Nalan Kuruçim

Nalan Kuruçim

Рождение : 1971-10-31, Ankara, Türkiye


Nalan Kuruçim
Nalan Kuruçim


Hilal, Feza and Other Planets
Set during the aftermath of the September 28 1997 military coup of Turkey, one of the most fascinating periods of modern Turkish history, Hilal, Feza and Other Planets follows the unlikely relationship between a pro-Muslim student Hilal and her friend Feza, a male transgender prostitute who aims to become a woman. With cultural and social backgrounds that are superficially, and in their own perception, polar opposites, Hilal and Feza find common ground through their separate struggles against state oppression and social prejudice. Though not always smooth or free of conflict, their friendship survives the test of time despite ingrained prejudices, and we see their mutual respect and understanding for each other grow each time they meet.
Мать, чей сын находится в тюрьме. Девушка, посвятившая жизнь танцам. Активистка-художница и хитрый спекулянт. Четыре истории сплелись в одну, когда по всей Турции произошел сбой электроснабжения.
Meliha Karataş
Середина 90-х. Турция переживает серьезные экономические и политические проблемы, которые напрямую отражаются на настроении людей. В эти годы одни из народных героев становятся жокей Халис Караташ и его конь по кличке «Смелый летчик». Начиная заезды с последнего места, «Смелый летчик» неизменно приходит к финишу первым. Эта команда заставила всю страну поверить в то, что победить может каждый. Неважно, на каком месте ты находишься сейчас - важно, каким ты придешь к финишу.
Losing his father at a very young age, Bekir lives with his mother Rabia and grandfather İlyas, who jointly run a haberdashery store. When İlyas passes away, to spare him grief young Bekir is told that “his beloved grandfather has gone to the moon and become Grandpa Moon.”
The Pillar of Salt
A reclusive woman in her thirties leads a life frozen in time in a cave-like room. In her rare trips to the city, she chats with an oarswoman haunted by the devils. She searches for her twin sister in unfrequented corners of the city. In this journey in which time and space are out of joint, a same dream is recounted time after time.
The residents of a small town set between a stormy sea and an ominous forest are becoming insane. They are convinced that successive signs appearing in the town are indications of doomsday.
Something Useful
Leyla, a lawyer and a poet, takes the long-distance train to attend her high school reunion dinner. On the train, she meets Canan, a young nursing student in distress. As the conversation develops, Leyla learns that Canan is travelling to assist with the suicide of a paralysed man, Yavuz, who wants to die. At the end of the long over- night trip, surrounded by the stories of people both on and off the train, Leyla decides to accompany Canan on her difficult visit.
Небольшая турецкая деревня в горах Восточной Анатолии, наши дни. Герои фильма «Ягненок» — мальчик Мерт, его родители и сестра. Скоро в семье праздник: Мерту будут делать традиционное для этой местности обрезание. Традиция также предписывает подать на стол ягненка. Но, кажется, родителям мальчика это не по карману. Сестра решает припугнуть мальчишку и говорит ему, что если их отцу не удастся раздобыть ягненка, то он заколет сына.
In the hard-boiled world, where will the soft-shelled end up? A cozy kind of extermination is on the stage and keeping a low profile. The decadence around us is nothing less than clandestine annihilation of the civil man. Yet it is carried out so well with a grinning face, it is officially sold as transition. Now that the tamed indulgent is striped off social justice, welfare, even denied the tender love of concentration camps and slavery plantations of past centuries. At least hand them a round of rope They have high expectations from taking things in their own hands. Circle is a peculiar story of an ordinary man caught between an untimely romance and a brave new hostile world.
Present Tense
Planning to take any job she can get in order to save enough money and leave Turkey for the U.S., Mina is hired at an Istanbul café as a fortune teller who reads the dregs in coffee cups. She discovers she has the ability to offer comfort and insight to the customers who are just as lost in the wilderness as she is.
A Step into the Darkness
The film tells the tragic story of an Iraqi-Turkish girl, Cennet, who loses her entire family during a US-led operation against insurgents in her village in US-occupied Iraq. She makes a distressing journey through the border between Turkey and Iraq to find her brother who had been sent to Turkey for treatment.
Babam Büfe