Ioana Ciomârtan


The Extras
Mme. Minister
After 1950, when the comunist regime is fully entrenched, some Bourgeois descendants have to make a living being movie extras. Continuation of "On the Left Bank of the Blue Danube"
Alone Amongst Friends
A motel manager pushes his unmotivated son to get some good positions, greasing in the right places.
Uncertain Roads
Mother Maria
Octavian Borcea, a middle aged peasant, goes through a social crisis when he decides to re-marry with a widower. He visits all his 5 children, then he returns in the village, where he burned his bridges.
A happily married teacher finds out that a child of hers she believed dead for 10 tears is alive. On the trail of her first lover, she reconnects with her lost daughter.
A Summer Tale
The rise and fall of the opportunistic Tănase Scatiu, a boyar in 19th century Wallachia.
Тайна Геродота
В горном селе два школьника находят фибулу, оставшуюся от римлян и пролежавшую много веков в земле. Желая узнать больше об этом времени, ребята похищают записки погибшего на войне учителя, в которых он делал ссылки на поселение Лисидава, упомянутое Геродотом
The Last Night of Loneliness
The movie depicts a peasant with a very strong personality that copes with the changes in the Romanian village.
Magic Circle
Two murders initially appear to be motivated by personal interest. However, at a closer look, they appear to be something completely different.
Thea, a researcher from an institute for nuclear studies, leaves for a vacation but ends up on an adventure at the boundary between fantasy and reality. On the TV screen the image of a man appears who disappeared 20 years ago after a nuclear explosion. She falls in love with this picture and convinces a colleague and close friend that they can bring back the man who disappeared through a strange reverse process. Her only way to communicate with this picture however is via the TV screen, and her love can only be communicated through dreaming.
dna Vasiliade
Young engineer Doru is called to the Prosecutor's Office and questioned on his wife's unlawful ways of making money. Soon he'll learn about her true character and he'll regret having broken up with Livia, a woman who truly loved him.
Through Dusky Ways
Mama Monicai
When you're a newly divorced woman with two older children, it is very difficult to "rebuild your life". By chance, Monica meets someone new, but will she be able to seize this new oportunity for happiness?
Ages of Man
Old Lady