Elif Ana is a wise woman who foresaw the future. Even when he was a child, he ran away from home and lived in the mountains and caves for days. In Alevism, "maternal-grandfatherhood" is transferred by blood ties, but Elif Ana is a person who has taken the title of "maternity" even though she is not from her family tree. He is someone who does good to everyone throughout his life. So much so that he is called the good angel around him. He runs to Elif Ana, who is in trouble, has a disease, is in trouble, and has no children. Elif Ana also heals them. However, this woman who does good to everyone sees the worst evil in the world at the end of her life.
Юсуф и его лучший друг Мемо учатся в интернате для курдских мальчиков. Когда друга поражает непонятная болезнь, Юсуф пытается помочь своему товарищу, убеждая руководство школы в необходимости срочного лечения. Когда же руководство, наконец, понимает, насколько серьёзно болен Мемо и соглашается перевезти его в больницу, школа оказывается погребённой под слоем внезапно выпавшего снега. Времени остаётся всё меньше, а помощи ждать неоткуда, и тогда ученики и учителя начинают «игру в обвинения», вытаскивая на свет обиды, проступки и тщательно скрывавшиеся тайны.
Garip Bülbül is about the life story of the great bard Neşet Ertaş. Neşet Ertaş, who signed 400 records and many cassettes throughout his life, wrote many poems under the pen name "Garip". The film tells the unknowns about both the private and career life of Neşet Ertaş, who passed away in 2012.