J. Víctor López


Deadly Force
Stoney Cooper, a former Los Angeles police officer, is at a low point in his life. Kicked off the force because of his anti-authority attitude, he now ekes out a living as a freelancer in New York. All this changes when the daughter of an old friend is killed by serial killer terrorizing L.A. Although almost nobody in his old home town is happy to see him back, Cooper pledges to bring the killer to justice before any more innocent people die.
Приключенческий фильм о солдатах, защищающих народ от порабощения. В нем много боевых действий, а также военной техники: суперлазеры, ракеты, управляемые компьютерами, летающие мотоциклы и тому подобное.
Tomorrow's Child
The wife of a research geneticist agrees to the experimental procedure of a 'test-tube baby' by having her fetus brought to full term in a glass jar in a laboratory.
A crazed killer stalks the cast of a television soap-opera.
A Small Killing
A college professor is recruited by an undercover cop to pose as a bag lady to track down a drug connection following the brutal killing of a skid row crone.
Когда знаменитому композитору Веберу исполнилось 42 года, он почувствовал, что старость не за горами, а вокруг так много очаровательных женщин. И вот на улице он встречает свадебный кортеж, а в нем — божественную невесту.