Gorica Regodić


Next to Us
Set ten years on from high school drama Next to Me, this film places the former classmates in unfamiliar territory, both physical and psychological.
Next to You
Set five years on from the school days of director Stevan Filipovic's previous film Next to Me, a state of emergency exists and politicians are accused of capitalising on public anxiety around Covid-19, which makes the shocking situation that reunites the characters significantly more extreme. The story centres on Ksenija (newcomer Mina Nikolic), a driven young woman striving to move from tabloid hack to a career journalist in a world of click-bait headlines and showbiz scandals cooked up to feed the masses. Ksenija's personal and professional journey is hampered when Vera tests positive for Coronavirus and Ksenija must question how far she will bend to survive in a climate where political pressure is increasingly overt and can be said to capitalise on fear during the pandemic.
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The Mother
Райли борется с алкогольной зависимостью и живёт за счёт брата. Однажды, поддавшись на уговоры бойфренда, предложившего взломать неохраняемый контейнер, в котором скорее всего содержится что-то ценное, девушка вместе с ним проникает в хранилище и находит там странную головоломку, похожую на кубик Рубика. Вещица зачаровывает Райли, она начинает крутить её части, не подозревая, что таким образом можно вызвать сенобитов — ужасающих существ с садистскими наклонностями из другого измерения.
Став свидетелем преступления, Арнаут уезжает из Лондона и укрывается в Сербии. Там он устраивается смотрителем кладбища в отдалённой деревушке. Вскоре ему начинают сниться кошмары, которые кажутся явью. Местные жители ведут себя странно, и Арнаут подозревает, что они вынашивают на его счёт зловещие замыслы.
Next to Me, Musical
Musical takes place before summer break, six months before the original movie "Next to Me' takes place. Characters are more immature and younger than in the original movie, and with their actions lead others into unpleasant situations, sometimes even hurting them. Some of them learn something from their experiences, learn how to apologize and forgive, while others don't.
Next to Me
After being attacked by a group of masked hooligans, Olja discovers that some of her students were responsible. She decides to teach them a lesson by locking them in the school building and confronts them.
In the form of an anthology film on psychiatric subject, it offers reflection on various situations that occur in the waiting rooms and hospitals of a psychiatric institution. Time flows differently there, the boundaries between mental health and mental illness are shifting, frustrations are emerging, which puts doctors and patients even.
Jackhammer Hit to the Head
Jealousy and mistrust come in place one night, when a woman decides to expose her aggressive self, leading to several ruined lives.