Sébastien Gill

Sébastien Gill


Sébastien Gill


Nissan (double)
A unique exploration into romantic connection and gender dynamics, 'Aviva' tells the story of a relationship between a man and a woman, with each of the two principal characters played by both a man and a woman. It's the story of a marriage that develops and eventually dissolves, evolving into deep friendship-all told through a mix of traditional dramatic scenes and expressive dance sequences
Le Fichier Warziniek
Paul Warziniek - citizen 4.815.162.342 - is living a happy life. One day, he receives a parking ticket. The only problem is : he doesn't own a car. Paul then decides to go to the Prefecture to settle what seems to be a simple administrative formality.
Большой баг
Un Yonyx
2045 год. Почти все обязанности людей выполняет искусственный интеллект. Ностальгическое жилище Алис не исключение, поэтому во время восстания роботов её андроиды заботливо запирают двери.
Simone, The Journey of the Century
Militant Front National 2
Simone Veil's life story through the pivotal events of Twentieth Century. Her childhood, her political battles, her tragedies. An intimate and epic portrait of an extraordinary woman who eminently challenged and transformed her era defending a humanist message still keenly relevant today.
Мадам Клод
В Париже 1960-х влияние мадам Клод простирается далеко за пределы мира проституции — пока молодая состоятельная дама не ставит ее власть под угрозу.
Sent by her father to live in Paris under her uncle's protection Isaac that she barely knows, and who deals with young drugs addicts like her, Mai, a young Berliner, crosses the paths of people who are not what they claim to be. After breaking the deadlock, she discovers a dark secret whose revelation could have changed the course of her existence.
Quatre heures d'Ô Rage
O rage, O despair, in Alex's life, who had planned to seduce Sandrine by inviting her to a musical (adapted from "The Cid" by Corneille). But she lets him down four hours before the show. Reselling the tickets is turning out to be a real nuisance, which results in Alex having words with all his friends.
Chasseur 3
As they penetrate deeper into the darkness of the forrest, a group of hunters guided by a wolf is getting closer and closer to the source of the original sin.