Sebastián Cabezas


Ojos rojos
Documentary film about soccer and the passion it unleashes in a country qualifying for a world cup. During eight years of following the Chilean national team, the features and nuances that make up our society are reflected in both defeat and victory, trying to answer what mystery this sport has that makes it the most popular in the world.
Vida/Perra is the first feature-length film of Aguirre's "Anticine" and the first monologue in movie history. Aguirre's wife, Esperanza Roy, is the actress of this piece of visual art made as an adaptation of Ángel Vázquez's novel, whose texts are read by Esperanza "as they are." This means, the text have been extracted from the novel without changing their words.
Sound Recordist
Chicken, a desperate hippie junkie living in a small Spanish village, is finding it difficult to separate fantasy and reality. This isn't helped by the villagers practising magic and child sacrifice, or his involvement with a group of boozy expatriates lost in their own dreams and regrets.
Суббота, воскресенье и пятница
Во всех трех сегментах главные герои попадают в комические ситуации. В первом итальянская компания, ожидая приезда японского инженера, направляет в качестве его гида свою сотрудницу, но затем выясняется, что инженер — женщина. Во втором водитель грузовика по просьбе соседки притворяется ее мужем на время, пока родители с Сицилии наносят девушке визит. В третьем театральному режиссеру предстоит сложная задача нарушить брачные планы его танцовщицы, чтобы она осталась в труппе.
¡Vaya par de gemelos!
Sound Engineer
Pedro and Lucas are two twin brothers, residents of Tarazona, whom fortune smiles very differently. Luke is married to the owner of a modest supermarket and works as dependent, porter and whatever is needed ... Moreover, unlike his brother, he has never left the village. Instead, Pedro is married to the richest chocolate maker in the place, lives like a king and often travels to Madrid. But to justify his travels he has invented an illegitimate son who lives there studying architecture and that his wife wants to protect, giving him all the money he needs. The plan goes perfect until love complicates things.
In a restaurant they're preparing a grand banquet in honor of a sports association of anglers, but several circumstances seem to have conspired to boycott the event.
Кто может убить ребенка?
Sound Engineer
Молодая пара английских туристов нанимает лодку, чтобы отдохнуть на острове Альманзора, недалеко от южного побережья Испании. Когда они прибыли, то нашли остров пустынным, там не было ни одного взрослого, только дети. Дети ведут себя странно - они молчат и только хихикают. Вскоре англичане выясняют, что в местных ребятишках сидит злая сила, которая заставляет их убивать взрослых. Теперь приехавшей чете предстоит борьба за собственные жизни. Дело осложняется тем, что их противниками являются хоть и психованные, но всё же дети. А кто способен убить ребёнка?
Open Season
Sound Recordist
Three Vietnam vets have become so conditioned to violence that they have developed psychotic tendencies. They kidnap people, brutalize them, then turn them loose and hunt them like animals. However the father of one of their earlier victims is plotting a vicious revenge against them.