Wojciech Węgrzyn


Where the Devil Can't Go, He Sends a Woman 2
The true story of Polish fortunes and the story of the heroes from the first part has its colorful continuation. Can business friends continue to trust each other when even more money is at stake? How were state-owned companies privatized, garnering millions into private pockets? Who was pulling the strings in free Poland? Even more mysteries. Human weaknesses.
Where the Devil Can't Go, He Sends a Woman
Director of Photography
Poland in the 80’s was a country ruled by crisis and a sense of hopelessness. Only few knew how to turn crisis into a business. It was a golden time for them. How did they know what would bring them money? How did they operate in a country where almost everything was forbidden?
Чёрная мельница
Director of Photography
Маленький депрессивный городок в провинции. Единственное предприятие в городе "Черная мельница" давно закрыто, а на его территорию никто не заходит, ведь там, согласно местной легенде, обитают темные силы. Однажды зло пробуждается и в городе начинают происходить странные вещи.
Camera Operator
A young hospital worker meets a patient awaiting abortion procedure. Their childhood stripped away from them too early, the two form a bond which might help them survive.
A young hospital worker meets a patient awaiting abortion procedure. Their childhood stripped away from them too early, the two form a bond which might help them survive.