Sergio Solís

Sergio Solís


Sergio Solís


Танец сорока одного
В конце 19 века Игнасио де ла Торре женился на дочери президента Мексики Порфирио Диаса. Однако Игнасио ведет двойную жизнь: он поднимается в традиционном мире политики, будучи членом подпольного общества, члены которого переодеваются в женскую одежду на своих вечеринках и проповедуют однополую любовь...
I'm Not A Rebel
Information Systems Manager
Mexico 1968: students are the public enemy. Mitch, a wealthy student of Monterrey, hijacks a plane to retrieve Beatrice, who has been kidnapped by the secret police six months ago. Armed with a gun, which he doesn't know how to use, and helped by his two friends as allies, Mitch will face the most bloodthirsty General and force him to release the love of his life.
Por un vestido de novia
Young woman's character flaws and aristocratic pretensions become an obstacle when she falls in love and decides to marry. Numerous lives are ruined.