Alena Müllerová

Рождение : 1962-04-27,


Snake Gas
Creative Producer
Bez humoru není legrace
Creative Producer
Dům na samotě
Creative Producer
Горбачев. Рай
Commissioning Editor
Погружение в интимную жизнь Михаила Горбачева, последнего лидера СССР. Архитектор перестройки и гласности, которого превозносили на Западе, но поносили в его собственной стране, который, несмотря на преклонный возраст, одиночество и болезни, все еще борется, предлагает свое личное и политическое завещание.
Peculiarity of Fisherman’s Soul
Creative Producer
Every year, 15,000 Czech fishermen head to Norway to fulfill their desire to fish at sea. Here they experience moments of mostly male camaraderie, which, like the ubiquitous cigarette smoke, revolves around boyish talk over cans of beer and no one is immune to cabin fever. At least this is the case of six friends meeting in a restaurant in Jihlava. And when the legendary halibut start running through the fjords, the plot of this documentary tragicomedy is taken care of - the compulsive need to catch the coveted fish drives not only the six protagonists, but also the plot of the film itself.
Who is Mr. Kriss?
Creative Producer
A Marriage
When Zdenka, a single woman in Czech Republic, started playing online games with strangers, she didn't know it would change her life. Neither did Tabish, a computer scientist a world away in Pakistan.
Ještě než zmizí
Creative Producer
Ještě než zmizí
Creative Producer
Creative Producer
Creative Producer
Jaro v nouzi
Creative Producer
Jaro v nouzi
Doggy Love
Creative Producer
1,200 kilometres of snowy landscape to be covered in 12 days. These are the conditions for the Finnmarksløpet sled dog race and Czech husky breeder Jana Henychová is set to participate again.
Karel Svoboda: Šťastná léta
Creative Producer
Mobilizace Luboše Dobrovského
Creative Producer
Mobilizace Luboše Dobrovského
Jiří Trnka: A Long Lost Friend
Creative Producer
A story of an extraordinary artist who has unintentionally signed a deal with a devil. Jiří Trnka was one of the biggest Czech artists of the 20th century and one of the founders of the puppet animation. His work demonstrated the world that communist society can provide better conditions for extraordinary artistic creations. The ideological clash between West and East didn’t leave children and their stories apart from their struggle in ideological and political positions.
Creative Producer
Jiří Suchý - Tackling Life with Ease
Theatre personality, musician, poet, writer, graphic artist, collector, self-professed clown, eternally young in spirit – all this is Jiří Suchý, one of the key figures of the domestic cultural scene over the last six decades. He has put on 97 plays at the Semafor theatre and has written the lyrics for 1,400 songs and the music for 500. Today, in an era beset by an onslaught of images that are often of questionable worth, this legendary figure’s tireless efforts to enrich the Czech language and its poetic nuances have been of inestimable value. Olga Sommerová lays before us Suchý’s prolific creative and civic journey through life with the subtle distinctiveness we have come to expect; she also demonstrates her singular flair for capturing exceptional moments.
Off Sides
Creative Producer
When the junior ice hockey team from the small town of Náchod, in the Czech Republic, sets off in a bus to Morocco to play the away game in an exchange programme, the players and their coach expect an easy victory and a cultural shock: “bring ear plugs”, the coach suggests them with a touch of undisguised condescendence, so as not to hear the call to prayer early in the morning. Both on and off the ice, Rozálie Kohoutová and Tomáš Bojar’s camera focuses on a few teenagers and their exchanges, simultaneously funny and cruel, in a clumsy English.
Форман против Формана
Creative Producer
Режиссёры Якуб Гейна и Гелена Тржештикова исследуют жизнь и творчество легендарного постановщика Милоша Формана, двукратного лауреата премии «Оскар», создателя фильмов «Пролетая над гнездом кукушки» и «Амадей».
Jaroslav Kucera - A Portrait
Manželské etudy: Nová Generace
Sbohem děcáku
Děti Online
Creative Producer
Олег Сенцов – украинский режиссер, активист Евромайдана и уроженец Крыма. После аннексии полуострова Россией он стал активным противником оккупации. В мае 2014 года Сенцов был арестован ФСБ, обвинен в планировании терактов и вывезен в Москву. После года в заключении, он был осужден на 20 лет колонии, не смотря на свидетельства обвинения, данные под давлением, и отсутствие доказательств. Олег Сенцов не признал своей вины.
Normal Autistic Film
Creative Producer
Through unique artistic approach, the director reveals the world of autism - bringing the audience closer to the main characters - talented and creative children with a fascinating way of thinking.
O čo ide Idě
Creative Producer
120 fórů Semaforu
Creative Producer
Život s Kašparem
Vojta Lavička: Nahoru a dolů
Production Manager
Vojta Lavička: Nahoru a dolů
Země česká, domov Tvůj!
Creative Producer
Tady hlídám já
Až na vrchol
Creative Producer
Mrtvý student, který se nikdy nenarodil