René Hell

René Hell

Рождение : 1891-05-01, Orbec, Calvados, Basse-Normandie, France

Смерть : 1965-10-11


René Hell


Un vendeur de journaux (« Le Gros Lot »)
Антуан Борпэр, владелец небольшого магазинчика в Лиможе, выиграл большой приз в национальной лотерее 100 миллионов франков. Вместе с женой и дочкой он отправляется за призом в Париж. Получив приз в виде денежной массы, он сложил всё в чемоданчик, с которым нигде не расставался. Но ему постоянно мерещится, что за ним следят, что его хотят ограбить. И он решает поместить своих «птичек» в клетку, в Лиможское отделение банка.
Месть простофиль
Old garage owner
Компания эксцентричных и неудачливых аферистов задумывает сменить специализацию и провернуть новое для себя дельце: напечатать крупную партию фальшивых купюр. Прекрасно понимая, что вопрос сбыта готовой продукции новичкам не под силу, они решают взять в долю пожилого гангстера по кличке «Папаша», уже имевшего опыт в подобных делах. Несмотря на то, что тот давно ушел на покой и осел где-то в дебрях Африки, после недолгих уговоров он соглашается и вылетает в Париж. У одного из подельников есть любовница, а её муж — великолепный гравёр. Осталось только убедить его взяться за работу, а это совсем не просто, ведь он «фраер» (на блатном жаргоне — человек, не имеющий отношения к преступному миру).
A Martian in Paris
The traveling pencil merchant (uncredited)
The title role in the French comedy-fantasy A Martian in Paris is filled by Darry Cowl. The higher-ups in Mars want to learn all about that strange commodity, peculiar to the planet Earth, known as "Love". Darry soon figures out what makes the world go 'round when he meets the gorgeous Nicole Mirel. A Martian in Paris was obviously inspired by the 1960 American comedy A Visit to a Small Planet, which starred Jerry Lewis. Darry Cowl's imitation of Lewis is passable, but it certainly didn't fool the "Le Roi Crazy Jerry" idolators at Cahiers du Cinema and Positif magazine.
Барон де Л'Эклюз
Guest of the hostel (uncredited)
Герой войны 14-го года и разоренный барон, Жером Наполеон Антуан ведет роскошную жизнь благодаря своим обширным связям. Он много играет и много проигрывает. Однажды ему улыбается удача во время игры в карты с маркизом Вилламайором: он выигрывает одиннадцать миллионов и, в качестве аванса, получает яхту. Вместе с Перл, его бывшей любовницей, они отправляются в путь. Однако, из-за нехватки денег им приходится на некоторое время задержаться на одном из шлюзов...
Мегрэ и дело в Сен-Фиакр
Typographer (uncredited)
Комиссар Мегрэ возвращается в Сен-Фиакр, деревню, где он провел свое детство, по приглашению графини из Сен-Фиакра. Она знала, что «маленький Жюль» стал комиссаром, потому что отец Мегрэ был управляющим владений замка Сен-Фиакр. Графиня получила анонимное письмо с объявлением о своей смерти в пепельную среду (первый день Великого поста). На следующий день Мегрэ обнаружил её мёртвой в церкви, погибшей от сердечного приступа, но комиссар убежден, что этот сердечный приступ не случайный, и начинает своё расследование…
Witness in the City
Industrialist Pierre Verdier kills his mistress Jeanne Ancelin by throwing her off a train. Her husband, Ancelin, decides to take revenge on his wife's murderer, who has been acquitted by justice.
Et ta sœur...
Julien le concierge
Bastien du Boccage is a repeat offender: hasn't he been sent to jail no fewer than six times? But he is no ordinary criminal mind you. As a matter of fact he is a newspaper editor and should have no problems with justice. The trouble is that he has a sister, Lucrèce, who is agony aunt in his newspaper and who tends not to mince her words. To make matters worse, Francine, his daughter, has fallen in love with Bruno, a penniless student and Lucrèce is prepared to do anything to prevent her marriage..
Mimi Pinson
Dany Robin plays the title character in the French comedy Mimi Pinson. The plot is strictly formula stuff, with Mimi being thwarted on all sides by those who have designs on her money and her virtue. Happily, our heroine triumphs over her foes and predators, finding true romance in the arms of Raymond Pellegrin.
Беспорядок и ночь
Le crieur de journaux (uncredited)
Инспектор Валуа начинает расследование убийства владельца ночного кабаре. Почти сразу подозрение падает на его подружку, но это слишком очевидно. Поэтому такая версия не устраивает Валуа...
Одно из самых больших несчастий и бед, которые принесла цивилизация человечеству — работорговля. Таманго — это африканский воин, узнавший власть денег и быстро привыкший к «благам» цивилизации — спиртному, оружию, предательству. Таманго такой же чернокожий, как и те, кого он продает белым. Но воин верит, что репутация хорошего поставщика «черного дерева» сможет защитить его от любой беды.
The Tricyclist
Le vieux paysan (uncredited)
Antoine Peyralout is baker Mouillefarine's tricycle delivery man. Comical and stuttering, Antoine shows more interest in the local soccer team than in professional integrity. A wedding cake pays the price for it and the young man is dismissed. Not dispirited in the least, Antoine decides to go to Nice, where his favorite team will play the final of the Cup. On his merry (and eventful) way, he has the opportunity to save a pretty camper, Popeline, with whom he falls in love. Once in Nice, he discovers that Dabek, the brilliant goal-keeper is not up to his task following bad news...
Через Париж
Jambier's father (uncredited)
Безработный шофер Мартен подрядился перетащить два чемодана контрабандной свинины через ночной Париж. Ему очень нужны деньги, и он берётся за такое рискованное дело не в первый раз. В помощники к нему навязывается Гранжиль, преуспевающий художник, идущий на авантюру лишь ради новых острых ощущений. Много приключений выпадет на долю случайных партнёров, пока они не попадут в руки ночного патруля немцев. А за нарушение комендантского часа у гестапо наказание одно — расстрел.
Кровь в голову
Le chauffeur des Cardinaud (uncredited)
История про сильно разбогатевшего бывшего портового грузчика Франсуа Кардино (Габен). Добившись собственного величия Франсуа внезапно узнает, что жена (Мелинан) ему изменила с оборванцем-неудачником. Пытаясь разыскать и вернуть жену, он узнает много неприятного о себе. Оказывается он никакой не король в глазах сограждан.
Папа, мама, моя жена и я
Un homme de l'hôtel (uncredited)
После свадебного путешествия Робер и Катрин возвращаются в дом родителей Робера. Вскоре у молодоженов рождаются близнецы — двое мальчиков. В доме начинается суета, недовольства бабушки и дедушки. Но это только начало, проходит еще какое-то время и рождается еще пара мальчиков…
Count of Bragelonne
Un paysan
Raoul De Bragelonne must uphold his musketeer father's legacy in the face of court intrigues from Cardinal Mazarin.
Не тронь добычу
Un consommateur chez Bouche
Макс и Ритон — легендарные личности в уголовном мире. В их карьере множество блестяще проведенных операций, в том числе дерзкое ограбление в аэропорту Орли, где их добычей становятся 50 миллионов франков в золотых слитках. А главное, что никто не знает об их участии в ограблении. Можно уходить на покой, наслаждаясь радостями безбедной жизни в обществе юных прелестниц. Но Ритон совершает ошибку, похваставшись проститутке Жози, которая, недолго думая, делится его секретом со своим новым дружком Анджело. Тот решает пощипать «старичков», похищает Ритона и требует у Макса золото в обмен на друга…
Poison Ivy
Un inspecteur
FBI Agent Lemmy Caution is sent after a missing two million in Casablanca while mob boss mistress Carlotta plays both sides of the law.
Un trésor de femme
The guardian
Francois is engaged to Isabelle. While going to buy the engagement ring, he meets Sophie, who puts the ring on her finger and does not manage to remove it. Francois follows in the footsteps of Sophie, who is married to an important merchant, in order to recover his property.
Holiday for Henrietta
The driver (uncredited)
Two scriptwriters argue about the fate of Henrietta, a charming and gamine shopgirl. One favors a comical path for their heroine, who is overcome with sentimental love for a young photographer on Bastille Day. The other has a more thrilling and dastardly fate in mind for her. Among the film's irresistible conceits is Hildegarde Neff as an oversexed circus bareback rider.
Imperial Violets
Le cocher (uncredited)
Бегство месье Перля
Le contrôleur S.N.C.F. (uncredited)
Провинциальный булочник Бернар Перль, женатый на сварливой Жюльетт, едет в Париж для получения наследства. На Эйфелевой башне он встречает Мод, разыгрывающую самоубийство, влюбляется в неё и едет с ней в курортный город Дювиль, где проматывает все деньги. Мод исчезает с остатком наследства, а Перль симулирует амнезию, чтобы избежать объяснений с Жюльетт…
Ils sont dans les vignes...
In 1935, in the Burgundian village of Valromey, Commissioner Desbordes was the very unpopular leader of the anti-alcoholic league. His own brother, Pimpin, is an unconditional defender of the vineyard. Pierre Moreau is, for his part, the representative of a hygienic drink, the "Koku-Kolu". The cafe owner's daughter, Rose, will find the man very to her liking and will manage to seduce him.
Piédalu fait des miracles
The inhabitants of Marboue-Chambourcy want a swimming pool, and the difficulties in realizing this expensive dream divide the village into two clans: on one side the women, on the other the men. Piedalu, whom this conflict desolates, discovers by chance, as part of a found bicycle, a fortune in gold coins.
Foyer perdu
A brave and talkative wine merchant, Eugène Barbentin drives his son Pierrot out of the family home, because he has given birth to his girlfriend. His wife then reveals to him that he is not Pierrot's father and she flees with her lover. Abandoned, Eugene will be saved by his mother who will restore the situation with energy and determination.
Carrot Top
As the red headed boy writes in his school book, a family is a group living under the same roof who can't stand each other.
Господин Легиньон, фонарщик
Un homme à la vente aux enchères (uncredited)
После того, как фонарщик Диоген Легиньон (Ив Деньо) был выселен за неуплату из своего дома, он вместе с женой поселился в пустом заброшенном доме, где местные дети сделали свой тайник. Обнаружив сокровища в виде столового серебра, Диоген быстро смекнул продать их, но другие жители квартала узнали про это и рассудили, что "клад" принадлежит рабочим.
Le crime du Bouif
A poacher nicknamed "Le Bouif" is accused of having murdered his son-in-law, trainer of a horse stable in Maisons-Laffitte.
The House on the Dune
A tough customs man, out to get a youth smuggling tobacco into France across the Belgium border, falls for the jaded ex bar hostess the smuggler lives with.Meanwhile the young man is intrigued by another, more innocent girl.
Их было пятеро
Почтальон Жан, боксёр Марсель, актёр Роже, студент Андре и сын богатых родителей Филипп — пятеро фронтовых друзей, возвращаясь к мирной жизни, поклялись сохранить дружбу навсегда. Но в такое тяжёлое время это оказывается не так просто. Безработный Роже снова встречает свою сестру певицу Валери в ночном клубе. Некто Фредо нанимает его для подозрительного дела…
Mammy has a grandson she adores even though he is a good for nothing. One day Maurice disappears and Mammy becomes blind. When Maurice finally announces his return the fond old lady is overjoyed. Unfortunately, Maurice's plane crashes and catches fire. The young man is reported missing, presumably dead. Pierre, Mammy's husband, can't bring himself to announce such a shocking news. Desperate, he finds no other solution than subterfuge : he will ask a young couple to pass themselves off as Maurice and his girlfriend.
Piédalu à Paris
Piedalu is an ordinary villager, who comes to the capital to present his financial plan to the Minister of Renovation, and finds it difficult to find someone to listen to him. He meets an actress in Paris, whom he takes for a girl from his country.
The bistro owner
An unhappy wife who has had a child by her lover lives a daily drama under the watchful eye of her husband who hates them both.
The Real Guilty
Inspector Dumont and his deputy Inspector Queneau investigate the murder of a young woman. They learn that the victim was pregnant before her death and that she was the mistress of Mario, a shady playboy who had dumped her while she was with child. A doctor is first suspected but is he the real culprit?
Sweet Madness
Passing for crazy and locked up, the CEO of a company escapes from the asylum and claims that he is the captain of a troop of pirates. To the disappointment of the director of the company and in the company of three employees, he accomplishes many extravagances which will be beneficial for his acolytes.
Les petites Cardinal
The Bonapartist (uncredited)
Napoleon III, the Commune, the third Republic in the background. In the foreground, two pretty, talented sisters, Virginie and Pauline Cardinal. They are ballerinas at the Opera de Paris and very much courted by wealthy, elegant men. They will manage to climb in the society of their time, despite parents set on respectability but also attracted by money.
Secretly in love with Françoise, the companion of his best friend Marc, Victor decides to go to prison in his place.
The Strange Madame X
Irène is the unhappy wife of a wealthy publisher, Jacques Voisin-Larive, who cares about her no more than a beautiful piece of furniture. Her meeting with Étienne, a young cabinetmaker with whom she falls in love, turns her dismal existence upside down. Not wanting to reveal her condition to her lover, she pretends to be a modest maid, employed by the Voisin-Larive. At the end of a weekend spent with her lover, Irène discovers that she is pregnant. The fragile balance of their existence is suddenly broken. Taking the initiative, she reveals her affair to Jacques and tells him about her desire to divorce. But her husband has no intention of giving her back her freedom...
Жюльетта, или Ключ к сновидениям
Этот фильм «грустный и поэтичный рассказ о юном герое, которому нет счастья в реальном мире, и который ищет забвения в мире грёз».
The Two Girls
Un inspecteur
A famous singer disappears in a plane crash. Her two little girls are given a new home by their grandfather. Unfortunately the good man has an old housekeeper who goes out of her way to make their lives impossible. In desperation the two brats run away to Paris. Meanwhile, the girl's father manages to steal important documents. In the end, Gaby and Ginette track down their mother who had not got killed at all. All is well that ends well.
Dear Caroline
Le cocher
France, July 1782. During her birthday, the beautiful young Marchioness Caroline meets the attractive soldier Gaston. It's love at first sight but Gaston does not wish to make a commitment because a military career waits for him. Caroline marries then a politician but the French Revolution bursts and Caroline has to run away to escape the guillotine. By running away she meets Gaston again who decides to help her.
Адрес неизвестен
Un journaliste (uncredited)
Парижский таксист Эмиль Готье подвозит с лионского вокзала провинциальную девушку по имени Тереза, приехавшую в Париж, чтобы найти своего бывшего возлюбленного, журналиста Форестье, от которого она ждёт ребёнка, и который исчез, не оставив ей даже адреса. У Терезы нет денег для длительного пребывания в Париже, а найти Форестье никак не удаётся. Наконец она узнаёт, что он уже женат, и пытается покончить с собой, но её спасает Эмиль.
Юные чемпионы
Во время испытания безмоторного любительского автомобиля под названием «Ферблантин», юный Пьеро таранит повозку зеленщика. Отцу Пьеро приходится заплатить хозяину раздавленных томатов и наказать сына – мальчику теперь запрещено выходить из дому. Но в воскресенье важные соревнования, а модель Пьеро пострадала, хоть и меньше, чем овощи соседа. Мать отпускает Пьеро к его крестному, который работает автомехаником на заводе «Рено» и помогает мальчику готовиться к соревнованиям. Нелегально проникнув на территорию завода, Пьеро, преследуемый охранником, переживает ряд приключений. Его путешествие по цехам позволяет зрителю увидеть, как создается один из самых популярных во Франции автомобилей. Третья часть фильма - день соревнований, в которых Пьеро, само собой, становится победителем, к радости родителей и крёстного. Чемпиона ждет награда – и какая!
The Strollers
L'hôtelier (uncredited)
Jean-Louis forgets to use the pedestrian crossing;Who could have believed then where it would lead the unfortunate guy to?
The Rear-Wheel Drive Gang
A mobster
The manager of a firm has a very unusual idea : asking his employees to pose as gangsters and to hold up a bank before returning the stolen money and pocketing the reward. But things do not go according to plan and the phony thieves get stolen in their turn. They have no other choice than turning into amateur detectives to be able to pay back the stolen dough.
Fugitive from Montreal
Pierre Chambrac, a French industrialist, and Canadian Paul Laforêt, two former brothers in arms, meet again by chance in Paris five years after the end of World War II. Pierre is engaged to a beautiful foreign young lady by the name of Helen Bering. He introduces her to his friend, which seems to trouble him. To his amazement, Helen and Paul disappear without notice. Pierre, who was beginning to feel jealous, sees his suspicion confirmed. He decides to fly to Montreal where he thinks the couple has taken refuge. Once there, he learns that his dear Helen is actually a criminal and that Paul is a policeman whose duty was to arrest her.
Paris Incident
The postman
Story is primarily based on the adventures of Antoine, a young telegraph messenger on his second night of work. He is given three telegrams, one of which is for the president of the Camber of Deputies. Excited, Antoine runs his bicycle into a truck and loses the telegrams. What follows is an amusing and agonizing search for the missing messages. He is assisted first by a glum, wise-beyond-her-years little girl, Amelie; an off-duty police superintendent, a schoolmaster, a cookie-tin maker and a fireman. The harmonica musical theme is played by Flore Falvey.
Mon ami le cambrioleur
The stolen man
When Nadia, his unfaithful mistress, breaks up with him, Patrick Lambert decides to kill himself. But before he reaches the point of no return he is stopped in the act by Camille, a burglar who has just broken into his house. Thanks to him and also to Rosita, Camille's girlfriend who falls for him, Patrick forgets his gloomy thoughts. It is the beginning of a series of crazy misunderstandings and adventures.
No Pity for Women
The wealthy industrialist Alain de Narbois has disappeared. Michel Dunant, an idle man who passed by and who looks exactly like the deceased, is taken for Alain by a young woman and her servant. He jumps at the chance but quickly realizes that, in this hushed little world, masters and servants play comedy and know very well that he is only a double of Alain. In fact, the industrialist was assassinated.
Bed for Two
A bettor
Robert Bobin has been an assistant accountant for twenty years now and, although meek and obedient, is getting weary of his monotonous, limited life. He tries marriage but, unfortunately, Blanche, the nurse he marries, proves to be a shrew. One day, a miracle happens : Michèle, a young orphan and fellow-worker gradually develops tender feelings for him. But will Robert be able to overcome his mediocrity and grasp this unexpected opportunity to find happiness?
One Only Loves Once
Le cabaretier
Although they have loved each other since childhood without admitting it, a surgeon and a young woman see their love thwarted by life.
Les nouveaux maîtres
Durand, a big industrialist, works with an international adventurer, Mr. Ernest, who covets Mrs. Durand and threatens to bankrupt her husband if she does not consent. She calls him a jerk. Mr. Ernest sets out to ruin the Durands, and leaves in the castle that they must sell their couple of servants, Victor and Marie, who become the new masters, at the same time as they serve as a screen for Ernest for his dubious business.
Мари из порта
Un consommateur (uncredited)
После похорон отца, Мари устраивается работать в кабачок. Там она знакомится с цивильным мужом старшей сестры, которая приехала на похороны. Между ними пролетает искра заинтересованности... Одиль ле Флемм - девушка из многдетной семьи. Она приехала из провинциального городка Пор-ан-Бессен в Шербур и стала любовницей владельца ресторана, Анри Шателяра. Шателяр и Одиль приезжают на родину девушки на похороны ее отца. После похорон Шателяр знакомится с сестрой Одиль - Мари, следующей по возрасту в семье. Мари влюбляется в него...
An Inspector (uncredited)
A young rogue kills an old lady to rob her. Arrested, he believes it is for this crime, hides nothing from his lawyer, who soon tells him that he is only accused of another theft prior to his crime. Sentenced to six months suspended prison sentence, he will also have to answer for the crime of the old lady.
Rome Express
A valuable painting has been stolen from an art gallery in Paris.. On a train travelling between Paris and Rome, Zutra, a mysterious and sinister character, tries to find the stolen painting.
The Unexpected Voyager
Marc, a photographer, works out of love to help Dany, a car thief, to get back on the right track: he offers her to work with him, as a model. But the former accomplices of the young woman compromise this action.
The Story of Dr. Louise
The struggle of a female doctor against superstition and healers.
Night Round
Sewage worker
During Christmas night, two police officers make their nocturnal rounds, in their round they meet tramps, brawlers in a café, a naked man, a concierge, a sexton, revelers in a nightclub, and end by signing in their report to the police station.
Wear His Heart on His Sleeve
Singer from the troupe
Léon Ménard, the village verger, is a decent young man whose hobby is to play the accordion. One day he is fired for having accompanied Mary Pinson, a singer deemed scandalous by the right-minded parishioners. Blinded by his love for Mary, Léon follows her to Paris where he becomes her plaything. With Mary's complicity, a gang of swindlers make him the puppet proprietor of a night club. But Léon can't live in a fool's paradise forever and soon finds himself on the street, forsaken and desperate. Luckily, the manager of a circus notices him while he is busking and he hires Léon at once. Not only will success come to him but he will win the love of sweet Solange.
The Unknown N° 13
While investigating the world of Parisian tramps, journalist René Savary, himself disguised as a poor beggar, notices the strange behavior of a little boy. He follows the brat after he has sneaked out of a barge, catches up with him and takes him to his home. There, the kid tells him about himself : his name is Jean, his mother has disappeared and since then he has been left to fend for himself. Moved by the lot of the wretched boy, Savary, with the aid of his friend Pierrot, undertakes to solve the mystery.
L'homme aux mains d'argile
The fictionalized life, and interpreted by himself, of the popular boxing champion Marcel Cerdan. Training sessions, matches, victories, flight to the U.S.A. where the title of world champion is disputed, form the whole subject of the film.
Five Red Tulips
During the Tour de France, five riders are found murdered with a red tulip near their bodies. A journalist and a police inspector lead the investigation to unmask the murderer.
Piège à hommes
A gangster, arrested by the police, manages to escape during his transfer to Paris. He takes refuge in the suburbs where his accomplices and his mistress await him.
Летающий шкаф
Альфред Пюк - добросовестный налоговый инспектор живёт в одной квартире со своей пожилой тётей. Когда в одно зимнее утро мадам Лоближуа отправляется на грузовике в Клермон-Ферран, чтобы забрать оставшуюся мебель из проданного дома, её племянник убежден, что никогда не увидит её снова. И это подтверждается. На обратном пути тётя внезапно умирает, и водители грузовика, чтобы избежать проблем с полицией, помещают её тело в платяной шкаф. По приезду в Париж, пока водители объясняли всё происшедшее Альфреду, их грузовик был украден, вместе с грузом, который включает мёртвую мадам Лоближуа. Нотариус объясняет Альфреду, что его тётя не может быть объявлена мертвой, пока не будет найдено тело, и Альфред начинает поиски украденного платяного шкафа...
Cité de l'espérance
The City of Hope is the place where left-behind artists subsist by scraping by. When one of them is accused of murder, all try to find the real culprit.
Impasse of Two Angels
Stage actress Marianne has decided to give up her career to marry wealthy nobleman Marquis Antoine de Fontaines. As a wedding present, Antoine gives his future wife a precious diamond necklace, which is coveted by a gang of crooks. Jean, one of them, is given the mission to approach Marianne and steal the necklace from her. The only trouble is that when he meets her, she recognizes him as the man she once loved.
Suspected of murder, a man disappears under mysterious conditions, which only increases the charges against him.
The Figurehead
The game warden
At sea, sailors have got to make do with what they have. François is in love with.... the figurehead, the bust of a gorgeous woman.
Mandrin - II - La tragédie d'un siècle
Around 1750, in the Dauphiné not far from the Swiss border, a cooper, tired of the injustices affecting the peasants crushed by taxes, went into revolt. Louis Mandrin, a handsome fellow without fear and without reproach, puts himself out of the law by refusing to obey the local nobility. The public authorities are tearing their hair out because the man is elusive. Helped by his faithful friends and by two women in love, Mandrin will become a legend.
After Love
The violet merchant
Betrayed by his wife, a teacher proceeds to have an affair with a young and pretty student. The two women both find themselves expecting a child. The girl dies during childbirth. In a spirit of revenge and to keep his real son, the scorned husband exchanges the babies.
Road Blocked
Jacques Audoin falls in love with a pianist, Evelyne Clery, and marries her. In reality, he had wanted to approach her, because he imagined that she had witnessed the murder of the lover of his first wife. Evelyne learns what has happened and, revolted by what she thinks is her husband's plot, commits suicide. Jacques confesses his crime.
Mandrin - I - Le libérateur
Around 1750, in the Dauphiné not far from the Swiss border, a cooper, tired of the injustices affecting the peasants crushed by taxes, went into revolt. Louis Mandrin, a handsome fellow without fear and without reproach, puts himself out of the law by refusing to obey the local nobility. The public authorities are tearing their hair out because the man is elusive. Helped by his faithful friends and by two women in love, Mandrin will become a legend.
The mobster
Portrait of a two-faced man. By day he is rich, brilliant and respectable financial officer Lussac; at night, he becomes "Mirror", a ruthless gang leader in Marseilles.
Мартин Руманьяк
Бланш Ферран - очаровательная блондинка, владелица магазина певчих птиц и светская львица - знакомится во время боксерского матча с Мартином Руманьяком - простым парнем, строительным подрядчиком. Их любовный роман вспыхивает как порох. Обуреваемый пожаром любви Мартин залезает в долги и вкладывает все свои деньги в постройку скромной виллы, будущего их совместного дома. Но семейный уют не для Бланш, которая привыкла к роскоши и флирту - она постоянно окружена поклонниками, список которых возглавляет консул Де Лабури. Сложившиеся обстоятельства доводят Мартина до безумной ревности, которая приводит бурный роман к печальному концу.
A wealthy man has two sons,one of them is legitimate,the other is not.The first offspring has had a life of luxury and he has become a lazy good for nothing whereas the youthful indiscretion has turned into an artist.He is nicknamed "Gringalet" .Now his father wants him to meet his half-brother ,his mother-in-law and the rest of the family. Gringalet will turn this bourgeois family upside down:they become nice,the big brother becoming a perfect businessman who stops scouring nightclubs to spend most of his time with his fiancee Josette.There's the rub,cause Gringalet is also in love with her.
Le cabaret du grand large
Superintendent Thomas is investigating a cabaret owner with suspicious actions.
Ради маленького счастья
le serrurier
After lovers fight, the boy leaves for the Riviera. On her way to rejoin him, the girl meets a distinguished but embittered novelist and decides to spend time comforting him.Which is not going to help when she returns to her boyfriend.
Special Mission
The exploits of Chief Police Inspector Chabrier, first before the invasion of France in May 1940 as he fights against spies preparing the coming the Germans, particularly Emmy de Welder, the alleged manager of the Rouen hospital. Later, Chabrier and his men go underground and resist the occupiers whatever the price to pay. When the Liberation comes Chabrier resumes his activities at the French National Police.