Пьер Гофман устраивается на работу в престижный колледж Сан Жозеф. Поведение учеников его настораживает, враждебность витает в воздухе. В чем причина? Может, в том, что предыдущий учитель выбросился из окна посреди урока? Или в том, что одаренных детей не принимают остальные ученики? А может, они чувствуют приближающуюся катастрофу?
For years, Alain and Madeleine, in their fifties, have consecrated all of their time to their small bistro. Devoted to serving their clientele, they are liked by everyone. The arrival of a new customers, a young worker passing through named Jacques, turns their lives upside down...
For years, Alain and Madeleine, in their fifties, have consecrated all of their time to their small bistro. Devoted to serving their clientele, they are liked by everyone. The arrival of a new customers, a young worker passing through named Jacques, turns their lives upside down...
In a village in the north, the life of a family is turned upside down : the mother's affair denounced by her opportunistic son, and the father weighed down by his failing business.
In a village in the north, the life of a family is turned upside down : the mother's affair denounced by her opportunistic son, and the father weighed down by his failing business.