Magnus Bjørnstad


Hearing Squares
Exploring a rare neurological condition in which people experience disorienting and often uncomfortable sensory distortions of time and space, Hearing Squares is an attempt at visualizing the indescribable, using experiments with film grain, warped audio and nebulous AI-generated backdrops.
Пробуждение Сталло
Компания молодых людей отправилась в поход по лесам норвежского севера. Вскоре после того, как они обнаружили древнее захоронение саамов, начали происходить поистине странные события.
As young children, half-siblings Axel and Yanne are adopted to Norway. They are separated on arrival, him to material wealth on Oslo's west side, her to an average family on the east side. In contrast to her younger brother, Yanne remembers their journey to Norway, but she has no idea where he might be now.