каждой эпохе они встречают различных животных и видят растения, существовавшие в определённую эпоху.
The Treasure of Bird Island
Production Manager
People living on an island finds a treasure, but it does not only do them good.
Production Manager
Production Manager
Короткометражный учебный фильм рассказывает о том, как и из чего производится цемент. Кинолента была отмечена дипломом жюри на IV Международном кинофестивале в Марианских Лазнях.