Eduardo Rejón

Eduardo Rejón


Eduardo Rejón


Saturn Return
At the end of the 90s, Granada is in the middle of a cultural boom. Los Planetas, the cult Spanish rock band, is about to break up. Mario, a young music-loving student, is the privileged witness of this imminent break-up. Plunged into the heart of their tensions, he will play a role in the mythical history of this group.
Sara and David are expecting a visit: her new bosses are coming to have lunch at the house. While Sara is getting ready, David gets angry for a trivial detail and ends up abusing her. He beats and humiliates her, and this does not is not the first time. After this episode of violence, Sara must deal with social commitment. The image they both created to hide the reality will also be severely tested.
One Careful Owner
Sara is offered a chance to buy the perfect apartment, roomy, very luminous and inexpensive. She only has one little problem: she can't live in it before Lola, the actual and aged owner, dies.
Medico Spagnolo
Чекко - молодой апулийский предприниматель-мечтатель, который открыл суши-ресторан в своей Апулии. Однако через месяц ресторан обанкротился, и он решил эмигрировать в Африку, чтобы спастись от долгов. Здесь он приспосабливается к роли официанта на курорте в Кении, но в разгар гражданской войны он решает отправиться в безбилетную поездку на лодке для мигрантов в Европу и решает сделать это со своими африканскими друзьями. Однако он хотел бы не возвращаться в Италию, а скорее поехать в Лихтенштейн, где действует банковская тайна и где налоговое бремя ниже, чем в Италии.
Morir revolves around the couple Luis and Marta, whose lives are paralyzed by the outbreak of a disease that is accompanied by guilt, lies and fear, testing the stability and love between them.