Jörg d'Bomba


Knurri und der Eierdieb
Knurri, the little rabbit, and his family want to sell eggs at the market. Knurri takes his sweet time and discovers too late that he lost some eggs to the hungry badger. Nobody wants to buy eggs from the rabbit family. Only when Knurri suggests to color the eggs does business takes off and everybody is happy.
Knurri und der Eierdieb
Knurri, the little rabbit, and his family want to sell eggs at the market. Knurri takes his sweet time and discovers too late that he lost some eggs to the hungry badger. Nobody wants to buy eggs from the rabbit family. Only when Knurri suggests to color the eggs does business takes off and everybody is happy.
Leo Haas: Artist and Witness of His Times
When the Nazis took power, the Jewish artist Leo Haas (1901-1983) was arrested in his Czechoslovakian hometown. He spent the next six years in different concentration camps and became known for the paintings he did in the Theresienstadt camp. This film presents Haas as a political artist and resistance fighter and celebrates him as a socialist caricaturist dedicated to the GDR.
Leo Haas: Artist and Witness of His Times
When the Nazis took power, the Jewish artist Leo Haas (1901-1983) was arrested in his Czechoslovakian hometown. He spent the next six years in different concentration camps and became known for the paintings he did in the Theresienstadt camp. This film presents Haas as a political artist and resistance fighter and celebrates him as a socialist caricaturist dedicated to the GDR.
Der Teufel auf Besuch
Der Teufel auf Besuch
The Strange History of the Citizens of Shilda
The first animated feature film made in East Germany. The people of Shilda were once welcome at the courts of princes all over the world, but back at the Shilda castle work remained and had to be carried out by the women of the town. The women grew tired of this and called their men back. After many foolish decisions, the townspeople were victims of their own devices, and eventually set fire to their own city. The fire destroyed everything, and the citizens of Shilda fled out into the world.
Der rechte Barbier
Der rechte Barbier
Только женщина
В фильме рассказывается история жизни Луизы Отто Петерс, которая в середине XIX века в Германии впервые подняла голос протеста против несправедливого отношения к женщине, к её труду. Она создала первую в Германии «Женскую газету». Дочь знаменитого адвоката, Луиза легко могла устроить свою жизнь, выйдя замуж за богатого барона Родерна. Но она избрала другую цель жизни — борьбу за равноправие женщин. Своими статьями и публичными выступлениями она завоевала авторитет и уважение простых людей.