Мехмет Махир всемирно известный скрипач-виртуоз, он приезжает в Стамбул из заграницы, чтобы дать концерт. Возвращение в родной город открывает в нем старые незаживающие раны. Встреча со своим братом Али Рызой перевернет всю его жизнь. Братья не общались многие годы, но Али Рызе приходится обратиться к нему с последней просьбой. Он умирает, а его 8-летняя дочь остается одна-одинешенька на свете. Поэтому просит своего брата взять на себя заботу о племяннице.
Сможет ли человек, разучившийся любить в раннем возрасте, научиться быть семьей у маленькой девочки, только что потерявшей отца?
Umut, a strange, introverted, born young man, lives with his mother Leyla in a slum in Istanbul Esenler, and works as an apprentice in an auto repair shop. Realizing that her mother has been acting strangely recently, Umut begins to follow her secretly and learns that Leyla is with a man. The facts about the identity of this man will turn Umut's life upside down ... In the second part of the film, a completely different Umut goes after a completely different Leyla ...
Kaan has always been looking for a meaning in his life. Gizem and Bengi were in love but the city didn't welcome much girls like them. Fuat had spent his life as a homeless in the streets of Istanbul. There has been a belief that an old spiritual ship once got stuck in Istanbul. A ship that would only be visible to the ones who would belong to it, who would need it in their lives. A ship that would take them to where they belong to. The ship was about to take off. The film is inspired by the short animation film called "How Did The Amentu Ship Move", made in 1970 by Tonguç Yaşar and Sezer Tansuğ.
Restless and young, best buddies Selim and Çaça live a meager existence on the outskirts of Istanbul. By day they breed pigeons on the roof, by night they roam the streets with their entourage in their pimped-up car, "My Orange Angel". Their neighborhood's view of the city's gigantic business towers accelerates their ambitions. The two buddies want to open their own parking-lot business near a gigantic mall, and they just might get lucky, since they're supported by the local mafia boss.
Retired security intelligence agent Iskender Buyuk has kept his government's secrets for years but when the men he has sworn to protect suddenly desert him, Iskender finds himself in the defendant's chair with only young and inexperienced lawyer Ayse to represent his interests. Understandably angered by this turn of events, Iskender decides to strike back against his one-time employers by revealing all he knows about covert op missions.