Ferda Işıl

Ferda Işıl

Рождение : 1946-08-04, Ankara, Türkiye


Ferda Işıl


7 Angels
On 15 July 2016, a faction within the Turkish Armed Forces, organized as the Peace at Home Council, attempted a coup d'état against state institutions, including the government and president Recep Tayyip Erdoğan. Seven female Special Forces officers were paramount in the defeat but lost their lives.
In My Dream
Tarik, 8 years old, lives in the city. He suffers a car accident with his father, who dies, and with his mother, who is in a coma in the hospital. Tarik suffers from memory loss. With no other relatives in the city, he is sent to a village to live with his grandparents. The boy doesn't remember anything, but dreams constantly and connects himself with an animal that lost its mother in a car accident in the village.
Aile Hükümeti
Never Leave Me
This is a story about pain, search for meaning in life and friendship of orphaned. Syrian boys - Isa, Ahmed and Muataz - who live a difficult life as refugees in the magical, mythical Turkish city of Sanliurfa. In their search for recovery from traumatic past, the children will cross the path from destructiveness and hostility to meaningfulness and love. By finding friends in each other, the boys will find their inner peace.
Kardeşim İçin Der'a
Caravan 1915
A Turkish mercenary and his men are hired to move 200 expelled Armenians from their coastal city to Aleppo during the 1915 forced relocation and genocide.
Народ моего деда
Драма, вдохновленная детством режиссера, о насильственной миграции между Турцией и Грецией в 1923 году, как это видит десятилетний мальчик.
Maid Naime (Kalfa)
1930-е годы. Бал Дня Республики проходит в Зонгулдак, шахтерском городе в Турции. Среди приглашенных гостей — новички в этом маленьком и скучном городке: Халит, инженер; его великолепная жена Мукеррем, а также его сестра и нежеланный член семьи Сениха. Во время бала Сениха понимает, что именно она определяет судьбу красоты.
The Butterfly
Hayattan Korkma
Первая любовь
Mevlütteki Kadın
Турецкий прибрежный город, 1990 год. Неожиданный визит его давно потерянного брата Асафа тревожит Азми Арифоглу. 40 лет назад Асаф был военнопленным, и Азми удалось признать его мертвым, чтобы жениться на своей невесте Невин. После решения Невина жить с Асафом Азми чувствует оскорбление своей чести. Конфликт потряс всю семью. Тем временем 13-летний Ариф влюбляется в Бахара своего возраста. Появляется неожиданный соперник, и он начинает ревновать
Tarzan of Manisa
Arastaki Kadın
Ahmet Bedevi, also known as Tarzan of Manisa, was born in 1900 in Baghdad to become a soldier, fighting in the War of Independence and honored with a medal. He returned to a ruined and destroyed Manisa in 1923. Bedevi started working at the Municipality as a fireman and a gardener. He became the pioneer and symbol of planting activities. Because of the soft climate of the area, he first wore a vest and trousers and then he started wandering about in the town in his shorts. The people of Manisa saw his resemblance to Tarzan because of his clothes, and always cherished him with love. Tarzan of Manisa lived in the mount Spilylus, ignoring all his individual needs but working for a greener environment. He died on 31st May, 1963. However, he has never been forgotten by the locals; on the contrary, he was immortalized for the things he did for Manisa and people followed his example.