

With You Who Wanted to be a Star : Another Story
Takami Shinji
Spinoff of "Hoshi ni Naritakatta Kimi to" that aired right after the original series, but with different developments and endings to the story.
Асако 1 и 2
21-летняя Асако встречается со свободолюбивым молодым человеком Баку. У них вроде бы всё хорошо, но однажды тот неожиданно исчезает. Через 2 года, уже в Токио, девушка встречает парня точь-в-точь похожего на её бывшего бойфренда. Только зовут его Рёхэй, работает он на обычной работе и обладает спокойным характером. Асако влюбляется в нового знакомого.
Crime Mystery by Kosaku Asahina: Tragedy of Hanasaki Village
Mystery writer Kosaku Asahina scores yet another scoop in a case that occurred in the streets. He even personally conducts investigations and frequently makes these cases the basis for his own novels. It maybe because his late father was a scholar that he is cool, but brims with curiosity and action. One day, Kosaku is facing the computer in his living room and writing a new novel. The novel is based on the baffling case of a female who fell to her death in Setagaya in the past. Kosaku had personally conducted interviews and inspected the scene of her death, but still cannot get to the truth. Then a letter addressed to his father Konosuke who died more than 20 years ago, is delivered to Kosaku. The name of the sender is the female whose mysterious death from a fall, is the subject of Kosaku’s new novel.
Tax Inspector Madogiwa Taro: Case File 29
Проклятье 3D 2
Mitsugu Kakiuchi
Молодая аспирантка Фуко воспитывает свою маленькую племянницу, мать которой умерла при родах. Девочка растет крайне замкнутой и постоянно что-то рисует. В городе происходит цепь несчастных случаев. По странному стечению обстоятельств все они как-то связаны с племянницей Фуко, которая либо оказывалась рядом, либо предвидела эти случаи в своих рисунках. Что все это значит? Как связана маленькая девочка с этими трагедиями, и не угрожает ли опасность всем, кто находится рядом с ней?
FIrst Movie of a Quadrilogy of a Yakuza man, starring Hitoshi Ozawa.
Ninja Girl: Assassin of Darkness
At the beginning of 21 century, the capital city, Tokyo, is full of spies in 60 years since World War II. The government without official intelligence agency deals with spy acts by foreigners and registers associated with private security organizations. However, the government which no longer fight against foreign spies plans to bring in ultimate fight skills passed on by beautiful and sexy female ninjas...
The Kiss
Osamu Inoue
One day Kyoko watches television and sees a man turning himself in to the police after murdering a family. Something within Kyoko connects with the man, as she recognizes a similar soul. Despite the worries of the killer's lawyer, she approaches the killer and the two start corresponding.