Claude Génia

Claude Génia

Рождение : 1913-03-04, Vetluga, Russian Empire [now Nizhny Novgorod Oblast, Russia]

Смерть : 1979-05-18


Claude Génia


Dracula and Son
With angry villagers driving them away from their castle in Transylvania, Dracula and his son Ferdinand head abroad. Dracula ends up in London, England where he becomes a horror movie star exploiting his vampire status. His son, meanwhile, is ashamed of his roots and ends up a night watchman in Paris, France where he falls for a girl. Naturally, tensions arise when father and son are reunited and both take a liking to the same girl.
Repeated Absences
Jeanne Larivière
François Naulet turns his bedroom into an island of drugs, loneliness and despair.
Huit femmes
Pierrette, la soeur du mari
La visiteuse
Пианист Жак Кристен, оставшись без работы, получает необычное предложение о трудоустройстве + одновременно выгодное и рискованное. Ему предложено стать двойником пропавшего без вести Поля де Баера, чтобы не ушло на сторону грядущее наследство от умирающего дяди. Слуга де Баера Франк рьяно натаскивает Кристена по всем деталям жизни хозяина - его вкусам и привычкам, особенностям почерка и манере обращения с полубезумной женой Жильбертой. Вот только дядюшкино ли наследство светит настоящему Полю де Баеру?
Ankle Bone
While escaping from prison to be with her lesbian friend, a 19-year-old girl breaks her ankle and is picked up by an ex-con, with whom she begins a passionate affair. She finally turns to prostitution and robbery to support herself.
I Killed Rasputin
Mrs. Golovine
Grigori Rasputin becomes a fixture of Russia's Imperial Court after saving the life of Alexei Nikolaevich, Tsarevich of Russia, the haemophiliac heir to the throne. However as war breaks out, Rasputin's enemies see him as a cause and plot fatal revenge against the Russian mystic.
Граф Монте-Кристо
la Carconte
По доносу собственных друзей, Эдмон Дантес, был признан виновным в государственной измене и заключен в зловещий замок Иф. Ему суждено было умереть в заточении, но судьба сводит юношу с другим заключенным — аббатом Фариа, который перед смертью раскрывает Дантесу тайну о несметных сокровищах, спрятанных на затерянном в море острове Монте-Кристо и подсказывает идею побега. Совершив дерзкий побег, из тюрьмы, Дантес разыскивает сокровища аббата и возвращается в свой город под именем Графа Монте-Кристо, чтобы вершить справедливый суд над теми, кто был причастен к его заточению в темницу.
Правда о малютке Донж
Jeanne Donge
Состоятельный владелец мануфактуры, Франсуа Донж, попадает в госпиталь, будучи отравленным своей женой Элизабет. Борясь за свою жизнь, Франсуа вспоминает всю историю своих взаимоотношений с ней. Всё началось 10 лет назад, когда уже вполне состоятельный Франсуа встречает молодую девушку, ищущую любви - Элизабет...
The Farm of Seven Sins
In 1825, Paul-Louis Courier, a Republican writer known for publishing pamphlets against the French monarchy, was killed in the farm where he had retired. Was it a political assassination or a vicious crime? Those who have known him loved him or hated him are interrogated by the police. Will the guilty person(s) be ferreted out?
La louve
A chronicler gets himself hired as a gamekeeper in Monsieur De Saint-Ricquier's mansion where he lives with his stepdaughter, Henriette, everybody considers insane .
The Beautiful Days of King Murat
For the past few weeks, revolt has been brewing in the Kingdom of Naples. The handsome Castelli is at the head of the conspiracy that wants to put an end to the reign of King Murat. To carry out his plan, he decides to infiltrate the court in order to become an intimate of the king. But his ploy works too well: he manages to enter the court thanks to his talents as a singer and very quickly seduces Queen Geneviève. But this imprudence costs him a lot. He is soon arrested by the king's men and immediately condemned to death.
Le Capitan 2eme époque : Le Chevalier du roi
Le Capitan 1ere époque : Flamberge au vent
Gisèle d'Angoulême
France under Louis XIII. 1615. The Duke of Angoulême is at the head of a group of gentlemen who are conspiring to drive the Florentines out of court, of whom Concini is the all-powerful leader. A cadet from Gascony, Adhémar de Capestang, who was later to become the Capitan, left his native province to come and try his luck in Paris. Along the way, he saves a young girl, Gisèle d'Angoulême, from a masked individual who wanted to kidnap her.
Girl with Grey Eyes
A village lost in the mountains where Catherine called L'Airelle's love affair takes place with a young doctor. Catherine's father is the local bonesetter whose wife threw herself into a glacier out of despair of love and whose body reappears intact twenty years later. In addition, the pharmacist of the country is accused of having seduced a young girl who is avenged by her mother. The bonesetter also dies, the village fortunately continues to live.
Father Goriot
Delphine de Nucingen
An old merchant ruined by the dot its two ungrateful daughters, moved to the Vauquer pension in Paris. In after Balzac.
L'Enfant de l'amour
This woman's melodrama pivots around a child that a famous actress had in her youth, but whom she has concealed from the wealthy businessman she is now with.
Life of Pleasure
Hélène de Lormel
An aristocrat instigates divorce proceedings against his son-in-law, a commoner and the ex-owner of night club "La Vie de Plaisir".
Monsieur des Lourdines
A young man from an aristocratic family tires of the country life and moves to Paris where he squanders his inheritance. Returning to his home with remorse, he reconciles with his father and becomes engaged to his true love.
The Honorable Catherine
Catherine's technique to sell her clocks is to blackmail illegitimate couples such as Jacques and Gisèle. However when Gisèle's husband Pierre walks in on them, Catherine pretends to be Jacques's lover to save the day. Jacques then gets caught up in her schemes when the next couple she deals with turn out to be jewel thieves who kidnap them.